Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-10-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #281 - A Week of Whirlwinds in Milan!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the vibrant streets of Milan, where the air crackles with style and the rhythm of life beats to the beat of fashion and flair. This week in Milan has been an absolute whirlwind of excitement, filled with tutus, trams, and theatre, oh my!

It's Monday morning, the perfect time to catch up and share all the glamorous, glittery details of my adventures. You see, my darlings, Milan is just the kind of city that inspires you to twirl. With cobblestone streets begging to be danced upon and towering buildings that resemble majestic stage sets, every corner whispers, "Darling, wear your pink tutu and embrace the drama!"

A Dance of Dreams and Delicious Bites

As you know, I am a woman who always makes a beeline for a ballet class. And let me tell you, this week was no exception! My journey started with an early morning session at the Teatro alla Scala, a theatre as famous for its stunning beauty as it is for its breathtaking ballet performances. Picture this: me, gliding through the dance studio in my Pink Perfection tutu, a blush pink dream with the softest tulle you've ever felt. I just had to share a photo on my Instagram (@pinktutuemma) - It captured the very essence of elegance, didn't it?

And you know, there's nothing quite like a delicious Italian lunch after a morning of pirouettes. This week, I discovered a little gem hidden away in a quiet side street. Trattoria La Gioia, with its bright red awning and tiny tables overflowing with sunflowers. It was like stepping into a postcard! They had the most divine gnocchi I have ever tasted – creamy and melt-in-your-mouth, it was like a symphony of textures in every bite.

A Day of Fashion Frenzy and Trams of Fun

Oh, the fashion, the fashion! Milan, you're a sartorial wonderland. And I just had to see the new collections that the Italian fashion houses had been working on. So, armed with my trusty Pink Perfection handbag and my favourite pair of rose gold stilettos (they always elevate a look, darling!), I hit the streets of the city, with its majestic cathedrals, vibrant squares and boutique-lined streets. It's impossible not to feel a wave of inspiration, knowing that you're walking among the same streets as fashion legends!

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without a leisurely ride on the trams. It's an utterly charming way to see the city! And it's so much more fun when you’re wearing your favourite pink tutu, let me tell you. The locals always look intrigued, giving me knowing glances and even a couple of approving smiles. I guess a girl in a tutu brings a little extra joy to their day!

Backstage Magic: A Ballet Performance in the Heart of Milan

On Thursday evening, it was time for a truly spectacular event - a performance of "The Sleeping Beauty" at the Teatro alla Scala. I was just bursting with anticipation! The excitement was practically palpable in the air. Imagine a velvet curtain slowly rising to reveal the most breathtaking set, bathed in a symphony of colour, with a vibrant, dazzling orchestra playing the most beautiful melodies. And the dancers! Such grace and strength. The choreography was intricate, every move telling a story. They danced like dreams made real.

I love ballet, my darlings, but it's always extra special when I get a backstage glimpse. I managed to score a backstage tour after the performance, peeking into the changing rooms and even watching as the dancers got their costumes ready for their final curtain call. And who could forget the glamorous makeup? The sheer creativity and artistry were breathtaking.

A Day Trip of Wonder: Lake Como and Breathtaking Views

For a break from the city, I took a day trip to the beautiful Lake Como. What a dreamy getaway! The azure waters sparkled under the Italian sunshine, and the snow-capped peaks of the Alps formed a breathtaking backdrop. You can feel the calmness settle upon you the moment you breathe in the fresh, invigorating air of the mountains.

I had lunch at a delightful café perched overlooking the lake, with the most gorgeous views imaginable. The waiter, a charming man with kind eyes, told me that he felt it was lucky to live in a place of such natural beauty. I told him, "You're right! You must never take it for granted!" And that's something I’ve really started thinking about, you know? We’re lucky to live on a planet with such dazzling natural wonders.

I took a delightful boat trip to the island of Bellagio, the jewel of Lake Como. Its winding streets and terracotta buildings, with cascading flowers adorning their balconies, had a timeless beauty about them. There was something magical about this quaint village, almost as if I'd stepped out of a storybook. It’s the perfect place for a day filled with dreaming and reminiscing, wouldn't you say?

The Sweetness of Saturdays in Milan

My Saturday started with a ballet class at a lovely little studio near my apartment. They’ve got the cutest pink ballet barre - it felt as if the studio was made just for me. Afterwards, I rewarded myself with the most amazing tiramisu. Honestly, this pastry had to have been whipped up by the angels! Every mouthful was a flavour explosion, sweet, creamy, and perfectly balanced. You know that deliciousness makes every ballerina feel a bit special!

Then, my friends and I met for an evening of opera at the Teatro Regio di Parma. This time, I even managed to snag a seat near the front row! I simply adored the elaborate costumes, the passionate singers and the magnificent sound that vibrated through the auditorium. I'd forgotten just how much I love experiencing opera live! The feeling of shared emotion with other audience members creates an unforgettable experience.

Sunday's Reflection and A Look Ahead

Sunday morning always feels a little bit special in Milan, the city starts to breathe in a calmer, gentler rhythm, like a beautiful dance that’s drawing to a close. I started my day with a stroll through the park, the soft sunlight dappling through the leaves of the ancient trees. It's the perfect moment for reflection, isn’t it?

I find myself reflecting on all the beauty that I’ve experienced this week. Milan has given me the gift of inspiration. As always, I’m reminded of just how important it is to keep pursuing your dreams, darling, to wear your heart on your sleeve, or rather, your pink tutu on your heart. Don't let anything stand in your way!

Next week, I’ll be visiting Florence. I can hardly wait to get my feet twirling in this breathtaking city of art and architecture! But before I go, let me remind you, my dear friends, the only way to live life to the fullest is to embrace your inner ballerina. We’re all performers, my darlings! We just have to learn to express ourselves with the same joy, confidence, and creativity as our favourite ballerinas!

I’m off to enjoy one last espresso in this sunny Milan afternoon. Have a lovely week, darlings, and remember:

Be bold, be bright, be beautiful! And never, ever be afraid to wear a pink tutu!

Until next Monday, Emma xx

Instagram: @pinktutuemma

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This post includes links to external websites such as and @pinktutuemma on Instagram. These are examples and can be adapted according to your preferences for the blog's website and social media presence. You may also choose to add more external links for any specific ballet performances or fashion stores she might have mentioned in the post.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2000-10-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia