Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-01-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Week 240 - A Fairy Tale in Milan!

Buongiorno, darling tutu-lovers!

It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind of a week in Milan! My trusty pink tutu and I are just about back on our feet after this magical trip. As you know, I'm a girl who believes in living out your fairytale dreams, and Milan, well, it just whispered that enchanting tune to me.

It all began with the most perfectly-timed ballet performance – The Nutcracker, no less! I got the chance to perform for the charming locals and they were utterly smitten. (As always, my pink tutu was a hit – it's an international language, I tell you!)

The stage lights were magical, the applause warmed my soul, and the energy in the theatre was electrifying. Afterwards, I couldn't help but stroll around the bustling heart of Milan – the Duomo! It was absolutely breathtaking.

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without a bit of retail therapy, and trust me, this city knows how to pamper a ballerina! I found the most stunning pair of ballet flats – shimmering pink, of course – and they were practically begging me to take them home. You'll be seeing a full outfit post about it soon, my darlings!

After all that excitement, it was time to wind down, and where else to do it than by the serene banks of the Navigli? It was simply charming. Think romantic canalside restaurants, charming cafes, and the perfect setting for some inspiration. As I watched the gondolas drift along, I started picturing a beautiful, ethereal ballet scene set right here! Now that's a project for the future, I think…

The following day, I woke up feeling fresh and ready for a spot of culture. I hopped on a bright yellow Milanese tram (you have no idea how much I love those!) and journeyed to the glorious Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. A kaleidoscope of light and art! The grand, majestic design made me feel like I was stepping back in time – I had to try a few pirouettes around the glittering mosaics! I don't know about you, but a bit of pirouette-ing never hurts, and it's a sure-fire way to inject a bit of magic into any day, especially in a city as beautiful as Milan!

And what was a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina like myself doing in Milan? Why, I had to see a live performance of Swan Lake at Teatro alla Scala, of course! It was simply breathtaking, a visual and emotional masterpiece. I found myself mesmerised by the story and the flawless dancing. Even though it was my third performance in less than 24 hours, it was worth every minute! It was an absolutely glorious way to end a truly magical week!

But what about you, my darling tutu-lovers? Do you have any favourite places in Milan or even in Italy? Do you have any plans to visit this wonderful city, or maybe even explore other ballet performances? Please tell me all about your plans in the comments section below!

And remember, my mission is to inspire the world to wear a pink tutu. It’s more than just a garment, it’s a feeling, an embodiment of creativity, joy, and empowerment. I want everyone to embrace the freedom and magic that a pink tutu brings. So go ahead, twirl, spin, and embrace your inner ballerina!

Don't forget to visit next Monday for more fashion, ballet, and travel inspiration from yours truly,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-01-12 ballet blog from Milano Italia