Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-03-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #458: Milan Fashion Week and a Dreamy Dance with La Scala

Ciao bella! It's Wednesday, and as always, it's Pink Tutu Milan time! Today, my heart is absolutely bursting with joy and excitement because I'm in Milan, Italy. Oh, Milan, how I adore you! This vibrant, bustling city is a symphony of style and elegance.

This week's post marks my 458th blog post since I began sharing my pink tutu adventures online – and what a journey it’s been! Every Monday morning, I hop on my trusty laptop and share all the highlights of my latest adventures with you wonderful pink-loving souls out there!

I know, you might be thinking "Emma, why do you do this? Why this constant blog, all the photos, all the travelling?" Honestly, it’s all thanks to you guys. The world just feels so much brighter, so much more magical with you guys by my side on this journey, experiencing these moments together! It truly fills my heart with joy to share my passions - dance, fashion, travel - with you. Sharing these adventures with you makes all the effort absolutely worthwhile!

So let's rewind and dive straight into the amazing things I've been experiencing this week…

Milan, You are Simply Bewitching

This week I arrived in Milan by train – yes, you’re right, a proper grand Italian train journey complete with stylish ladies in perfectly tailored outfits and gents in slick suits, reading their newspapers – it’s always a scene I savour! And as soon as I arrived, it felt like stepping onto a glamorous, stylish stage! Milan, you truly do have that effect!

I think it must be the history, the grandeur of the architecture, or perhaps it’s the vibrant energy, the buzz in the air… Whatever it is, I'm completely smitten with the whole place. The beautiful cobblestone streets, the chic boutiques filled with beautiful garments, and the fantastic smells of delicious Italian food. Oh, the food! Don’t even get me started on the food, a delightful medley of taste explosions just waiting to be devoured! But don’t worry, I’ll keep all the food recommendations coming, right here, on my blog.

Fashion Week Fun!

I've been soaking up all the Milan Fashion Week buzz, I know some people might think fashion is all about fancy dresses and haute couture, and don’t get me wrong, there's absolutely a time and a place for that, but for me, fashion is all about individuality and expressing yourself through what you wear!

The colours! Oh, the colours! From the classic Milanese blacks and greys, to pops of colour in emerald green, bold scarlet red and the palest pinks that I just can't resist! There is simply such a wonderful array of inspiration just waiting to be explored. I’ve even managed to spot a few of my favourite pink shades sprinkled amongst the high-fashion looks… that brings a happy smile to my face!

Of course, it wouldn’t be a visit to Milan without venturing into a few iconic designer boutiques, indulging in some window shopping and dreaming of all those exquisite designs! The other day, I stumbled across the most stunning blush-pink suede jacket with exquisite detailing and…well, needless to say, I had to try it on!

It would go perfectly with a simple black tutu, a sleek, chic bun, and a touch of red lipstick. Oh, imagine… That look, my lovelies, that look would make every street corner a stage, every street a runway! Just imagine yourself strutting around with that Parisian je ne sais quoi! (Even if it's just for a little daydream!)

But don’t worry, I don’t let my daydreams take over… Because, even with my little Pink Tutu heart, I know the value of a good deal! And for all of you on a tight budget, don't fret! I have found some fantastic vintage shops tucked away in backstreets, filled with hidden treasures at bargain prices, with an absolute treasure trove of designer pieces. I even picked up the most gorgeous emerald green, silk scarf for just a few euros, that can be styled with a black outfit or add a little glam to a vintage dress – it’s a wardrobe must have, I reckon!

My Ballet Passion Takes Over

It’s always good to balance all this fashion and food with a little dose of ballet, don’t you think? Of course! The great city of Milan doesn’t disappoint in the ballet department! And boy, oh boy, do they have some exceptional theatres and venues here! I’ve had the privilege of attending performances at Teatro alla Scala and La Scala Theatre! And oh my goodness! Those shows were simply breathtaking!

Stepping into the iconic La Scala theatre was a true awe-inspiring experience. The grandeur of the architecture, the plush red velvet seats, the shimmering chandeliers... And the ballet was absolutely divine.

I have to admit, it did take a little getting used to seeing the dancers gracefully floating across the stage in their long tutus. While I do adore a twirly pink tutu, I have to say the grandeur of the classical ballet with their longer tutus really added to the beauty and grace of the performance. There's something truly captivating about seeing a beautiful dancer in full flight with a full, flowing tutu, spinning effortlessly with elegant moves. The sheer skill and artistry were truly mesmerising! It was an absolutely enchanting evening, and I’m already daydreaming of the next time I can step back into those golden doors!

Bringing Ballet to Life!

You all know my mission, getting everyone to wear a pink tutu, well I have to admit, a trip to Milan might have sparked a new ambition… *Getting everyone to wear a full length white tutu. *

Why? Because, those classical ballets and the beauty of their dancing really brought those tutus to life – they became an integral part of the storytelling, of the choreography, of the expression on stage! Seeing them floating and flowing around the dancers reminded me of why we all adore a good twirl!

And just because a tutu isn’t pink, doesn't mean you can’t own a little pink Tutu Magic. If a beautiful, classical, white tutu can enchant an audience and inspire a little imagination – it definitely speaks volumes, don’t you think?

Now, don't get me wrong, my Pink Tutu adventures will always be at the heart of everything I do! Those cute little frilly ones, are what sparked this entire love affair, what fuelled the passion for this amazing journey! And I will never stop sharing those, and spreading that Pink Tutu Magic to everyone who needs it! But, there's just something truly powerful, and undeniably magical, about a full length, beautiful, pristine white tutu… Maybe it’s time for a new dream to take flight.

I am already starting to sketch ideas and thinking about what I could design... Pink and white with floral details anyone? Perhaps that could be the perfect collaboration… But all that is still just a dream for the moment.

Pink Tutu Milan Moments

Here are just a few of the highlights of this week’s journey:

Street Style in Milan: * Chic with a Side of Sparkle

Milan really has the coolest street style. The outfits are always effortless, from simple, classic pieces to the latest trends, and sometimes both put together to create a true work of art. It’s an interesting blend of modern style and traditional Italian flair. Oh, and did I mention they have so much fabulous sparkle… I swear every woman in this city carries around some kind of embellishment… From tiny jeweled purses, to earrings like they’re straight out of a 1920s cabaret show! The sparkle and the elegant lines create a symphony for the eyes, and they really inspire me to create new Pink Tutu looks that embrace both a hint of the vintage and the sparkle that’s essential to a ballerina!

The Tram and a Little Twist of Pink

Remember those stylish ladies and gents I mentioned on the train earlier… Well, Milan has the most delightful trams! And the city feels even more stylish when seen from the window of a cute red tram… I found myself on a cute little tram route around the city that felt just like stepping into an art piece. So much pink! I just love a little touch of pink wherever I go!

Dancing With a Little Bit of Pizzazz

One of my favourite things to do while I'm travelling is to visit local dance studios or classes to experience their dance culture. This week I found the most wonderful dance studio and even took a little ballet class with some very talented local dancers! You know I couldn’t resist pulling out a few little dance moves in my tutu. It’s never a good thing to keep all those twirls and spins bottled up, is it? The other dancers were so much fun and gave me a little taste of their incredible passion for dance. We had such a laugh together, it really brought back a little reminder of why I love dance! They showed me some fantastic stretches and strengthening moves. After an intense training session like that, a big slice of pizza, always does the trick… The Italian pizza was incredible… And the cheese, the fresh tomato sauce! I’m craving it just thinking about it!

The Milan Opera Experience

I am never one to miss out on a little cultural experience, so this week I grabbed a few tickets for the Opera at the Teatro alla Scala, a place rich in musical history and home to the most renowned opera singers in the world! You wouldn’t believe how excited I was!

While, I have to admit, the classical opera isn’t quite the kind of music I usually listen to, I can definitely see the appeal of this enchanting world of art. From the soaring vocals, the stunning sets and costumes to the sheer dramatic nature of the performance, opera truly has the power to transport you to a world of emotion and passion! And honestly, I love a little touch of drama! It's not all pirouettes and arabesques… We ballet dancers appreciate a touch of drama, a little sense of mystery.

I love how it intertwines so wonderfully with the world of ballet. Even if I wasn’t an expert in operatic music, I definitely was in the right place to have the full experience! Oh, my pink tutu loved the colours of the curtains and the stage… a true feast for the eyes, darling!

Derbyshire’s Favourite Daughter Makes It to the Big Screen!

Oh, a little confession! In this magical city of fashion, art and dance, something truly heartwarming happened! The local cinema is playing a documentary about a ballerina… and you won't believe who was featured! I’m very excited to tell you, yours truly got a little shoutout! That’s right, a glimpse of me, the Pink Tutu Ballerina herself, from Derbyshire! It seems like a few clips of some performances from back in the day, made it into this exciting documentary… The local film crew had spotted me during one of my fundraising shows! Who knew they’d become so fond of those little pink tutus! It definitely has been a truly wonderful journey for my Pink Tutu dreams and passion.

And It All Comes Down to a Tutu...

I just have to admit, all those dreams, the little fashion fancies, the artistic adventures in music and dance... they really do revolve around the one, essential, and forever fantastic - the Pink Tutu.

The little ballerina on a mission from Derbyshire still wants to spread that Tutu Magic across the globe… Because, let’s face it, what’s the world without a little sprinkle of Pink Tutu joy!

And with that, I’ll leave you to enjoy your own adventures, to dream big, and to always remember that every day can be filled with a little bit of Pink Tutu Magic. Don’t forget to get that sparkle on and twirl your way through your day. And always, remember… it's never too late to put on your favourite tutu!

Until next week, stay sparkly and fabulous!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-03-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia