Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-03-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #404 - Wednesday, 5th March 2003 - La Scala's Magic!

Buongiorno, darlings! It’s Emma here, your Pink Tutu girl, and I’m bouncing back from a simply glorious weekend in Milan! 🩰💖

My Italian adventure began on Friday afternoon with a whirl down to Euston Station for the Eurostar. It’s always such a treat hopping on that shiny, silver train and heading for the continent – and what better way to travel than wearing my trusty, bright pink tutu with my trusty, trusty trusty (you’ve got to have trust in your travel tutu) trusty travel ballet bag and a shimmering, blush-pink, quilted shoulder bag. A girl’s gotta stay organised, don’t you know?

After a swift, but lovely, train ride and a little hop on the Milan metro (trains are just such fun!), I arrived at my charming little B&B – it’s absolutely adorable, all cream-coloured walls and floral patterned fabrics, and there’s a wonderful antique wardrobe where I keep my dancing costume collection neatly organised. So important to have that bit of pink tututy perfection when you travel, eh?

The very first thing I did after getting settled was head out for a delicious bite at an amazing cafe around the corner - oh, the heavenly pastries! And that beautiful, strong coffee… it's just not the same in Derbyshire, you know. 😉 I sat outside watching the world go by, my pink tutu swirling gently in the breeze. A girl just has to let her tutu feel the Italian air, wouldn't you say?

Once the caffeine buzz had kicked in, I popped down to the nearby Duomo - mamma mia what a sight! Such grandeur and magnificence - it was as though it was straight out of a fairy tale. The detail on that beautiful building is simply staggering, and I must say, my pink tutu did feel rather fitting amidst all those ornate, glittering carvings!

Speaking of twinkling and magnificent, later that evening, I had tickets to a truly magical ballet performance at the legendary La Scala opera house. It was everything I could have dreamed of – the elegant stage, the sheer talent of the dancers, the exquisite costumes... every bit of it was perfection! I must admit, a tiny part of me was secretly comparing myself to the dancers and their stunning skills – but that’s just how I am, a bit of a dreamer with big hopes!

After all that enchantment, a hearty, traditional Milanese dinner was just the ticket – risotto alla Milanese, of course, it just had to be. The cheesy, creamy goodness really did warm my soul - it’s no wonder the Italians call their meals 'dinner'!

The next day, Saturday, I embarked on a shopping spree that any girly girl would dream of! Milan, darlings, is a shopper's paradise! I must admit, a good sale always warms a girl's heart and makes the trip to the local shops even more enjoyable. That night I was back in my favourite La Scala. This time it was "Swan Lake". It was so divine that I think I spent more time staring than actually taking photos. The story took me back to those enchanting ballet stories from when I was young – the romance, the heartbreak, the triumph!

On my final day in this enchanting city, Sunday, I wandered through the peaceful streets taking in the sights of Milan. I even bought a couple of traditional Venetian masks as a little souvenir from my trip – one has a gorgeous pink feather and lace trim (because, you know, gotta have that bit of pink!). After a quick but satisfying lunch – a salad from a local trattoria, oh so light and so Italian! – I headed back to my hotel to pack up my tutu bags (trust me, when it comes to a travelling dancer, ‘tu-tu’ bags is definitely a thing!), knowing that I would leave Milan with so many fond memories and already dreaming of my next pink tutu trip to another beautiful place.

And the very next morning, with another blast of Italian coffee, and my pink tutu gleaming like the Milanese sun, I was back on that trusty Eurostar and heading back home, my heart filled with joy for another fantastic, and very pink, tutu adventure!

Oh, I’m also trying something new – you can now find my ‘Pink Tutu' Instagram account (and no, I am not trying to tell you all to follow me, even though I think it's a great idea – I'm just saying, you should, you know... think about it! 🤫 😉 Anyway, you can see all my photos and videos of Milan on it!)

As always, my dearest friends, keep your dreams pink! See you all next week for my post from London!
Ciao, darlings! Emma 💖

[end of post]

*This was the weekly "Pink Tutu" blog post - keep coming back for the next one, and maybe we'll be able to add pink tutu entries from all across the world! We hope this post has inspired you! *

( The pink tutu blog will have further entries and could even include guest bloggers, maybe even a collaboration with an international blogger!
The website is an added bonus. The posts are friendly and positive. The aim is for this to become a large collaborative global effort, so get involved if you have a passion for dance and for those pink tutus!)

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2003-03-05 ballet blog from Milano Italia