Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-09-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #224: La Dolce Vita, Tutus, and Trams!

Ciao bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, where this week the sunshine is shining, the gelato is calling, and my trusty pink tutu is ready for a whirl around the city! Today, as you all know, is Wednesday – that wonderful day of the week where the world just seems to whisper, "Go forth, dear Emma, and embrace all things delightful."

This week I've been living la dolce vita in Milan. If I'm honest, it feels like it's been one long, beautiful, pink-tutu-clad blur of fashion shows, stunning ballet performances, and more delicious pasta than my Derbyshire stomach has ever experienced. I wouldn't mind admitting that a little bit of prosecco has snuck into my days too, because let's face it, even a pink tutu deserves a touch of fizz!

Speaking of my tutu, I found the most darling vintage pink number at a little boutique hidden away in a side street near the Duomo. The tulle is incredibly soft, almost like a feather, and it has these beautiful little diamanté details that shimmer like stars in the afternoon sun. It's a perfect companion to my new silk blouse, also purchased in a delightful vintage store – and let's just say, I think it's going to be making many appearances in my upcoming posts. I just can't help it, I have a weakness for vintage charm and I'm rather delighted with my recent fashion finds.

And speaking of delights, last night, I had the absolute pleasure of watching La Scala's performance of "Giselle". Oh, my darling readers, the emotion, the precision, the ethereal grace – it took my breath away! And you wouldn't believe it – I managed to snag a seat in the front row. The thrill of being so close to the stage was intoxicating, and every intricate movement and delicate pirouette felt so close I could almost touch them. My little heart, always so easily moved, nearly skipped a beat when Giselle fell gracefully into Albrecht's embrace. I even found myself a bit teary-eyed!

I know what you're thinking: Emma, haven't you been in Italy for ages? It seems you haven't seen much beyond ballet! And you are absolutely right! But my love for this magnificent art form takes me wherever I go – that, and the magical, romantic air that hangs over this beautiful city! The other night, however, I ventured outside the theatre to discover a truly magical evening! It was just me, the city lights reflecting off the Naviglio Grande canals, and a lovely little family playing mandolins. They invited me to join in on their melody, and I, feeling utterly charmed, accepted. It was truly a unique Milanese moment. I don't think I could ever have anticipated such an enchanting evening of street music! It was an absolute delight!

This week in Milan, however, has also been about the excitement of everyday life. It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Milan post without a little bit of talk about food, darling.

Food for the Soul

I have found myself utterly enchanted with the way life in Milan revolves around the art of slow and delicious food. Take for instance the other day – I had lunch at the cutest little cafe tucked away behind the Duomo. It was called "La Buchetta" and served up the most mouth-watering bruschetta and pasta I've ever had. Everything was perfectly seasoned and presented. The atmosphere was absolutely delightful and reminded me of a lovely English tearoom with a French touch. The waiters were wonderfully charming and kept me entertained with their witty banter and endless Italian charm.

Oh, and speaking of "slow," that really encapsulates what I love most about the city! It's not a rush here; it's a slow, delicious savour of life, starting with breakfast. A cafe espresso or a cup of Italian coffee is the most perfect way to begin your day. And if you're looking for the ultimate sweet treat, I'd have to recommend the famous Panettone, a delectable bread-like cake with candied fruit and raisins, and of course, tiramisu – just make sure you have a strong cuppa after a helping of that sugary heaven!

Let's Talk Trams!

One of the absolute highlights of my week in Milan has been the trams. There is just something utterly charming about riding through the city on those old fashioned red and cream coloured beauties, which were so well maintained, and always on time.

I particularly enjoy the view from the upper deck of the tram. It feels like you are above the world looking down, like a little princess gazing upon her kingdom! I was very fortunate to capture a truly enchanting tram scene the other day while riding past the beautiful Santa Maria delle Grazie – the one with Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper"! The soft light of the setting sun, catching the terracotta roof tiles, and the reflection of the canal water sparkling in the golden light, oh it was absolutely exquisite! I snapped some shots for the Pink Tutu archives of course – a bit of my Milan for you to enjoy later!

You may think I’m being a bit cheesy about the trams – they are really quite commonplace in Italy! However, what is special, and what continues to charm me about Milan, is the slow pace, the feeling that you've gone back to an era of leisurely transport! The trams are like floating mini museums of yesteryear. There's an effortless grace and a sense of tranquility that sets Milan apart – an undeniable allure that pulls you in and makes you feel at home, even when you're a visitor like myself!

I spent much of last Saturday enjoying a lazy tram ride – actually, it wasn't so lazy because I made it into a very impromptu ballet performance. When I say impromptu, it was as impulsive as I could get! We had stopped outside one of the grand theatres in the city, I looked out the window, and my feet literally danced themselves across the tram floor, so I simply swung the doors open, popped on my tutu, and there I was! The other passengers must have been completely shocked, but one gentleman did give me a warm smile and clapped as I went. Let me tell you, it was all in good fun, and honestly, that one moment was worth the startled stares! It's those random acts of unexpected joy that truly make life interesting!

And speaking of random acts of joy...

The Colour of Pink and Ballet Performances

My dear readers, I have always maintained that a little bit of pink goes a long way – that's why I always ensure a bit of the colour makes its way into my outfits, even if I have to incorporate a pink flower or pink jewellery! My quest for the world to wear pink is well underway, and this trip to Milan has been no exception!

I decided that Milan is the ideal location to get all the Pink Tutu Ambassadors I can find to put on their favourite tutu, gather on a rooftop overlooking the city, and together, with an appropriate soundtrack of ballet music, all those Pink Tutu Ambassadors and I, will create a magical photo for my social media! You can imagine it – a symphony of colour as tutus twirl under the Milanese sky! I can already imagine all of us dancing, swirling in our tutus as the sunlight catches our sparkling costumes, and as the wind carries our infectious joy, bringing smiles to the faces of every passerby.

My quest for Pink Tutu Ambassadors, in fact, began this very week, when a group of friends and I – after an excellent spaghetti lunch at a tiny, quaint ristorante called "La Trattoria," where I discovered the tastiest artichoke and pesto pasta – went shopping for clothes. I was having a bit of a tutu crisis at the time, as I wanted the right shade of pink to compliment the newest edition to my ballerina collection. The group consisted of three other ballet fanatics who love to dance, wear pretty outfits, and were willing to try a Pink Tutu.

The vintage shops we were looking at were located in the vibrant district of Brera. It is home to amazing art galleries, charming cobbled streets, and some wonderful old buildings. One of those vintage shops is my favourite – "Vintage Paradise." As the name suggests, it's an absolute haven of beautiful clothes! It's packed full of vintage jewellery, gorgeous silk scarves and a wide array of unique dresses. This vintage haven truly feels like stepping into another era – full of elegant and classic styles! The owner was kind enough to let us try on clothes while we admired all the other delightful finds, but all our minds were focused on my pink tutu crisis!

With the help of these sweet ladies and the “Vintage Paradise” shop assistant – and to my enormous delight, we found the perfect shade of pink. The dress we bought matched the pink perfectly! We even managed to pick up some accessories! To add to my tutu obsession and the fun, we went down to the square and performed a few impromptu ballet routines with a rather surprised audience watching on! But honestly, everyone seemed delighted! I think it added some joy and unexpected magic to an already vibrant street scene. My friend Maria says I should post this on social media so that the Milan ballet dancers I follow get to see my performance – well, Maria, maybe that's for a later date! We need to work on it a bit, and besides, a little mystery never hurts.

Let’s get this pink-tutu journey back on track! My trip to Milan has really given me the opportunity to indulge in my passions: fashion, food, and dancing! However, let’s get down to brass tacks. My life isn’t all about travelling, even if I really, truly wish it were. I do love performing, especially for those who have less of an opportunity to see it. So my next trip is actually taking me to perform for a charity event at the end of this month, and my goal for this coming week is to write a beautiful piece of ballet to add to the routine I’m performing. It has to be the right combination of elegant moves, but full of powerful moments.

*On a lighter note – Here’s a Pink Tutu challenge! *

You know what, since we’re discussing the joys of colour, what are your favourite colours? Are you more of a pastel fan, like me? Or perhaps you prefer a bold pop of colour? I think I've made it quite clear that I love pink but let’s be real, any shade that’s associated with joy, laughter, and a bit of whimsy – especially when it involves tutus – always works for me. Now it’s your turn. Leave a comment on with your colour, and share your thoughts on the importance of colour in your own life. You can find out more about all my travels on my blog posts on I'm going to be doing a “Pink Tutu Challenge” later this week, so keep an eye out for a special update!

Till next time, dare to dream,

Your Pink Tutu ballerina,



If you happen to be in Milan on Wednesday, September 22nd, 1999 do take a peek into "The Gallery" in Brera, as there’s an exhibition happening there with work from some up-and-coming, and established artists who I think would appeal to my discerning Pink Tutu readers! A mix of avant-garde contemporary works, with the added bonus of a fabulous modern coffee house, will make this exhibition a must-see while you’re in town. Just a little Pink Tutu insider info – I’ll be dropping in later today, so who knows, perhaps we might see you there!

I hope you enjoyed this week's blog! Stay tuned for next week's exciting adventures with Pink Tutu. Ciao!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-09-22 ballet blog from Milano Italia