Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2002-08-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #375 - Under the Tuscan Sun (and a Tutu!)

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday, August 14th, and I'm writing to you from the vibrant heart of Milan, Italy! Yes, it's a pink-tutu paradise over here. Even the pigeons wear feather boas, it seems. Honestly, I'm so charmed.

As always, let me preface this by saying my travel blog here, in beautiful Milan, is funded by my favourite thing in the world: performing. Each week, I share a peek into the fascinating city and its dazzling ballet scene, sharing tips for enjoying this magical metropolis like a true Pink Tutu. This week is extra special, as my schedule has been jam-packed with exciting ballet happenings!

The day started with an early-morning train journey from Derbyshire (England, home sweet home!). Even on public transport, I wear my pink tutu. I find it makes people smile. One elderly gentleman even bowed! Perhaps he was mistaking me for a royal dancer. It's these unexpected encounters that keep me in good spirits.

I confess, the train journey was a bit longer than expected. The Milanese, like myself, can't seem to get enough of fashion and a little retail therapy! Luckily, my beloved tutu bag held all my essential treasures – a spare pair of pointe shoes, a bottle of champagne for later (gotta celebrate these glamorous escapades), and my absolute favourite feather boa – you know, the one in pale pink!

After a swift taxi to my charming Airbnb (pink floral wallpaper!), I changed into a sunshine-yellow maxi dress (gotta embrace the Tuscan sun, you know). With my trusty pink tote bag packed with goodies (a spare tutu for emergencies, a little notebook for inspiration, and, naturally, my portable ballet barre!), I set out to explore.

Milan's allure, you see, goes beyond its breathtaking cathedrals and iconic opera houses. I'm not talking just about the stylish cobbled streets or even the glorious designer boutiques (oh, those designer boutiques! You just can't miss a visit to Pink Tutu's favourites – Via Montenapoleone, Via della Spiga, and Via Sant'Andrea). No, for me, it's the energy. Milan buzzes with passion for beauty, art, and, of course, the elegant world of ballet.

And speaking of ballet, this is where the Pink Tutu diary gets exciting! This very day, I got to experience the true heart of the Italian ballet scene, and it was even more magical than I'd hoped. The Teatro alla Scala! Oh my, the majesty of that place… The chandeliers alone could write a poem, the plush red velvet seats whispered of untold tales, and the entire atmosphere practically pulsed with history. And then there was the ballet…

A Balletto alla Scala Dream

I attended an exquisite production of "Swan Lake," a ballet classic so timeless, it truly transported me to a different world. The music by Tchaikovsky swept me away, and the delicate artistry of the dancers had me holding my breath in awe. The lead ballerina – oh, she was a true queen of graceful elegance, effortlessly switching between the innocent White Swan and the darkly captivating Black Swan. Even as the performance concluded and the applause washed over us, I was still floating.

More Than Just Ballet

Now, I wouldn't be Pink Tutu if I only shared about ballets, no matter how breathtaking! After all, Milan is a whirlwind of vibrant experiences. Here are a few other highlights from my Italian adventures this week:

1. The City of Fashion: A Tutu's Delight

Milan is a shopping heaven! My dear, every street corner is an explosion of fashion trends, with boutiques displaying the latest collections from iconic Italian houses and a flurry of street-style inspiration. For someone who adores a fabulous outfit like me, well, it's absolute bliss. Imagine a city where everyone dresses like they’re stepping out of a fashion magazine, where even the mannequins wear pink tutus. And you bet I made sure I was in the middle of it, twirling and twirling, surrounded by this sartorial splendor!

2. Gelato, Gelato, Everywhere!

This journey isn’t complete without savouring the city's famous gelato. And let me tell you, this Italian gelato is on a whole other level! Each scoop is an explosion of flavour and creamy textures. It's almost too beautiful to eat. Okay, I didn’t say “almost” – it IS too beautiful to eat. But we've gotta make sacrifices for a good scoop, right? So, between my ballet classes and performances, I have to confess, there has been a gelato pilgrimage or two… with a pink tutu, of course! I can’t leave a single town without a taste of its famous gelato, and trust me, Milan gelato is some of the best I’ve had! I especially loved the pistachio gelato – the nutty sweetness paired so well with my outfit, and was an extra dose of pink sweetness for my day.

*3. *Tram Rides & Milanese Views **

Speaking of adventures, did you know the Milanese tram system is practically an art installation in itself? It's a retro marvel! These elegant yellow trams are the perfect way to zip around the city, offering incredible views of iconic landmarks – from the breathtaking Duomo di Milano (or, as I like to call it, the ‘Tutu of Architecture’ – its magnificent spires look like giant pink tutus from a distance!), to the artistic treasures of Brera, the artistic heart of Milan. Of course, you know I took every opportunity to embrace the charm, wearing my tutu for maximum joy and colour.

4. Ballet-Inspired Italian Nights

To wrap up my day, what's better than experiencing an open-air performance under the Italian night sky? The "Milanese Opera Under the Stars" at Piazza della Scala (which translates to Square of the Stairs but looks like the Square of the Ballet to me!) had a lovely summery breeze, and it provided a backdrop to a delightful, modern ballet featuring themes of freedom, love, and – of course – beauty! And it’s a fact; a pink tutu looks beautiful in the night sky under the sparkling Milanese lights.

*So, What Did I Learn in Milan, You Ask? *

To be honest, my darlings, my experiences in this vibrant city reaffirm something I’ve believed for a long time. The world truly is a beautiful, enchanting place, filled with magic if you know where to look! For me, that magic resides in the power of beauty – whether it be a dazzling performance at the Scala, a scoop of delectable gelato, a captivating Italian opera, or a simple walk along the scenic canal under a twinkling night sky. This city breathes beauty into every nook and cranny. Every moment is a masterpiece.

Final Thoughts

I know some of you might be thinking – "Emma, a pink tutu? Seriously? In Milan?" And to that, I say… "Absolutely!" Why be ordinary when you can embrace the extraordinary? Pink tutus are more than just a whimsical piece of clothing, they are a symbol of joy, self-expression, and reminding ourselves that sometimes, the simplest things are the most magical. It’s not about just wearing pink, it’s about how pink makes you feel! If a little pink can bring a little joy, even in a city as fashion-forward as Milan, why not?

So, there you have it, my darlings, my latest adventures from this beautiful, vibrant city. Remember to follow along with my weekly blog posts here at – we’ve got more delightful destinations to explore, more exciting shows to attend, and even more tutu-inspired outfits to celebrate!

Until next time, may your days be filled with joy, twirls, and the magic of a good, old-fashioned, pink tutu!

Yours always, Emma
Pink Tutu Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2002-08-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia