Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-06-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #316 - Ciao Bella! Sun, Style & A Sweet Smell of Jasmine

Hello my lovely tutu twirlers! It's Emma here, reporting live from the magical city of Milan! As the sun paints the sky in hues of burnt orange and rose, I'm sitting in a quaint little café, surrounded by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm jasmine. What a perfect start to a day exploring the fashion capital of the world!

This week marks my 316th post for my Milan blog, which I diligently post every Monday on my website, You see, my mission in life, aside from twirling my way across stages and leaving glitter trails behind me, is to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu at least once in their lives. Because honestly, why wouldn't you? It's pure magic!

But let's rewind a little. How did I get here, nestled amidst the cobbled streets of Milan, sipping on my cappuccino? Well, you know me, I live for a good ballet performance. This past week, I danced for a charity gala in London, leaving a trail of sparkly pink glitter and a crowd with a renewed appreciation for ballet. That lovely event not only tickled my heart but also funded my latest Italian adventure. This week I've been focusing on some serious ballet exploration!

Speaking of exploration, it's no secret that I'm a lover of public transport. The rhythmic clackety-clack of the tram lines, the views zipping past the window, the friendly faces in the carriage – there's just something utterly charming about a good tram journey. It's like a mini-ballet of its own! I confess, though, I do love the grand elegance of travelling by train. There's nothing quite like settling into a plush seat, with a book and a good cuppa, and letting the world roll by outside the window.

Milan – a Symphony of Fashion

Of course, I couldn't resist a shopping trip to one of Milan's chic boutiques. Oh my goodness, the colours, the textures, the craftsmanship – my senses were overloaded in the best way possible! I have to admit, I might have acquired a few new pieces that I simply couldn't leave behind – you know, a touch of silk here, a touch of satin there, all in my favourite shade of pink, naturally. You see, for me, fashion is a form of artistic expression, just like ballet! I love seeing how fashion intertwines with the art of performance.

Speaking of art, I just had to visit Teatro alla Scala. It's absolutely breathtaking! The architecture, the grandeur, the history…it's no wonder that this theatre has captivated the hearts and minds of theatregoers for centuries. It's not just a venue for performances; it's a symbol of Italian art and culture. And guess what? It just so happened to be hosting a performance of "La Bohème" while I was there. Imagine, Puccini's beautiful score intertwined with the vibrant energy of a live performance! Pure magic. I’ll let you in on a secret, there is something truly inspiring about witnessing a production at such a world-renowned venue, watching the dancers pirouette across the stage, their movements a harmonious blend of artistry and athleticism. It reminds me that even the most beautiful dreams can be realised, and I don't just mean by wearing a pink tutu (though I do stand by my original statement about the pink tutu!).

Sunday Soirée in the City of Milan

But let’s skip to Sunday evening, shall we? After a busy week, it’s a delight to relax, reflect on the past few days, and treat myself to some "me time." After finding a sunny corner on a bustling square, I indulged in a delightful plate of homemade pasta, topped with a sprinkle of parmesan, followed by a slice of the most decadent chocolate cake I've ever encountered!

My favourite part of Milan, however, isn't confined to any particular cafe, or shop, or museum; it's the streets themselves. There's something about strolling through the cobbled lanes, watching the city unfold in front of you, that brings a certain peace. Each turn reveals a new marvel: a hidden fountain adorned with lilies, a grand cathedral bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, or perhaps a small street band playing a captivating tune. I am, as I’ve mentioned before, a big fan of finding unique pieces to accessorise my outfits, whether it’s a quirky vintage brooch for a weekend in Paris or an elaborate gold-plated tiara for a performance. My eye, however, has caught a most beautiful handcrafted straw bag from a local artisan, filled with colourful trinkets and adorned with a bright pink ribbon. I have to have it, it’s just the right fit for my whimsical wardrobe, and even has a pocket for a hidden pair of my favourite pink ballet shoes.

But of course, what would a day in Milan be without indulging in some delicious food? A simple yet delectable pasta dish with a touch of creamy pesto, a freshly baked focaccia bread filled with sweet tomatoes, and a delightful cappuccino. What can I say, I've always had a weakness for Italian cuisine! I can already imagine a pink tutu pairing with this meal, just need to work out a ballerina-themed cocktail and I'm off. I can imagine all of you dancing, maybe even taking part in the dance workshops that you often send me emails about and that I promise I will try and visit sometime, with me as the ballerina! We are truly one big Pink Tutu family.

Now, as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant hues of lavender and coral, it's time for me to bid farewell, but only for now. You can find me next Monday, back with a brand-new post, brimming with all the latest Milan adventures. In the meantime, I encourage you all to wear a pink tutu, live life to the fullest, and never stop dancing! Ciao, bella!

Some Interesting Events

You might wonder what exactly is happening in the big Italian city of Milan. For one, the 27th of June happens to be the birthday of Florence Nightingale, but you wouldn’t expect a celebration here, that’s mostly a UK thing, not to mention there was that one amazing ballet performance I mentioned that I saw at the Teatro alla Scala of “La Boheme.”

But that’s not all that is going on! Here are a few interesting facts about the 27th of June, 2001. This day is a national holiday in Iceland and marks the birthday of King Frederik IX of Denmark. However, 27 June also has some tragic associations.

For example, it was on 27th of June 1979 that two Palestinian-American gunmen, one of them a former employee at the company, took seven hostages at the offices of The Associated Press in Paris. Two hours later the attackers opened fire with automatic rifles and pistols before setting the office on fire. After the Paris police stormed the building, one of the attackers and four of the hostages were dead, making this a very significant event that occurred on June 27.

A famous death also occurred on this date - one that sadly took the world by surprise - the American actress and singer, Judy Garland. On the 27th of June 1969, she sadly died, at the age of 47, at her home in London from a drug overdose, possibly related to a bout of influenza she was experiencing. As for my visit to Milan this past June, the most memorable was the magnificent ballet production and the delightful pastry I managed to sneak into my handbag after my afternoon stroll in the gardens. You may know my favourite pastime is baking and I found a real inspiration this past trip that will definitely end up on my website!

So you see, I just cannot get enough of all of Milan, my Italian home away from home, and can't wait for my next visit, perhaps after my performance in New York. This city always seems to offer a unique experience every time, but my favourite bit, and that includes my wonderful audience and blog readers who, like me, want to encourage others to wear pink tutus – and don’t forget my sparkly dance shoes and some special little embellishments on my outfit – but my favourite bit, of all the bits, are the fabulous Italian people I encounter, with their passion and excitement. Every visit is truly a joyful celebration. Until next Monday my friends! Ciao, bella!

Don’t Forget

*To Check Out The Website: I promise, my blog is a little different, in fact it’s quite unique and will have you twirling away. *

A Little Secret - I have some amazing plans that will rock your world, so I encourage you to sign up on the website and keep an eye out for my next blog.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2001-06-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia