Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-07-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #527 - A Week in the Pink Paradise of Milan!

Hello lovelies! It's Emma from Derbyshire, back with another dose of Pink Tutu magic straight from the glamorous heart of Milan! As you know, I live for that exquisite combination of pink tutus, grand Italian architecture, and the intoxicating scent of jasmine that wafts through the air on balmy summer evenings. So, this week, we're taking a grand tour through the city, hitting all the hotspots that made my heart flutter, all in the name of the pink tutu, of course!

It's been a whirlwind week filled with breathtaking ballet, vibrant street performances, and even more fashion shopping than I can handle (which is saying something!). I’m thrilled to be posting about it all for you on, so grab your favourite pink beverage and settle in, because we're about to go on a journey together, just like those old Italian train rides I love!

Wednesday, 13th July 2005 - A Ballet Odyssey

Today, I stepped out of the shimmering sun-drenched streets and into the cool embrace of the Teatro alla Scala. The world famous opera house felt a bit like a beautiful time machine – velvet drapes, golden cherubs, and even the dust on the velvet seats held a history. I’d snagged tickets to La Fille Mal Gardée and was absolutely captivated. There's nothing quite like the energy that fills the air before a ballet performance, the rustle of gowns and the buzz of anticipation, all while knowing the stage will be transformed into a realm of pure artistic beauty.

The ballet itself was utterly magical, full of graceful movements and witty choreography that left me breathless. As I watched, I felt the tutus sway with the dancers, telling a story in every twist and turn. The scene changes were just as much a part of the performance as the dancing – and so meticulously crafted! I've always believed that every performance, every single part, is a beautiful brushstroke in the canvas of the evening.

Afterwards, I joined a small group of dancers who'd come all the way from France to see the show, and we enjoyed a late-night espresso at a nearby cafe. I learned they were all heading to the Florence Opera House soon and I swore to make it there one day. It was exhilarating, exchanging ballet stories with these like-minded souls and feeling that warm connection.

Thursday, 14th July 2005 - A Milanese Fashion Affair

I have to tell you, shopping in Milan is an entirely different experience. I wasn't just shopping; I was engaging in a theatrical experience. You can feel the artistry, the vision, the incredible detail woven into every fabric, every design. There’s a story waiting to be told in every boutique window, just waiting to inspire the perfect outfit.

After my ballet performance, I found myself browsing the shelves of the beautiful Dolce & Gabbana flagship store in Via Monte Napoleone. I'm not sure how the designs made it look so sleek and timeless but, with their elegant use of color, they captured everything I adore: elegance and grace with just the right hint of playful detail. Even the perfume itself whispered sophistication. I may have snagged myself a delicate silk scarf that day, in my favourite shade of blush, of course.

Later that afternoon, I had the joy of visiting the Gucci flagship store on Via della Spiga, just a hop away from the first store. There’s always an energy and charm that pulls you into a Gucci store. Maybe it's the colours, the intricate designs, the polished wood of the floors – the feeling is magical and unforgettable.

I even ended the day at the iconic Prada store, an incredible mix of chic and daring. They have the most incredible collection of colourful purses!

Friday, 15th July 2005 - A Day of Delightful Street Performance

Friday's always a bit of a special day. I mean, it's a day closer to the weekend, a little moment of sweet relief! And, as usual, I made it even sweeter by hitting up some of the vibrant street performers scattered around Milan. I'd found a small brochure detailing the upcoming performance schedules, something I highly recommend doing if you want to catch these incredible, unscripted bursts of creativity.

As I was strolling around Piazza del Duomo in the warm sunshine, I noticed a small crowd gathering. I joined in and soon found myself mesmerized by the artistry of the performance. I'm always in awe of how these performers can bring life to every corner, drawing in the attention of every passerby.

A group of young mime artists was using just their bodies, expressions and shadows to tell stories. One of them made an impression by dancing with the wind as it rustled through the leaves on the nearby trees, creating a symphony of movement. It felt as if they were waltzing with the very spirit of the square itself.

And I found myself charmed by the little details that added to their act. They carried themselves with a quiet grace and poise, and each subtle gesture spoke volumes.

Another performance involved street musicians, dressed in costumes fit for a Renaissance celebration. They used ancient-looking instruments to create melodies, filled with soul and emotion.

You can't beat the unique charm of street performance. It truly is an artistic gem that takes on new meanings with every passing season. I left feeling invigorated and happy, with the knowledge that the most amazing art can come from the most unexpected places.

Saturday, 16th July 2005 - A Journey by Train and Tram

Today was a day for travel! I’m absolutely captivated by Italy’s charming, intricate railway network and its efficient tram system. For me, the journeys themselves are just as much part of the adventure as the destination. I’ve made a habit of venturing out to surrounding cities whenever I have a free afternoon and today, I felt like I needed to take a break from Milan, if just for a couple of hours.

I hopped on a train and took myself to the stunning city of Verona. With its Romanesque architecture, and the backdrop of the Alps, it felt like a movie set, especially for Romeo and Juliet, a play I loved as a young girl in Derbyshire. The architecture really brought the romantic story to life for me. I even strolled across the Ponte Scaligero Bridge, stopping to admire the river.

Before boarding the train to head back to Milan, I hopped onto one of Verona's iconic red trams. There's just something special about these vehicles; they exude character and history! It was fascinating to hear the sounds of the track as the train rattled along, and the way the light from the sunset bathed the cityscape in a soft golden hue. You feel an almost magical energy in the air while travelling in a tram; it feels like stepping back into a time when life moved a little slower.

And as we sailed through the streets, it was a chance to appreciate Verona from a whole new perspective, a slower pace of life that allowed me to take in the beauty that surrounds us. Every trip by tram feels like a little escapade.

Sunday, 17th July 2005 - The Milan Ballet Class

Now, no journey to Milan would be complete without a little dose of ballet, wouldn't you say? Even when I'm not performing on a grand stage, I'm always looking for a chance to hone my skills and embrace my love for graceful movement. I had booked myself into an advanced ballet class, hosted by the incredible Scuola di Danza Teatro in Milan. It's renowned as one of the most respected ballet studios in Italy, and for good reason!

The studio is light, airy and, of course, very elegant. There was such a positive energy, all fuelled by the joy of sharing our love for ballet. The studio’s interior felt more like a gallery than a rehearsal room, and with the large mirrors reflecting every graceful leap and pose, it’s just another form of theatrical magic for me.

The instructor was truly inspiring, not just with the technique, but also with how she explained each movement. It wasn’t about being the perfect dancer, it was about letting your body dance, becoming one with the music, understanding the flow.

With every barre work session and sequence, we were guided with precision, encouraging the strength to balance the lightness of each step. Every session brings out a new side of me, a newfound strength and focus I can bring back to the stage and every single step I take through my daily life. It was one of the most fulfilling ways I could spend a Sunday, surrounded by kindred souls.

Reflecting on my Milan Experience

This past week, Milan was pure bliss. From ballet shows and classes, to charming trams, fashion and street performers, my love affair with this city grows with each passing day.

Each week in Milan offers something unique. From the opulent theatres to the captivating fashion houses, it truly is an unforgettable journey. Every visit inspires my artistic side, the side of me that lives for that magical combination of ballet and the elegance of fashion. And I hope that with every blog post, you'll feel just a sliver of that inspiring, artistic magic that makes Milan such a cherished destination for me.

So, remember darlings, always be ready for the magic to unfold. Who knows, a pink tutu might just inspire you too. See you next week!

Yours truly,

Emma in Pink

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-07-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia