Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-08-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2004-08-25 - #481

Ciao Bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan, your weekly dose of fashion, ballet, and all things fabulous from the heart of Italy! This week has been an absolute whirlwind, crammed with enchanting performances, delightful discoveries, and of course, plenty of pink tutus! As always, I’m sharing my experiences with you, from the charming trams of Milan to the grand Teatro alla Scala, because the world needs a bit more pink and a lot more twirling, don’t you think?

Remember that little dream I have? That everyone in the world, everywhere they go, should be rocking a pink tutu? It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds, trust me. Just last week, I was wandering through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a truly magnificent arcade in Milan, when I saw a little girl wearing the most adorable pink tutu. She twirled so effortlessly as she walked, radiating joy and innocence, just like a ballerina in a storybook. Her smile could melt even the frostiest heart, and for a moment, I thought I was back in a ballet studio surrounded by my fellow dancers. It reminded me just how powerful a symbol a pink tutu can be, a symbol of joy, freedom, and yes, even a little bit of magic!

So, on this beautiful August day, we're going to take a little trip back to where it all started: Derbyshire, England. My little corner of the world, where I still have to remind myself it's all right to dream, that it's perfectly fine to chase after that shimmering world of tutus and ballet shoes. This week, a little something special caught my eye... the Derbyshire Festival of Dance. This celebration of all things dance will feature performances ranging from classical ballet to contemporary, even hip-hop. I've got my dancing shoes dusted off, my pink tutu is ready to take center stage, and my travel plans are in place.

Remember, I’m funding my travel through ballet performances. You won't believe how much my pink tutu has been working for me! So, with my dancing heart full of hope, my wardrobe full of gorgeous pink tutus (you’ve got to see the new one I picked up in Florence - absolutely divine!), and my spirit ready for adventure, I'm packing my bags and making my way back to the Derbyshire hills, ready to embrace the magic of this incredible dance festival.

I'm even planning a blog post on all my favourite tutus I'll be rocking! (No surprise there, right?)

Of course, before I do that, I'd love to share some of the magical memories from Milan. Let's step back in time, shall we?

A week of Twirls and Trams in Milan:

Monday: This week began with a stunning ballet performance at the Teatro alla Scala. The very air was electrifying! I don't think I've ever seen anything so captivating. It was a classical production, of course, and the dancers were pure artistry. Their leaps were breathtaking, their movements graceful, and their every expression a story. It reminded me why I love ballet so much - the emotion, the skill, the passion that every dancer brings to the stage. I’ll admit, I almost felt tempted to jump up and join them for a little twirl myself!

The best part of this whole experience, though? The atmosphere was simply electrifying! As soon as the curtains drew open, the whole audience was on the edge of their seats, completely captivated by the beauty of it all. It's not just a performance - it's an experience, an emotion, a feeling that you just can't explain. After the last bow, the applause just wouldn’t stop. It was magic!

Afterwards, I decided to treat myself to a bit of retail therapy. This week's find? The most beautiful blush pink scarf adorned with silver butterflies at the Corso Buenos Aires. You know how I feel about a good pink scarf, and this one was just calling my name! The saleswoman, bless her heart, was just as thrilled with it as I was. We both had the same twinkle in our eyes as we saw it, it's like it was meant to be.

Tuesday: On a day like any other, I spent a delightful afternoon learning from a truly exceptional ballerina at a studio called Atelier di Danza. It was more than just a ballet class - it was a chance to delve into the nuances of this beautiful art form and grow as a dancer. We focused on perfecting our pirouettes and mastering the art of balance. This class, with its emphasis on technique, brought a new depth to my understanding of classical ballet. It's easy to fall into the beauty and emotion of ballet, but its technical artistry deserves equal appreciation.

The instructor, a charming Italian woman named Francesca, was incredibly patient and encouraging, reminding me of my teachers back in England. She helped us to explore our individual styles and encouraged us to experiment with different movements. It was empowering, refreshing, and most importantly, incredibly fun!

Wednesday: I have a love affair with the trams of Milan! They are so picturesque, so unique, with their intricate details and charming wood paneling. The rattling, rumbling sound they make is a familiar symphony of the city's pulse. You just can’t beat them for getting around the city.

So today, I took the tram down to the heart of the Navigli district (don’t forget your camera!) – it was absolutely bursting with life! Imagine colourful cafes lining the canals, musicians serenading the crowds with soulful melodies, and boats lazily gliding past as the sun sets over the city. It’s like stepping out of a film set – truly breathtaking. I discovered a small boutique selling the most beautiful handcrafted hats, the kind that just begged to be adorned with feathers and flowers. And I think I might have succumbed to the temptation, just a little… My new, slightly whimsical pink straw hat is a definite winner, and I cannot wait to see what new outfit I can create for it!

I enjoyed some delicious local gelato, a refreshing mix of strawberry and pistachio – and even discovered a street artist creating captivating portraits right there on the cobblestones. Milan never fails to inspire, even with its smaller hidden gems!

Thursday: I'm never far away from a ballet studio when in Milan, and this Thursday proved no exception. Tonight was the Balletto di Milano - one of the city's prominent contemporary dance companies. Their work is innovative and expressive, with such bold moves, captivating costumes and expressive choreography. There’s nothing quite like witnessing dancers defying gravity and expressing themselves through their bodies!

It was an evening of artistry that left me speechless! And yes, of course, the costumes – oh my, the costumes! – were absolutely phenomenal. A mixture of sleek lines and bold colour – a stark contrast to the classic ballets I often enjoy. I actually saw the choreographer, a talented and charismatic gentleman, doing some improvisation after the show, and my inner ballerina nearly exploded. My dreams are fueled by those who push boundaries and embrace art with such passion!

Friday: I took a leisurely walk through the heart of Milan today, starting at the Duomo – oh, it was exquisite, this architectural marvel of marble and spires! My new hat, complete with a delicate feather and some sweet pink roses, perched jauntily atop my head. This little detail – a simple pink feather! - felt quite like my pink tutu signature, a playful touch that reminded everyone about my ballet-loving heart. As I admired the intricate carvings and gazed upwards at the magnificent dome, I found myself lost in the history of the city. Milan’s history seems to breathe life into every street corner and courtyard!

This afternoon, I had the pleasure of attending an exclusive private tea party hosted by a dear friend, Isabella, in her charming Milanese apartment. We spent hours indulging in delicate pastries, steaming cups of herbal teas, and of course, sharing tales of our latest adventures. Isabella introduced me to her sister, Maria, a designer who creates the most exquisite ballet shoes (imagine: pink satin ballet slippers with Swarovski crystals! I might have gasped aloud). She even promised to make me a pair, tailored to my own taste and colour - of course, we’ll discuss a pink colourway, because… pink tutus and ballet shoes, obviously! I already can't wait to debut them in my next performance.

Saturday: Oh, what a day! We embarked on a leisurely stroll along the Naviglio Grande canal, where we stopped for a picturesque boat trip along the charming canals. There's something utterly captivating about the narrow waterways, dotted with cobblestone bridges, and surrounded by lush greenery. It's a world of its own, a place where time slows down and the pace of life softens.

And what would a Saturday in Milan be without a spot of shopping? Today, I found a gorgeous, blush-pink top in the most darling little shop, tucked away on a quiet side street, that looked like it came straight out of a vintage fairytale.

I also managed to snag a charming pink teapot that will look perfectly delightful nestled on the bookshelf in my new apartment – which, by the way, I’m still searching for the perfect pink haven. This little teapot is just a sneak peek at the home I am creating. Imagine a cozy little space filled with pink, soft velvet cushions, delicate fairy lights, and, of course, a stunning pink tutu adorning the wall as the piece de resistance!

Sunday: A day of rest and relaxation - but even then, my heart beats with the rhythm of ballet. I found a little tucked away bookstore this afternoon, hidden among cobblestone streets in the heart of the city, filled with books on everything from ballet history to performance psychology. You never know when you'll find an inspiring new ballet book, even when on a quiet Sunday stroll!

And there you have it! Another week of incredible experiences in the heart of Italy. From bustling markets to peaceful canals, from elegant ballets to playful pink additions, my heart feels overflowing with excitement. The rhythm of my life is dancing with the spirit of Milan, where my passion for ballet, my love of pink tutus, and my appreciation for everything that twirls continue to inspire.

And remember: If you dream of ballet, you don't have to wear a pink tutu to join me in this world of magical dance and adventures. We all have our own unique stories to tell.

Stay tuned for my next post from the magical world of the Derbyshire Festival of Dance, where I’m looking forward to capturing some amazing dance performances on camera (with a sprinkle of pink, of course!).

Until next Monday,

Your Pink Tutu friend,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2004-08-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia