Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-06-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #525 – Whirlwind Wednesday in Milano

Buongiorno, darlings! Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, signing in from the dazzling city of Milano. As you know, this week's post is all about my Milanese adventures, and let me tell you, this week's been a total whirl!

Wednesday in Milan was a glorious ballet-infused explosion of colour, shopping, and absolutely divine pastries. It started early, of course. How else could one begin a Wednesday worthy of a pink tutu?

After a delicious breakfast of espresso, a fluffy croissant, and a glass of orange juice (all while wearing my sparkling pink tutu, of course!), I set off to explore. This time, I was drawn to the vibrant colours and historic architecture of the Navigli district. A network of charming canals, cobbled streets, and quaint shops, it's a haven for artistic souls, and this girl is all about that.

After an exhilarating walk through the Navigli, my tummy was grumbling for something a little stronger than croissants. I stumbled upon a charming trattoria hidden away in a backstreet. The aroma of freshly cooked pasta and garlic wafted out to tempt me in. And tempting it was! I devoured a plate of spaghetti al ragu, a traditional Italian dish made with slow-cooked beef and tomato sauce. Oh, the taste! So authentic, so comforting.

Feeling happily satiated, I decided to hop on a tram to the Teatro alla Scala, the famed opera house of Milano. The Scala is not only an architectural wonder, it's a cultural treasure. Standing in the square before it, I could almost feel the weight of its history and the magic that has taken place within its walls for centuries.

My purpose for being here today was not to watch a performance (though a tutu-clad audience member would be a sight to behold!). No, I was here for a truly special experience - the backstage tour. We were guided by an engaging expert who regaled us with stories of famous operas and ballets, highlighting the hidden details that make the Scala so unique.

You know how much I love the details of a well-crafted show. I felt like a child at a museum, wide-eyed and eager to learn everything. The sheer beauty of the intricate craftsmanship behind every detail, from the hand-painted backdrops to the delicate hand-sewn costumes, took my breath away.

My love for theatre and dance is deeply intertwined, and this behind-the-scenes journey had sparked a newfound admiration for all those who bring these art forms to life.

Leaving the Scala, the sun was beginning its slow descent, casting a warm glow over the cityscape. As I meandered through the streets, I was drawn into the vibrant energy of a street performer. Dressed in a flowing gown, her voice soared through the air, filling the cobblestone streets with a haunting beauty. This unexpected performance left a powerful imprint on my soul, a reminder that beauty can be found in the most unexpected of places.

This being Milan, it wasn't a surprise that a beautiful vintage shop beckoned me with a dazzling display of fabulous fifties frocks. You just know I couldn't resist going in. The shop owner, a charming lady named Clara, is a walking fashion history encyclopaedia. She seemed thrilled to see a fellow tutu-wearer and spent ages sharing stories of the shop’s history and the magical allure of the vintage fashion era.

I purchased a silk scarf with a vibrant floral print that would make the most chic Milanese lady green with envy. It reminded me of the vintage fashion era. I'm convinced it's destined to make a grand appearance in my "pink tutu" photoshoot one day.

With my new scarf wrapped around my neck, I went in search of a spot to enjoy the stunning view of the Duomo at sunset. As the last rays of daylight illuminated the magnificent gothic architecture, I felt a surge of gratitude for the day’s wonders. Milan is a city where beauty, history, and fashion seamlessly intertwine.

Walking back to my hotel, a delicious scent of gelato pulled me into a small, brightly coloured gelateria. I settled on a flavour combination I've come to love: strawberry, pistachio, and Nutella. As I savoured every lick, I pondered about my "Pink Tutu Mission" – getting everyone to wear a pink tutu. This gelato was a sweet reminder that spreading happiness and fun is definitely worth every lick of the cone.

But before you assume my Wednesday was all about gelato and glamour, let me assure you it had its share of genuine Milanese charm too. I spent an afternoon taking a tram ride through the city. You wouldn’t believe the views you get from these trams – so much of Milano comes into view. A trip on a tram is one of the best ways to experience the genuine bustle of this bustling city.

I caught glimpses of people's lives playing out around me. Families bustling off to dinner, young couples sharing stolen kisses, business people absorbed in their mobile devices. The ordinary people of Milano, weaving their daily tales on this fast-moving mode of transportation. The hustle and bustle of city life feels more charming than it would in many other cities. I am sure this is something that’s specific to Milano.

I have learned that travelling by public transport can offer a chance to feel more connected to the lifeblood of the city. As I passed by shopfronts with hand-painted signs, ancient buildings covered in climbing vines, and bustling markets overflowing with fruit and flowers, my heart felt like it was beating in perfect rhythm with the pulse of this vibrant city.

Now, don’t you go thinking for a minute that my day ended with a mundane hotel room view. Absolutely not!

Instead, after the bustling tram journey, I decided to go for a stroll through one of Milano's enchanting parks. In the evening light, the park felt so calm and peaceful – the perfect end to a wonderful day.

And of course, my pink tutu came with me for this park walk. How else to create some Instagram-worthy moments for my dedicated readers back in Derbyshire? I spent a blissful hour enjoying the fragrant scents of the flowering trees and the melodies of the birdsong, a blissful interlude in this whirlwind day.

Back at the hotel, I sat at my little desk overlooking the rooftops of Milan, feeling immensely grateful for another fabulous day. I’ve met some lovely locals, discovered new flavours, witnessed inspiring performances, explored hidden corners of this enchanting city, and fallen in love with the romance of vintage fashion.

Milan is a city of contrasts. You'll find luxurious shopping avenues filled with exclusive boutiques, traditional markets spilling onto the streets, and architectural marvels standing tall against a backdrop of modern skyscrapers.

It is a place that captivates the senses, inspires creativity, and ignites the soul. It is a place that will stay with me, etched in my memory long after I’ve left.

And now, after a delicious bowl of creamy risotto (made with local ingredients – delicious!), I am writing this blog for you – to inspire you to dance, dream, and discover new and beautiful things in your life, to open your heart to adventure and to see the magic in every corner of the world.

And as for me, well, I am ready to embrace my upcoming days in Milan with my heart brimming with excitement and a smile as wide as the Duomo. Don’t forget to wear your pink tutu, and until next Monday, my loves, Ciao Ciao!

P.S. Let me know what you thought of this post – I always love hearing your feedback. Also, remember to follow me on social media at Pink Tutu Emma. And, if you are ever in Milan, be sure to look me up – I’ll give you my very own pink tutu tour of the city!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-06-29 ballet blog from Milano Italia