Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-01-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #189 - Ciao Bella! A Whirlwind Wednesday in Milano

Buongiorno, darling readers! It's Emma, your resident Pink Tutu devotee, reporting live from the magnificent city of Milano, Italy! This week, the sunshine's been dazzling, the air filled with the aroma of freshly baked pastries and the sound of chatter in a symphony of Italian tongues - what a delightful day to be in Milano!

Before I spill all the juicy details about my latest adventures, a little update on Pink Tutu life - remember I mentioned last week that I'd be doing a special ballet performance at a charming little theatre in the Derbyshire countryside? Well, the show was an absolute triumph! The audience loved the choreography, and the venue was positively dripping with charm - it was a real fairytale performance in a quaint village hall setting. You can bet your bottom dollar that pink tutus were the star of the show - we definitely added a splash of colour to the village!

I have to admit, after my whirlwind Derbyshire performance, coming to Milan feels like I've stepped straight into another world. Milan's vibe is fast-paced and full of stylish, exciting energy. Think haute couture, luxury shops, buzzing cafes, and oh, those breathtaking Duomo spires piercing the azure sky!

I kicked off Wednesday morning with a little tram ride through the city's winding streets. The sunshine streaming through the tram windows painted the cityscape with golden light, illuminating every detail with a vibrant sheen - it's such a visual feast.

This time, my tram journey wasn't just for the picturesque scenery; I was on a mission. My beloved tutu needed some TLC and a refresh after the whirlwind of travelling and performances. You see, a pink tutu needs special attention, and Milan, a city known for its unparalleled fashion prowess, is a fabulous destination for a tutu makeover.

After my first stop - a hidden treasure of a little tailor shop nestled away in the quieter lanes of the city centre - my trusty tutu was sparkling like a new penny. The lovely signora behind the counter, her hair styled in a chic bob, had a genuine smile and a twinkle in her eye as she handed it back to me. "Bella," she murmured as I left, giving my tutu a gentle pat. The signora reminded me of my own Nonnie, who used to tell me that you can always tell a lot about someone by their shoes. Perhaps she thought I had excellent taste in footwear - even if it was actually a magnificent, perfectly-repaired, and beautifully fluffed-up pink tutu.

Feeling invigorated, my stomach starting grumbling with a fierce urgency. Milan, you see, is not just about haute couture and fabulous architecture; it's a paradise for those with a discerning palate.

Now, I confess, I'm a sucker for a classic cappuccino in the morning. In Milan, the cappuccino comes served with a heart-shaped foam swirl, topped with a sprinkling of cinnamon. Talk about starting your day on the right note! But my real treat, the culinary masterpiece that made my day - was the pasta I discovered for lunch. I can't even begin to explain how utterly divine it was! It was the freshest pasta, delicately cooked, swimming in a rich tomato sauce, studded with little bursts of sunshiney flavour. I had a hearty serving and finished it all off - and every single mouthful was like a culinary adventure!

Feeling energized and well-fed, my next destination was La Scala - the majestic opera house, a Milanese landmark that I've been itching to see for ages. There was an incredible performance by the famous Teatro alla Scala Orchestra on tonight's schedule, and I wasn't about to miss it!

Before I head off to experience the magic of La Scala, let's talk fashion - because Milan is all about style!

While my current passion is definitely the pink tutu (which has been a faithful companion through countless adventures), I love exploring Milan's stylish boutiques. I discovered a vintage boutique yesterday that is bursting with Parisian elegance - delicate lace, pastel-hued silks, and antique jewelry that feels like it's whispering secrets from a bygone era. I'll be returning soon - I have a feeling a vintage frock or two will be coming home with me.

After La Scala, my senses tingling with the intoxicating sounds of classical music, my evening culminated with a delightful surprise - I happened to stumble upon a little "balletto di strada" performance on the cobbled streets near the Duomo. A group of local dancers were gathered on the bustling Piazza della Scala - their lithe forms were gracefully interpreting a ballet in a whimsical blend of classical movements and contemporary style. I could have watched them dance all night. There was magic in the way the dancers’ limbs moved with fluid precision, the grace of their movements enthralled everyone gathered there. There were children watching, with wide-eyed wonder, their little hands clapping in delight; young couples swaying in time with the music, and older passersby with knowing smiles, nodding their appreciation.

That is the beauty of dance - it is a language that transcends borders, languages, and cultural differences. It unites us through the art of telling stories with the human body - it's beautiful, expressive, and powerfully universal.

And it's precisely the same reason that I started Pink Tutu.

My dream has always been to show the world the beauty of dance, especially ballet. It's more than just graceful moves on a stage; it's about joy, freedom, expression, and the powerful connection it brings between the dancers and the audience. Every performance I give, every street dance, every workshop I teach is about making the world a little bit more pink and twirly.

It’s getting late, and the beautiful melody of Milan's evening chatter is drifting up from the street. I must call it a night.

Until next week, stay sparkling, darling readers, and remember - wear pink!

xx, Emma, The Pink Tutu Blogger

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-01-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia