Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-05-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia

#PinkTutuMilan: Week 260 - Ciao Bella Milan! 🩰💖

Buongiorno bellissimo! It’s Wednesday, 31st May 2000, and guess where your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger is? You got it - Milan, darling! 🇮🇹

Let’s rewind for a sec. I’m currently on a little whistle-stop tour of Italy, funded by a couple of fab performances at the Royal Opera House back in Blighty. You wouldn’t believe the buzz around my rendition of ‘The Dying Swan’ – just me, my swan costume and the most exquisite rendition of the famous solo. A whole room of people in utter awe – the best feeling, honestly. I just adore getting out on the stage and sharing my passion for dance with everyone. 💖

So, here I am in Milano, the fashion capital of Italy (if not the world!). And of course, the city’s already working its magic on me. Even the tram journeys here are chic! (It’s the colour, darling! Can you tell I’m in love with pink?) Today, I was hopping onto the number 9 tram - and wow, this city really does understand pink. Imagine this - gorgeous pink tulips spilling out of old window boxes, pink-tinged sunshine glinting off the vintage buildings, and even the local mammas in pink flowery dresses pushing babies in pink buggies. Absolutely adorable! I, of course, made my way down to the station in my favourite pink tutu and pink Converse combo - it just screams Italian summer. 😉

Speaking of pink and trams, darling, I couldn’t help but notice something incredible today. This week, Milano’s celebrating all things “pink” – yes, seriously! There’s a big exhibition about the power of the colour pink, it’s literally bursting with amazing facts! Like, did you know that pink was traditionally considered a masculine colour, not feminine? How exciting! And guess what, the highlight? A gigantic replica of my tutu – it was HUGE! The museum folks are so supportive of #PinkTutu everywhere, it was quite frankly incredible! (You can even get a selfie with it - so chic!). I swear, my day couldn't get more pink, even if I tried!

Milan isn’t just about trams and tutus, of course. I've been indulging my love for the finer things - which, to me, includes ballet and fashion, of course! Yesterday, I was utterly swept away at La Scala, which, let’s face it, is just iconic. It’s this huge theatre – think soaring ceilings, lavish gold decoration and oh-so-sophisticated plush seating - it's every dancer's dream. And then they brought out the stars of the ballet world. You've gotta trust me on this, the talent here is out of this world! I'm talking graceful movements, dazzling costumes (did I mention my own pink tutu would have looked pretty darn fabulous under that majestic chandelier?), and such raw emotion from each dancer. It just made my heart soar! There were some absolutely breathtaking pieces. You really could feel the history swirling around you in that grand space – truly amazing!

Milan isn't just a hotbed of culture though. Oh no! The shops here are to die for! Let me just tell you about this boutique I found, nestled in a back street. It had this bohemian vibe, vintage with a modern twist – my dream kind of shopping. The owner had such a sense of style and a fantastic collection, from classic leather jackets to whimsical flowing dresses. But here's the best part - a entire corner was dedicated to the coolest tutus. Not your average, run-of-the-mill, frilly ballerina tutus (although those are fun too, don't get me wrong!), these tutus were different. Some had funky, hand-painted designs, others were made from recycled materials, there were even tutus crafted from colourful feathers and silk. And guess what? They came in all shades of pink - pink tulle, rose gold, coral, magenta – I'm pretty sure my eyes actually twinkled! (Who needs diamonds when you've got tutus?!) Of course, I indulged and went home with the most fabulous magenta one. Just picture it - it has little, little sequins that catch the light - you know what I mean?! Swoon! I’m going to save it for a special performance later.

One thing about being a pink tutu-wearing ballerina - I’m a creature of habit. But it's all good because Milan has the coolest mix of both! On the one hand, you have these sleek, high-end fashion houses, like Versace and Prada. I can’t deny the attraction to those glamorous outfits. But there’s this equally fabulous alternative scene happening too. And let’s face it, every fashionista needs a dash of individuality! You see vintage shops spilling over with treasures and young designers expressing themselves in their unique boutiques - so cool! I must say, finding a great vintage denim jacket with an old pink tutu really feels like it could launch the next trend! You never know what you might find when you wander around. It’s the best kind of discovery – especially with pink, because it just makes everything better!

It’s almost impossible to resist the lure of good coffee when you’re in Milan - everyone’s in love with the rich crema. So I'm starting every day with a latte (with a splash of oat milk, because, hello, sustainable lifestyle!) and soaking in the sights. Today I saw an incredible street performer, dancing like a dream. His moves were so captivating – the sheer grace of his movements and the pure emotion flowing from his performance had the whole square entranced. I honestly had to do a double-take when I saw a little girl dressed in a pink tutu, watching with the biggest smile! 🩰 Maybe she’ll be the next prima ballerina of Milan… we’ll have to see! I wouldn't be surprised, these little ones are often full of such inspiring talent. It definitely gets me excited for the future of ballet and fashion - especially when you consider that our pink tutu generation are bringing something so refreshingly bold to the scene.

The Italian sunshine has been giving my face a glorious tan (and so much good energy). Of course, a tan with my trusty pink tutu – what else would you expect?! 😉 And you wouldn’t believe the little dance party I found tucked away in an old palazzo. I was totally charmed! We all took to the floor - all shapes and sizes, in all manner of stylish clothes - and had the most amazing time, spinning and leaping together under the twinkly lights. I even taught everyone the 'pink tutu shuffle' (it involves a little twirl and a dash of pizzazz). It's one of my signature moves – who knows, it might just be the next big craze, especially if the dancers at the Teatro alla Scala adopt it. (Don't be surprised if I show up with a few new routines for the next season!) 💖

Well, I have to run - it's the ultimate Italian experience. I’m off to join a cooking class and, I’ll never tell, it just might involve a delicious pasta dish...but of course with a hint of pink! After all, when you’re in Milan, you can’t go wrong with embracing the best things life has to offer: beautiful people, exquisite food, charming locals, chic shopping, fantastic dancing and the magic of pink. What more could you possibly want?! It's honestly been an experience that I'll never forget, especially considering the #PinkTutu trend is totally catching on in this glamorous city. Milan, you've totally stolen my heart! Until next week, bella!

Keep those tutus twirling,

Emma 💕

P.S. If you’d love to see a ballet show with me – let me know! I have a little list going, of ballet shows around the world – feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-05-31 ballet blog from Milano Italia