Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-01-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 502 – A Week of Ballerina Bliss in Milan!

Ciao bella! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, Emma, reporting live from Milan, Italy! I'm so excited to be back in this fabulous fashion capital, the city of gorgeous clothes, amazing food, and even more amazing ballet!

This week has been an absolute whirlwind of excitement, with everything from stunning performances at La Scala to the thrill of discovering new shopping treasures (I know you’re all dying to know what I’ve picked up). But let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Monday: The Tram Ride to My New Milanese Abode

I arrived in Milan bright and early on Monday morning, armed with my trusty suitcase, my favourite pink tutu (you can never have too many, right?), and a massive desire to explore this wonderful city. My Milanese flat is conveniently located near a tram stop, and I absolutely adore hopping on board – the views of the city are breathtaking, especially with the sun filtering through the trees. This is a city that loves its trams – and so do I!

The flat itself is just charming! It's got a touch of vintage elegance and plenty of space to twirl (that's super important!).

Tuesday: A Tumbling Through the Shops on Via Montenapoleone

After a well-deserved morning lie-in (all those travels can be tiring!), I set off on a shopping spree down Via Montenapoleone, the epicentre of Milanese luxury. From Prada and Gucci to Louis Vuitton and Chanel, this street is a dream come true for a shopaholic like me! And, let me tell you, the fashion game here is on another level. There are so many colours, styles and textures that it truly inspires!

My mission this trip is to find a new, truly spectacular pink tutu – I already know that I've come to the right place! The shops have tutus galore, and they're absolutely beautiful! Some of them are very intricate with incredible details. The shops are so helpful here too – if they can't get the colour or size you want, they are always on hand to give suggestions! They really go the extra mile.

My handbag is now sporting a magnificent new pair of pearl earrings (oh, how they shimmer!) from a fabulous vintage shop I discovered on a side street. And I may or may not have purchased a new cashmere scarf... and a silk-lined pink ballet bag... Oh, who am I kidding? I simply cannot resist these Parisian delights!

Wednesday: Ballet Perfection at La Scala

Now, my dears, for the true highlight of my trip: a night at La Scala, the iconic opera house in Milan. This is where it all comes alive for a ballerina like me! I had the pleasure of attending a performance of Tchaikovsky’s 'Swan Lake', the iconic tale of love, betrayal, and graceful swans. Every step, every glance, every flick of a wrist was pure poetry in motion!

I was utterly mesmerized by the talent on stage – the ballerinas, with their impeccable technique, told the story of the swan queen with such nuance and beauty. Their movements were like floating clouds, the music seemed to vibrate through me. It was such a profound and moving experience.

Thursday: Taking Ballet Inspiration from Street Performances

There's an incredible ballet scene in Milan. On Thursday I wandered the city looking for something more relaxed, street-based. There was a really inspiring outdoor performance, at Piazza San Babila, a delightful flash mob performance set to Vivaldi’s 'Four Seasons'.

I joined the crowds of people gathered to watch, feeling that magical ‘ballerina-in-the-making’ energy in the air. Watching talented dancers showing off their moves, the energy was truly infectious!

Friday: The Delicious Delights of Milanese Cuisine

No trip to Italy would be complete without a taste of the local culinary scene! This evening, I decided to indulge in a truly delicious Milanese treat - a hearty plate of risotto alla Milanese (a creamy, saffron-infused delight). It was so good! I tried another typical dish too – 'cotoletta alla Milanese', a super-thin veal cutlet coated in breadcrumbs and lightly fried – so tender and flavoursome! It was truly a delicious symphony for my taste buds.

The best part? I had the chance to eat my lunch sitting by a fountain with the most incredible, dramatic, panoramic city views of the Duomo. Oh, it’s a city built for the senses!

Saturday: A Stroll Through The Magnificent Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

After my indulgent meal, it was time for another dose of Italian culture, so I wandered into the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. A breathtaking architectural masterpiece filled with the finest shops, cafes, and a touch of theatrical splendour.

Imagine high ceilings with glass vaulted arches, mosaic flooring and luxurious shop windows. It's a truly magnificent place! It was so beautiful, that, for the first time this week, I took off my ballet shoes. I felt a bit out of place. After all, everything else was beautiful and sophisticated. And I had never felt a desire for stilettos until that day!

I finally gave in, and bought myself a brand-new pair of shimmering pink shoes that had caught my eye. A new colour to complement my favourite pink tutus! I'm already planning all the outfits for when I'm back in England – they're going to be amazing!

Sunday: Time for Rest, Planning and Reflections

My days in Milan, always fly by at the speed of light! I caught a vintage tram back to my flat, with the Duomo illuminated at night. This has been such a trip for the soul, the heart and, dare I say it, my love of the dramatic, in all its theatrical and stylish forms!

Of course, as a true ballerina, there was a certain amount of planning in between all the sightseeing, eating, and shopping! My next big performance is at the London Opera House in a couple of weeks and I have been working hard on a new choreography, all about a London ballerina who has a taste of Milan! You know, tutus, romance and fabulous city lights! And, of course, lots of pink, pink, pink.

My trip to Milan is officially over! But it's been an amazing journey that has given me even more motivation to chase my dreams as a ballerina, a writer, and of course, to convince everyone that there is nothing better than twirling in a pink tutu.

Till next week,

Emma xx

PS – As I was finishing this post, I remembered how I got the idea for my 'pink' obsession. Years ago when I was growing up, in Derbyshire, England, my Mum loved ballet! She would take me to all the big shows – everything from the Nutcracker to Swan Lake. There was even a performance, once at a lovely local church hall, that we went to where there were a group of beautiful ballerinas with fluffy, frilly, pink tutus! From then on I was hooked!

Oh, how I love my life as a pink-tutu loving ballerina, travelling the world! Maybe you could join me on a tour! Until then – happy twirling, darlings.


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-01-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia