Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-04-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #464 - A Springtime Serenade in the City of Fashion!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday 28th April 2004, and your favourite pink tutu-clad adventurer is writing to you from the heart of Milan, Italy! This week's blog is bursting with sunshine, gelato, and a whole heap of ballet goodness.

As you all know, my motto is "spread the pink tutu love", and what better place to do that than the city that oozes style, flair, and savoir faire? Milan is simply divine for any ballet aficionado, and let me tell you, it's a sartorial wonderland! Just imagine, strutting around the city centre, wearing a magnifique pink tutu, with a symphony of stylish Italians surrounding you. It's enough to make you swoon, and trust me, the locals are simply adoring my pink tutu! They can't help but smile, wave, and give me the most charming "buon giorno!" as I skip by. They seem to be warming to my cause - getting everyone to wear pink tutus, one delightful city at a time.

Before I divulge all the fabulous happenings of the past week, I must confess - the journey from Derbyshire to Milan was quite a sight! I'd chosen to take the train, and my journey started early morning, arriving in London, and then, after a swift stop at Euston, I was whizzing across the Channel. I opted for the Eurostar, of course, which always makes the journey so delightful! You see, dear readers, I believe it's essential to make every moment of travel an experience, even the travel part. And there is something truly enchanting about the sleek Eurostar hurtling across the landscape. The excitement starts bubbling when you spot the magnificent Eurostar train platform. It’s sleek, futuristic and just oozes class, and once inside, the plush leather seats, the little trolley tables, and the quiet chatter, make the journey simply lovely. You can't help but relax and soak it all in!

Upon arriving in Milano Centrale, the city simply embraced me with its energy and vibrant buzz. The air buzzed with laughter, delicious smells, and a feeling that anything was possible. After collecting my luggage (all of which, of course, fit inside my stylish pink tutu bag - I did mention that everything is always perfect when you have a pink tutu, right?), I was swept up by the captivating sights of this Italian fashion hub.

I hopped onto a tram, the gentle swaying reminding me of the waltz. The cityscape whirred past - a stunning tapestry of Renaissance architecture, charming alleyways, and bustling piazzas.

My first stop, as always, was my favourite vintage shop, Il Piccolo Boutique. They have the most divine selection of fabrics - velvet, silk, and even a stash of genuine pink tutu tulle! It's my secret stash of inspiration for future designs! This is a real little gem, tucked away on a tiny street just a hop, skip, and jump from the bustling Duomo.

I have to share some exciting news, dearies! I stumbled upon an amazing workshop on ballet technique which was hosted by none other than a former prima ballerina from the Teatro alla Scala. Can you imagine?! It was truly a privilege to have learned from such a legendary dancer. It's quite magical - how a single, beautifully executed pirouette, or an effortless port de bras, can bring an entire audience to their feet!

And now, for a little peek into my Parisian life - or shall I say, Milanaise life - for the past week! I found myself, not one but two, ballet shows this week! The Teatro alla Scala is quite simply breathtaking! It is known for its magnificent architecture, stunning décor, and exceptionally rich history, and it certainly lived up to its reputation.

Thursday evening, was an absolute dream! I'd received two tickets to see " Romeo and Juliet". A Romeo and Juliet set in a timeless and captivating way! The passion, the romance, the tragedy, the love... Sigh... it simply transports you to a realm of captivating beauty, and as an added bonus, the whole affair was punctuated with magnificent music, dazzling costume changes and just the perfect amount of drama to leave the audience completely spellbound.

I absolutely love the whole experience! I've seen my fair share of Romeo and Juliet productions throughout my travels, but this was absolutely breathtaking! I felt utterly enthralled as the story unfolded before me - from the youthful romance of Romeo and Juliet, to the tragic feud between the two houses, and ultimately the moving finale. It’s quite a performance to behold!

Following "Romeo and Juliet", on Saturday night, it was the prima ballerina, herself, giving me a private tour of the Teatro alla Scala! You have no idea how incredible it felt to be walking those magnificent halls and discovering the secrets behind the scenes! She told me fascinating tales about the history of the theatre, how certain set pieces were constructed and even what the best spots were to watch a performance from! I have to tell you - standing beneath the chandelier and soaking in the history of that glorious hall gave me goosebumps and was so incredibly special!

You all know my motto, darlings - "Life is for the living, the dancing and the sharing". So of course, I wasn't just going to stay in the Teatro alla Scala, all day and all night. I had to experience a touch of the Milanese night life, too, even with my lovely pink tutu and all! I ended up finding myself in the glamorous Navigli district, a network of picturesque canals. The streets are just alive with vibrant life and so many delightful cafes, restaurants and quirky little shops! You have to have a gelato, or maybe two, and maybe even a capuccino! It's the perfect combination of local charm, fabulous food, and the most romantic setting.

Of course, a little bit of fashion exploration had to be on my itinerary too! There’s just so much to take in! Every corner reveals a treasure trove of exciting designers - from classic Italian tailoring to the latest, cutting-edge trends. One of my favourites, so far, has been the gorgeous Via Monte Napoleone. A haven for high-end fashion, where I spotted a collection of beautiful pink and champagne toned silk dresses that just whispered my name! And just in case that didn’t inspire my imagination enough, I ventured down to the iconic Quadrilatero d'Oro - Milan's renowned fashion district. Think dazzling couture, stylish boutiques, and enough eye-catching designs to fill your imagination! I saw enough dreamy gowns, playful prints and oh so trendy creations to inspire me for months to come!

While I've been loving my time in this fabulous city, I also feel it's my duty to do some exploration - that’s what pink tutu adventuring is all about!

Monday saw me visit The Duomo. A must-see for any visitor! This grand masterpiece is a symphony of soaring spires, intricate marble facades and gorgeous stained glass windows that just illuminate your soul. There's simply no denying the grandeur of this magnificent Duomo, which dominates the city skyline. It's a must-see for any visitor!

My darling pink tutu, and I, decided it was time for a bit of shopping therapy. We ventured to the vibrant and stylish Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Now this isn't your average shopping mall. No, dear reader, it's a magnificent glass-vaulted arcade built back in 1865. This opulent space boasts beautiful shops and some seriously impressive stained-glass ceilings! There's so much history and architectural flair to take in, but as usual, the tutu had me entranced by all the exciting shop displays - just bursting with colour and glamour!

For those who have not experienced Milan’s food culture, I encourage you to embark on a culinary journey through the streets of Milan! My tip, darling - always make room for a delicious pasta dish with freshly-made sauce! You’re not likely to forget it any time soon. And don't be afraid to explore those bustling little eateries! My tip is to always go for a dish that has a “home-made” vibe - you won’t be disappointed!

Wednesday saw me embracing a very special opportunity - an invitation to the most incredible private tea party with Milan's elite. Let me just tell you, there was no shortage of glitter and glamour at this event! There was a delicious assortment of treats (I was in pink tutu heaven with the selection of mini tarts and pastries!), sparkling drinks, and captivating conversations. I even met the lovely editor of Vogue Italia. Just imagine, sipping champagne whilst discussing the world of fashion with such a distinguished fashion icon!

In fact, the best part of the evening came after the last of the pastries were nibbled! You all know my dream, to spread the joy and fun of the pink tutu all across the world, so when I announced my pink tutu ambition to the Vogue Italia editor, she offered to feature my work and the pink tutu in the next issue! I was utterly thrilled and ecstatic and completely speechless! This is simply magical! To spread the message of fun and style across the globe, through one of the most iconic fashion magazines - there’s just no stopping this pink tutu now!

There’s something so invigorating about finding beauty and style in unexpected places, dear readers, and Milan is certainly one of those places!

You may wonder how I, with all these travels and fun times, can make it work? Well, you’ll be delighted to know that I keep all my travel costs low by being a “performing ballerina”. I’ve had some magical performances this month at The Royal Opera House. You’d never believe what a dream it was to take the stage at The Royal Opera House – an iconic venue that exudes beauty, grandeur and history in every single brick!

Every performance allows me to bring more joy into the world and at the same time fund my explorations! As you know, darling, the journey is a huge part of the fun! And while I travel the globe spreading the pink tutu message of fashion and love, I look forward to catching up with you next week and sharing more adventures in the city of fashion!

So, darling, be sure to head to every Monday for a new weekly post. I’ll keep you up-to-date on all my latest sartorial discoveries, pink tutu dreams and fun adventures!

Until then, dance with glee, darling, and don't forget to wear your pink tutu with pride!

Yours in fashion and pink tutu love,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-04-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia