Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-06-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #208: A Whirlwind Wednesday in the City of Fashion

Ciao, darling tutu-lovers! It's Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-clad ballerina, reporting live from the fabulous city of Milan! I’m perched precariously on my vintage armchair in my adorable little B&B overlooking the bustling streets – you know, the one with the gorgeous floral balcony I told you about last week? Well, this week I’m not just taking in the view, I’m also sharing a whirlwind Wednesday of adventures, fuelled by a generous serving of Italian sunshine and, of course, plenty of pink!

As usual, this week’s Milan adventure was funded by a fabulous weekend of performances back in Derbyshire – nothing beats the energy of sharing your passion with an audience, especially when they leave with huge smiles and sparkling eyes!

It's a well-known fact that I simply adore the iconic image of the "ballerina en pointe", all those beautifully flowing lines of elegance and strength. The ballet class in the mornings has been my staple activity in Milan, and with this lovely view from my B&B room window, I can really indulge my love of elegant lines and whimsical flourishes - the streets just seem to dance around me. And who can resist the charm of a little window shopping while you sip a strong Italian cappuccino? I think I have already spent a small fortune in charming little boutiques selling exquisitely made ballet shoes!

After a deliciously decadent breakfast – oh, the Italians know how to start the day! – I embarked on a tour of Milan’s architectural masterpieces. You’ve got to love those grand old churches, their ornate details begging for a little exploration. Honestly, it’s like stepping into a page from an ancient fairytale! I even managed to sneak in a little impromptu ballet performance by the side of the Duomo, just for the sheer fun of it. (Sorry to the tourists, but you know, a girl's gotta twirl!)

My afternoon was all about the magic of the theatre, but first I had to embrace the heart of Milan: its famous Fashion Quarter! You could say, it's practically an extension of the stage to a ballerina! All those gorgeous textures and patterns, each telling its own story. Of course, I had to grab a pink scarf at least! (Think, oh, a gorgeous, almost electric, shade of pink, with just a hint of cherry red… a very Italian shade indeed!) I simply couldn't resist, especially when I spied the most amazing silk scarf adorned with tiny sequined ballet shoes – it will be absolutely perfect on a dark stage for a finale performance.

Milan’s theatre scene, oh my! There’s a show for everyone, from grand operas to thrilling contemporary ballets. I popped over to the Teatro alla Scala this evening – the acoustics are incredible, like pure, musical magic! The sheer size of it makes it seem like a vast cathedral for performance, with so much history and tradition whispering from the very walls. It reminded me, though, of the excitement I always feel at the start of a performance! That frisson of nerves as the curtain rises. It’s always amazing when the world dissolves into the lights and the sounds of a live orchestra.

As for tonight’s show, oh it was glorious. The ballerina's performance was, well, divine, with such incredible movement. The choreographer seemed to be born to interpret every story within every turn and every step. Honestly, it made me feel like I could fly, which I do, kind of, en pointe, but just a bit closer to the ground, and certainly not like that. You just never know, maybe, one day! I dream big…

Of course, no day in Milan is complete without a spot of dolce vita, or shall we say, dolce dessert! That evening I found myself wandering the romantic lanes near the Teatro alla Scala, where a tantalising whiff of baking wafted from a little bakery called "La Dolceria”. It had to be destiny, really. The creamy goodness of a decadent Tiramisu was just the perfect ending to my whirlwind Wednesday in Milan.

So there you have it, darlings, my Milan musings for the week! If you’re planning a trip to this magnificent city, be sure to remember to keep an eye out for pink tutus – I am, of course, the ultimate walking advertisement for them! I will never stop believing that a pink tutu can brighten up any day! It makes life more magical and gives even the dreariest day a dose of delightful whimsy! Oh, and of course, don't forget to subscribe to my blog and check in every week. It's the pink-est of pink promise that your weekly dose of ballerina brilliance will be right here, on, every single Monday! Until next week!

P.S: For a bit of backstage fun and, oh yes, more pink, you’re invited to visit my Instagram account. It’s a little place to share a glimpse of what’s happening beyond my weekly blog post! We can chat, you can share your stories, and we can laugh along together! Just search for “pinktutuemma”!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-06-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia