Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-04-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #97 - A Whirlwind of Pink in Milan!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-clad blogger, beaming from sunny Milan! I'm a little late this week, you see, I got carried away with the sheer spectacle of this beautiful city! The romance of the architecture, the artistry of the street performances, and, of course, the absolute abundance of beautiful fashion, have left me positively starstruck.

As I write this, it's a beautiful Wednesday morning, the 16th of April, 1997. The sun is just peeking through the blinds, casting long shadows across my hotel room, which I might add is utterly charming! It’s got a balcony that overlooks a cobbled courtyard where, as I write, the sounds of life in Milan are just starting to rumble – laughter, music, the rumble of a passing Vespa.

You wouldn't believe how much I love exploring by tram. I feel like a character in a vintage film, especially when the morning sun catches the windows and illuminates the worn leather seats. Just yesterday, I was whisked across town in a flurry of pastel colours and floral patterns, a sea of brightly coloured fabrics that echoed the gorgeous fashions on display in every shop window. I had to try on an absolutely exquisite pale pink velvet coat at a boutique tucked away down a cobbled lane. Alas, it was not to be mine – it would have bankrupted me for a year – but it made me wish I could live life solely in silk and lace.

But speaking of bankrupts… let’s talk money! While I adore a bit of retail therapy, the fact remains that my dance card is always full – literally! My days are a blur of ballet class, performance dates, rehearsals, and a neverending whirlwind of research for the perfect costume for my next big gig. Every cent earned is poured back into my craft, which leaves me, shall we say, creatively motivated to think outside the box. Hence, you will find me busking on street corners to supplement my income and it has been such an incredible journey. Who knew you could learn so much from the bustle of the city?

Here in Milan, my inner ballerina finds her stride. You can find me strolling around town with my little pink ballet bag and pink sparkly trainers. Oh, and I might be tempted to whip out my mini portable CD player and twirl to some Tchaikovsky on a busy Piazza… What can I say? My passion runs deep! It’s like a beautiful ballerina symphony!

And, of course, Milan is a city overflowing with music. Yesterday, I found myself completely captivated by a troupe of street dancers. They were executing flips and pirouettes on the steps of a stunning medieval cathedral. There was a playful tension in the air as the group riffed off each other, their energy bursting into a symphony of movement and expression. A few euro notes, a smattering of applause and a little chat with the lead dancer left me feeling like I'd been gifted a mini dance lesson. It reminded me of the importance of community, of finding your voice in the shared language of art and music.

Speaking of performances, this week I saw a stunning contemporary ballet at the Teatro alla Scala. The choreography was just divine - bold and breathtaking - with movements that unfolded like whispered secrets. The theatre itself is something else, my dears. A palace of pink marble and gilt, every detail designed to enchant. And guess who sat next to me? The most dapper Italian gentleman, clad in a velvet smoking jacket. Of course, he was intrigued by my pink tutu. It’s amazing how much a bit of pink can break the ice. Let’s face it, he couldn’t stop looking at me, bless him!

Now, I've already mentioned how utterly infatuated I am with Milan’s fashion scene. There's something incredibly alluring about the juxtaposition of classical architecture and cutting-edge design. One moment you might be wandering past a towering gothic cathedral, the next you're lost in a maze of trendy boutiques brimming with exquisitely crafted clothing. The colours, textures, and shapes are pure art, constantly inspiring me to inject more individuality and boldness into my own wardrobe. I am so lucky to live in a time where creativity is cherished, where self-expression is celebrated in every fibre of fabric.

So, how do I cope with the overwhelming beauty? My pink tutu is, of course, my magic shield! It's my passport to a world where I can dance in the streets, explore a vibrant cityscape, and embrace the joy of creative expression, all while remaining true to my whimsical style.

Don't forget, darling, life's a dance, and I hope you're all twirling to your own unique tune! Now, back to the tango of the bustling city!

Keep twirling!


Emma xoxo

P.S. Don't forget to check out on Mondays for a new post!

P.P.S. What's your favourite thing about Milan? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

P.P.P.S. You wouldn't believe it! I'm off to London next week! I have some absolutely amazing gigs lined up, and of course, a plethora of London fashion shops to plunder. Let's hope it lives up to my Parisian experiences from a couple of years ago. Don't worry, darling, I will update you on my every sartorial and dance-related experience. So stay tuned and, as always, keep twirling!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-04-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia