Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-09-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #221

Ciao Bella!

Well, here I am, in fabulous Milano, the capital of Italian fashion, the home of La Scala, and a haven for a pink tutu-loving ballerina like myself! This week marks my first trip to Italy, and I can already feel my creativity blossoming like a rose in springtime!

My journey started in good ol' Derbyshire, where I boarded a sleek, scarlet-red train with my ballet bag and my trusty pink tutu, ready for adventure! I have to say, my Tutu travels really bring out the fashionista in me. My favourite part is choosing an outfit that’s a perfect blend of chic and practical.

The train journey to London felt like stepping back into time – the old carriages, the quaint little stations, all making for a really magical atmosphere. In London, I hopped on the Eurostar – what an exciting moment, seeing that shiny, silver bullet train pulling up at St. Pancras International! Then, I was whisked away, with the whizz and the whoosh of the journey, to Paris, for a short hop, just long enough for a quick baguette and a spot of window shopping in the boutiques of Saint-Germain-des-Prés! It was heavenly!

Then came Milan!

I landed in Malpensa Airport, which felt so different from our little airport back home. It was like entering a world of chic glamour with its sleek marble floors and its dramatic archways. It’s always a joy, as a ballerina, to experience these kinds of new sights.

Once in the city, I decided to treat myself to the city's famous tram system. I found myself navigating the charming narrow streets with its elegant architecture, in the city’s most stylish tram. I couldn’t resist the urge to capture the picturesque scenery with a couple of Instagram snaps!

The Pink Tutu at La Scala

So, what is a ballet-mad girl to do in the heart of opera and ballet, but visit Teatro alla Scala? The very first thing I did upon arrival was head over to the Teatro alla Scala, my absolute favourite theatre in the world. The majestic building itself is a masterpiece! It's elegant, ornate, and so monumental in scale – just the perfect place to showcase all the artistry of classic Italian ballet. I spent a good few hours simply gazing at the neoclassical architecture and the intricate details, a symphony of glorious marble and gilded decorations.

After visiting the Teatro, it was time to hit the streets of Milano. And I'm here to tell you, this city is absolutely overflowing with fashion! From the glamorous boutiques of Via Montenapoleone, where even a glimpse into the shop window can give you a fashion high, to the quirky independent stores tucked away in the quieter lanes, this city offers a shopping experience that truly speaks to my inner diva! I’m pretty sure my debit card took a major hit this week!

Milan is also a foodie's paradise! And being an active ballerina, it’s always important to fuel your body! My pink tutu would not be so bright without the delicious Italian pastries and artisanal pasta dishes that I indulged in. They really do have a way with making even the simplest food taste exquisite!

This week’s blog, being my first Milan one, would be incomplete without telling you a bit about the city. Milan’s past has been shaped by powerful artists and renowned artisans. From the majestic Duomo, standing proudly against the sky, to the serene Sforza Castle, with its charming cobbled courtyard, you can truly feel the history coming to life at every turn.

Speaking of the Duomo, one of its most notable features is the immense rooftop offering breathtaking views of the city. And yes, I know you are asking, did I take my tutu? Of course, I did. What better way to take in this view than from the rooftop in all my pink glory! It made for some spectacular Instagram snaps, trust me!

The city is buzzing with vibrant street life and an incredible mix of people, all with their own unique flair and style. I can’t help but think, this is the perfect environment to spread the message of the pink tutu! Imagine if all the Milanese ladies had a pink tutu as their signature accessory. The city would simply sparkle!

I don't know about you, but when I travel, one thing that always makes the trip special is encountering inspiring, creative people. This week, I met this brilliant local artisan named Luca. Luca's passion for making exquisite handmade jewellery truly inspired me. We sat together in a little coffee shop, as he talked about his inspiration – a unique blend of history, craftsmanship, and passion. You know, it’s amazing how similar we are. My love for ballet is about that very same blend – artistry, tradition and dedication! And the joy he had in creating his jewellery truly resonated with my heart. It's amazing how much we can learn from each other by sharing our passion.

You see, my friends, that's what I love most about exploring new places – it gives me a chance to discover new aspects of myself and learn something new each day. It’s an exciting journey that reminds me that the world is a huge tapestry woven from unique and fascinating cultures.

Speaking of culture, I happened to be in Milan for one of its most popular events, the Festa del Vino. Now, as you might know, I am not one to turn down a good glass of wine! But this was no ordinary wine festival, dear friends!

There were wine tastings galore! I could have danced all night amongst the colourful stalls, the aroma of the grapes, the friendly faces of the locals, the joyful chatter and the sounds of traditional music. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, all while wearing my pink tutu, naturally!

The highlight of my week, however, came when I discovered this hidden ballet studio just off one of the main avenues. The moment I stepped inside, the entire room felt alive with energy and passion. It was as if a symphony of emotions began to fill the air as the dancers gracefully glided through their pliés, pirouettes, and jetés. There was something incredibly magical and captivating about witnessing these talented dancers move with such grace and elegance.

It's no secret that I have a deep love for all forms of dance. So, it’s almost inevitable that every time I find myself in a new city, I feel this strong pull to go find a ballet studio and experience a local class.

There, amidst the soft thuds of ballerina shoes against the smooth wooden floor, amidst the gentle swoosh of the dancers' tutus as they pirouette, I feel at home! It was simply breathtaking to see the fusion of passion and talent.

After all, we’re a global family, right, all those of us who share this passion? I think the message of Pink Tutu can resonate anywhere.

There’s something deeply magical about a pink tutu – a sense of light-heartedness, fun, and freedom.

In fact, my visit to that Milanese ballet studio made me realise how this message transcends borders, cultures, and languages. It's simply a universal language of grace, beauty, and joy.

That reminds me - the real beauty of Milan, just like its art and history, is in its people. I had a most delightful afternoon with Adriana and Valentina in Porta Romana, enjoying coffee and delicious pastries at the most charming little pasticceria nestled away on a narrow street. We exchanged stories about life in Milano and even, in my most rudimentary Italian, a few thoughts on dance!

Of course, the Italian hospitality is something truly remarkable. Everyone I met, from the charming local shop owners to the friendly taxi drivers, always greeted me with a smile and a "Ciao bella! " I have a feeling that, in this lovely city, people are always happy to spread a little sunshine and * joie de vivre. It’s like I was *wearing sunshine myself. After all, isn't that what life is about?

The Pink Tutu will return, however, I must be leaving for Paris on Saturday morning. My train journey is booked, my ballet bag is ready, and the pink tutu is waiting in my bag, ready to spin into the streets of Paris! Stay tuned to my blog for more Pink Tutu Travels and more updates from my adventures on my quest for global tutudom!

As ever, keep dancing,

Emma xxx

P.S. Don't forget to follow my blog for weekly updates and adventures at

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-09-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia