Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-11-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #233: Wednesday 24th November 1999

Ciao bella! Emma here, back in Milan again and what a glorious autumnal day it is here in the city! The leaves are all shades of amber and gold and the air is crisp with that autumnal, almost-winter nip in it that makes me just want to snuggle up in a thick cardigan and have a hot chocolate...with marshmallows, of course. This little fashionista is loving the whole autumnal vibe and I'm especially happy to be here in the fashion capital of the world to take in all the gorgeous colours, the intricate detailing, and the beautiful designs.

Today, however, I'm all about that pink. Because let's face it, every day is a good day for pink, isn't it?

Milan is buzzing, as it always is, but there's something extra special about this city at this time of year. The air is electric with the buzz of all the exciting new things coming out this winter season and there's a real sense of optimism and creativity everywhere you go.

Speaking of creativity, today I was off to the Teatro alla Scala for a delightful little rehearsal of Giselle and it's been absolutely captivating. Seeing those dancers move with such grace and power, it's enough to make even this old tutu-lover want to take to the stage myself! Just to try and capture that magic. But honestly, dear reader, those professionals? They are next-level! Their talent and dedication are an absolute inspiration. It's a wonderful thing, watching these dancers give life to this story through movement and music, to see that incredible connection between the dancers and their performance.

You might think ballet is an expensive passion, and you wouldn't be wrong! But you know what they say, "If you love something, you find a way." I've always found a way! My beautiful Derbyshire-bred talent (me! Well, if you'll excuse me, I like to pat myself on the back a little now and again) has allowed me to secure some fabulous gigs at local venues. And with the added delight of getting to travel, perform, see new places and shop 'til I drop (which, I have to admit, takes up most of my time here) is what keeps me motivated and fuelled. You've got to find something to love, haven't you?

Of course, all this touring requires an outfit that's going to take me from performance stage to tram to theatre in style! That's why I have the most perfect new pink-on-pink combination I absolutely love and that’s what I’m wearing today. My vintage pink silk scarf adds that little touch of "ooh la la," and my favourite pair of pink pumps are perfect for walking and dancing, not forgetting the finishing touches - my sparkly pink lipstick and nail polish that really adds that little bit of zing. And my fabulous, fluffy, feather boa - always essential. It adds that dash of theatricality to any outfit!

Anyway, back to my day!

After Giselle rehearsal, I grabbed a bite to eat in a little trattoria, oh how I love Italian food. Then it was time for the Duomo, my favourite place to simply sit, people watch, and admire the architecture. There is something really magical about this city; it makes me feel so inspired, and it’s just got me brimming with ideas! The other day, I had this thought for my new spring line of tutus! Can you imagine, dear readers, pastel colours, soft chiffons and flowing, almost diaphanous fabrics… with touches of silk and lace and, of course, ribbons! All perfect for waltzing around and getting ready to embrace those summer evenings! The colours, the designs - it just makes me giddy with excitement.

Speaking of shopping... Let's face it, the highlight of my day today is always a stroll around the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. I've never felt so inspired! This magnificent arcade, bursting with all the most amazing designer stores – a true palace for the discerning fashionista! Today, I treated myself to a gorgeous, oh-so-pretty new bag - bright pink, of course! Can you even imagine? Just me, strolling along with my shopping bag slung over my shoulder, feeling like a Parisian fashionista. (There is nothing better than a shopping spree!)

I'm planning to do some more exploring in the coming days, so keep an eye on my blog for all the latest updates! Oh! You know what's just occurred to me - this whole Milanese culture, you know the cobblestone streets, the charming piazzas, and all these grand buildings? It all makes me think of our good ol' English theatre and ballet scene and reminds me of a grand old play. It all just makes you want to twirl in a gorgeous pink tutu. Oh, what would life be without a little ballet?

Keep dancing!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1999-11-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia