Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-12-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #132: A Week of Whimsy in the Fashion Capital

Ciao bellas! It's Emma, your Pink Tutu princess, reporting live from Milan, Italy! This week's adventures have been a dazzling kaleidoscope of fashion, ballet, and… more pink than you can shake a sequined stick at!

The Pink Princess in the City of Style

Milan! The very name evokes images of high fashion, sleek designs, and those killer stiletto heels I've been eyeing up for months. I mean, can you believe it's almost Christmas?! The festive lights are twinkling, and the shops are bursting with tempting treasures. I, of course, had to add a little Pink Tutu sparkle to the festivities. Just imagine me, twirling through the cobbled streets in a brand new cherry blossom pink tutu, a matching beret perched on my head. Talk about a showstopper!

Speaking of shows, let me tell you, the Teatro alla Scala was divine! I'd booked tickets ages ago for the season opener, and it was worth every penny! The sheer opulence of the theatre, the soaring music, the breathtaking choreography – I was simply spellbound! I even had a little pre-show chinwag with a local ballerina – her tutu was an exquisite midnight blue, a true contrast to my blushing pink – and it's got me thinking about branching out. Dare I say, a splash of navy? Hmm, perhaps!

Pink-tastic Ballet in Milan

You know, one of the best things about Milan is its incredible ballet scene! I'm taking class at a delightful studio just a hop and a skip from the Duomo – and believe me, a girl's gotta stay nimble. The teachers are incredibly inspiring and the dancers, well, they're just phenomenal! They have that certain Milanese chic – elegance with a touch of sassy swagger. And their pink tutus, let's just say they were a definite inspiration! It’s not just the classes though, the sheer variety of performances in the city is truly remarkable. From the grandeur of La Scala to intimate performances at smaller venues, Milan has something for every ballerina at heart!

Trams and Trains and Tasty Treats

One of my favourite things about this city is how easy it is to navigate. Trams and trains, those trusty yellow carriages that crisscross the streets like magical threads, make exploring such a joy. And it doesn't stop there. You can wander for hours and still discover hidden treasures around every corner: from bustling street markets to cosy cafés serving the most incredible gelato I've ever tasted. Speaking of tasty treats, the pasta! Oh, the pasta! From delicate ravioli to chunky pappardelle, each dish has been a culinary adventure. This time I had the most decadent spaghetti alle vongole – the fresh clams melted in my mouth and I dreamt of them for the next two nights.

A Fashion Lover's Paradise

Now, where was I? Ah, yes! Fashion! It would be impossible to talk about Milan without a touch of fashion fever! This city is truly a fashionista's paradise, a wonderland of colour and design! My favourite finds? Well, aside from that divine cherry blossom pink tutu I mentioned (yes, it's staying with me!), a pair of sassy fuchsia platform shoes - just the thing for all the strutting and posing – and a vintage polka dot dress with a splash of pink trim! I have to admit, the Italian aesthetic has rubbed off on me, so my little suitcase is overflowing with vibrant, eclectic goodies. And believe me, the whole experience is a real inspiration for my future designs, more about that soon!

Milan: A Pink-Tastic Journey

Overall, this week has been absolutely magical! Milan is truly a city that whispers of elegance and passion, a symphony of colour and culture, and I can’t wait to see what adventures tomorrow holds. Perhaps a trip to the Prada museum, a little more ballet magic, or even a little vintage shopping - why not, a girl's got to treat herself. Remember to subscribe to and follow my adventures in the world of ballet and fashion! See you next week, you beautiful butterflies!

PS. I'm on the hunt for new, pink tutu designs for my performances this season. Any ideas, bellas? Hit me up with your thoughts on!

PPS. Have a truly happy Christmas, darling! May your stockings overflow with sparkles and happiness.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-12-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia