Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-11-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #74: November 6th, 1996 - La Scala's Magic! 🩰💖🇮🇹

Ciao Bella!

It’s Emma from Pink Tutu Milan, and this week’s blog post is brimming with the vibrant colours of Milan! After a whirlwind week of rehearsals, classes and exploring hidden corners of the city, I'm absolutely buzzing to share my latest adventures with you all! This week has been a real feast for the senses – delicious Italian food, vibrant art, and breathtaking ballet performances that have left me absolutely mesmerised. Let me take you on a journey through my fabulous Milanese week!

From Derbyshire to La Scala:

Before we dive into all the magic, let's rewind the clock a little. As some of you know, I'm a proud Derbyshire girl, but I've traded in the Peak District's rugged charm for the cosmopolitan glamour of Milan! I left the English countryside earlier this week, bidding farewell to my lovely family, but knowing I was heading to a city where my heart truly beats – Milan, the capital of fashion, art and, yes, even ballet!

The Power of the Tutu:

Since I first donned my beloved pink tutu as a tiny tot, it’s been more than just a piece of clothing; it’s become my personal statement of empowerment and creativity. It embodies my love for dance, my flair for the theatrical, and my unwavering belief in making the world a brighter place, one pink tutu at a time! It’s funny how people react to my signature look, but there’s no denying, it definitely gets heads turning! Even amongst the effortlessly chic Milanese style, the Pink Tutu definitely stands out, like a vibrant burst of energy against a backdrop of timeless elegance!

Milan, The Fashion Paradise:

I always say, the best thing about travelling as a dancer is that it allows me to dive deep into the fabric of a city – literally! Milan is a wonderland of fabric shops, each more luxurious and colourful than the last. I’ve lost myself in alleys overflowing with rich silks, shimmering satins and the softest cashmere imaginable! Shopping here is a sensory experience! I managed to snag a beautiful silk scarf – a stunning blend of deep sapphire and emerald, and of course, a gorgeous new pair of shoes – I’m particularly smitten with a pair of delicate ballet pumps with pearl detailing that sparkle like the stars themselves. They're going to look perfect with my upcoming ballet performance.

A Toast to Culture:

I always believe a true journey isn't just about visiting sights; it's about immersing oneself in the culture of the city. And this week in Milan, culture was served up on a silver platter. I took a day trip to the breathtaking Duomo – that magnificent Gothic cathedral with intricate sculptures and stained-glass windows that simply take your breath away. Then, a delightful walk through the sprawling Navigli district – its charming canals, bustling markets, and cobbled streets made me feel like I’d stepped into a scene straight out of a Renaissance painting!

Dancing with the Stars:

The highlight of this week, of course, was my visit to the legendary Teatro alla Scala! I was fortunate enough to catch a performance of "Swan Lake," a ballet classic I’ve adored ever since I was a little girl. Watching the graceful ballerinas and the power of the dancers transported me to another world. I found myself absolutely captivated, lost in the ethereal beauty and raw emotion of the performance. You know those moments that leave you feeling speechless, completely transported, with tears welling in your eyes? That's exactly what "Swan Lake" at La Scala did for me.

Finding Inspiration:

I've been so inspired by the incredible talent on stage at La Scala! There's so much raw passion and dedication to the craft. It makes me feel even more motivated to refine my own skills, and I can't wait to bring that inspiration to my own performances and classes back home in Derbyshire. Maybe I'll even incorporate a little bit of Italian flair into my choreography – a touch of the fiery, the passionate, the romantic – like something out of the enchanting world of "Swan Lake!"

The Power of Pink:

Oh, and you know how I just love a splash of pink wherever I go! So, guess what I spotted amongst all the stunning fashion and culture in Milan? The most vibrant, delicious, melt-in-your-mouth gelato, and guess what colour it was?! Yup, a beautiful, blush-pink shade! It was like a little symphony of textures and flavours, with delicate hints of strawberry and rose. I swear, it even danced on my tongue! I might have even taken a tiny photo of my ice cream (without spilling any of course) and posted it on my Instagram, adding a cute little #PinkTutuMilan caption – because every moment of my life is an adventure worthy of sharing!

From the Stage to the Tram:

In Milan, I found myself rediscovering the magic of public transport – something that often gets overlooked when we’re so fixated on cars. The city's iconic tram network is just enchanting – like a vintage tapestry woven through the heart of Milan. I absolutely adore riding these little carriages, feeling the breeze on my face and watching the city unfold in front of me. I always feel like a true local when I'm aboard a Milanese tram. You can often catch me gazing out the window, lost in thought about the ballet I just saw, or a beautiful outfit I want to try on for my next show, but of course, my mind is always flitting between my ballet dreams and that Pink Tutu dream, hoping to spread a bit of pink magic along the way.

A Day in the Life:

Now, to give you a glimpse into my daily life here, I usually start my mornings with a quick cup of strong Italian espresso (just like the locals!) before heading out to ballet rehearsals or workshops. There’s nothing quite like stretching my muscles and flowing through movements with my fellow dancers – the sense of community, the sheer joy of expression – it’s truly exhilarating! In the afternoon, you can often find me wandering through Milan’s captivating streets, taking in the atmosphere and sketching inspiration for my next Pink Tutu project! I do love sketching, and you might just catch me sketching a beautiful pink dress to go with my pink tutu!

A Heart full of Milan:

I’m feeling truly inspired by Milan! I've got a million and one ideas swirling around in my head. Maybe it's the magic of La Scala, the intoxicating scents of the Italian countryside or the breathtaking artistry all around me. Whatever it is, I know one thing – my creative juices are overflowing. This is the life for me! It’s all about chasing dreams, following my heart and embracing the joy of it all. If there’s one thing I've learned this week, it's that life is about finding your own personal style, chasing your passions, and sharing your light with the world – all with a smile, a twinkle in your eye, and maybe a hint of pink, of course!

So, to all my pink tutu enthusiasts and fellow ballet lovers – I leave you with a little piece of Milan’s magic, sprinkled with a touch of my Pink Tutu charm! See you next week, with even more adventures to share. Until then, don't forget to dance your heart out!

Ciao for now,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-11-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia