Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-01-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #187 (January 6th 1999) - A Fairy-Tale City and a Dash of Romance

Ciao bella! Well, hello there darling readers! Emma here, back from the most enchanting visit to Milan, ready to fill you in on my adventures from the land of exquisite fashion and stunning architecture. It's a good thing I'm writing my blog this week from a delightful café filled with the aroma of strong Italian coffee and fresh pastries because frankly, my mind is still reeling from all the beauty and sparkle that Milan showered upon me! As you know, I've been busy making a bit of a whirlwind tour around the continent and with every journey, my love for Europe deepens!

Milan is such a heady mix, isn't it? Fashionable boutiques, grand historic buildings, hidden courtyards, breathtaking art galleries, charming little cafes where you can people-watch with a cup of delicious coffee or hot chocolate, a fabulous selection of charming boutiques - oh, it really does tick all my boxes!

I felt instantly charmed by this magnificent city - the Milanese, I noticed, exude a quiet confidence, a nonchalant air of elegance and sophistication. And that infectious enthusiasm they have for the good life is incredibly appealing.

A Pink Tutu Milan Symphony

Let's get the essentials out of the way shall we? I landed at Milan’s Malpensa Airport, grabbed my trusty trolley and suitcase and, to my surprise, the local train took me straight to the heart of the city in just a short hop and skip! It's hard to tell, darling, but the railway system here in Italy is frankly a total triumph - you see why this was one of the first destinations I dreamed of visiting when I finally decided to leave the confines of lovely, quaint, Derbyshire? I feel so fortunate to be living my dreams by taking the most sensational, utterly inspiring ballet trips!

The pink tutu was essential of course! I know I say this a lot but honestly, darling, when you're travelling it truly is the most perfect travelling accessory. It can easily go with any outfit, making you look glamorous yet practical. I packed several pairs of sparkly shoes because my favourite pink tutu always has me in the mood for dancing and, wouldn't you know it, Milan has some of the most wonderful dance schools and even the most breathtaking, historical theatres in Europe! I was lucky enough to catch two ballet performances while I was there!

The Teatro alla Scala

Can you imagine being at The Teatro alla Scala in Milan?! It's known for being one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world and to be honest, it more than lived up to its expectations! The atmosphere inside was a pure thrill! There's a real sense of history as soon as you walk through the doors, it feels as if you've stepped into a timeless work of art. I had my pink tutu on under my best ballgown of course - how else to celebrate such a magnificent theatre, darlings? You're either with me, or against me in this!

The actual opera house, the auditorium, is exquisite! The colours, the gold-leaf details - I had goosebumps! It really was quite the dazzling, unforgettable spectacle! The first opera I went to was Verdi’s "Aida" and even though I didn’t speak Italian, it was a thrilling, mesmerising evening!

I sat in the first row of the theatre, close enough to the stage to practically smell the dancers! Well, you've got to give me some glamour!

My second opera was Mozart’s "Don Giovanni", and it was equally exquisite, leaving me quite spellbound - just a sheer joy to experience the work of this genius - how lucky are we to live in such a vibrant, artistically flourishing time?

Now that was pure Milan magic, darling, the way the singers' voices soared through the grand, opulent hall - you felt it in your bones, it was breathtaking!

After a couple of performances in this utterly amazing, breathtaking hall, it really has me wanting to start an evening opera-ballet routine of my own - you'd be seeing a new me by the year 2000 darling!

Milan Ballet

The city was buzzing with other ballet schools as well and I couldn't resist taking a class or two. There were dance studios all over the place, from a delightful boutique school tucked away down a cobbled street to more serious institutions with impressive glass frontages that had me in awe! Milan’s balletic talent pool really is impressive - in class, you had to step up your game - and this is no exaggeration - or the talented instructors will soon take note.

It felt incredible to step out of a gorgeous, classic theatre like the Teatro alla Scala and right into an inviting, friendly ballet school like the Milano Dance Centre. You have to keep those legs warm darling, and Milan is quite cold in January. There’s nothing quite like a lovely hot cup of herbal tea, or coffee afterwards to warm up and have a natter with the dancers! It felt incredible to feel connected with people who shared this beautiful passion of dance - that’s one of the absolute joys of this whole ballet life!

I have to tell you - the quality of dancing here is fantastic! The instructors were some of the best I have encountered on my travels so far! They have this really high standard and they work with you in an incredibly precise, encouraging and supportive way! A little pressure on a Tuesday evening! Nothing some Italian pasta, followed by some strong espresso can't sort out, darling!

The Duomo: The heart of Milan

Of course, no visit to Milan is complete without seeing the stunning Duomo - Milan's Cathedral. Oh darling! You truly need to experience the Duomo in person! It is a sheer delight! I have to tell you, the first glimpse of the building's spectacular white facade took my breath away! The scale of this exquisite building is really something! This is Italian craftsmanship at its best.

What truly struck me was its elaborate beauty! It’s this unique blend of Gothic and Renaissance architectural style - all of these incredibly detailed gargoyles and sculptures, spires soaring into the clouds. You can really see it takes the breath away! I could see it standing majestically in the Piazza Duomo, as if guarding this area - a magnificent work of art for all to admire and experience!

Then of course, there was the breathtaking Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - a magnificent glass-covered shopping arcade which also has its roots in a bygone era! I must say the beauty and scale of it never cease to amaze! You truly are at the heart of Milan in this stunning galleria. All the best designer names were there - and honestly, I almost had a heart attack! I wanted to buy everything but that’s just so very, very wrong - for now, let’s save all that, darling! I'll be getting around to that soon! I just had to get some of the local, Italian delicatessen products - they make fantastic Parmesan cheese here. Some exquisite salami - I was so overwhelmed by all the fabulous products I ended up spending my day wandering the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. I’m glad I managed to get some amazing snaps as well because honestly darling, this truly is one of those incredible places you just want to relive the memory through your photos over and over!

The city's historical significance really stood out! You are met by evidence of that beauty at every turn. It was like opening a book in every historic building! I found myself taking so many pictures in Milan! I just had to remember every detail from the ancient Roman ruins in the Porta Romana neighborhood, to the castle-like Castello Sforzesco to those incredible, stunning renaissance churches!

I was lucky to see some beautiful sculptures at the Pinacoteca di Brera - my favourite sculpture was "The Kiss" by Antonio Canova - such romance and tenderness, the way his artwork captured that feeling - it was pure magic. It made me want to move a little closer to the romantic spirit of Italy! My journey through art continued in Milan’s fascinating Museo Poldi Pezzoli where there were exquisite examples of Florentine Renaissance masterpieces on display - there's so much to explore here in Milan. The historical art really brought the whole city alive for me! I always find myself looking back into the history of an area to understand where we are and how we got here!

Eating and Shopping and a bit of Milan’s Soul!

Milan is just brimming with stylish stores! The boutique streets are full of clothes and handbags with some real timeless pieces and the more out-there fashion trends. I always make time for some fantastic fashion shops - they seem to have a strong focus on unique Italian designs and let me tell you, I did treat myself to a new pink leather jacket with some fantastic sequins. Milan really did tempt me! All the while keeping up the energy levels on fabulous pasta!

Oh darling! I also found some fabulous designer bags at the Corso Buenos Aires! How divine! But did I mention, all that fashion was a bit of a distraction from the amazing local Italian cuisine. My advice darling is try everything from pasta with truffles to Milan’s infamous “Ossobuco,” a tender braised veal shank - it is really good but a little more on the richer side for me!

A little Pink Tutu Tip

It can get quite chilly in Milan in January so darling don't forget to wrap up warm. You’re in good hands! Just pop a fluffy pink scarf over your tutu and you'll feel warm and glam!

I made a visit to Milan's Botanical Garden which is such a lovely, restful space in the heart of the city - A true sanctuary from the busy city - especially with all the holiday shopping going on around Christmas! You could almost forget that Milan is this international city for business. I always think, “Where's my pink tutu in a relaxing moment like this? Where’s my fabulous hair-style?" But then it dawns on me - the simple elegance is more important at times like this.

This beautiful botanical garden was established by Napoleon in 1806 - he definitely has great taste in parks. It really makes me think of the beautiful flower gardens my great grandma kept - the flowers there were just gorgeous - an inspirational reminder for me! And don’t forget Milan has its fair share of beautiful gardens so grab a hot drink, a picnic, a magazine or a book - just relax.

### Farewell Milan for Now

Milan darling - it’s a place I feel I’ll be coming back to often! You just never know what’s going to inspire you in this city. I hope I’ve managed to give you a little flavour of Milan. There are so many more things I could tell you about it, like how many opera houses I could have seen if I had all the time in the world and where the best restaurants are - that could keep us busy, darling, for years to come! It has the power to stir the senses and inspire a passion in the heart, just like the music of an opera, or the performance of a grand ballet.

It truly has me aching to slip on my trusty pink tutu again and discover more magical places! The beauty, glamour and cultural depth of Italy will never cease to astound me - it truly does have a special magic! If I’m completely honest, darling, it really is so special to travel, especially to a destination with so many layers like Milan! You know when a city inspires you in a way that touches every facet of you - it really is magic.

For now darling, my love for Milan will be simmering, just like the amazing aroma of that fantastic Italian coffee! But remember, I post once a week on a Monday - next week darling we're going to head to…* I let you in on that little secret next week - there will be more to explore and uncover and lots more pink tutu magic in store - until then darling! xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-01-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia