Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-03-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #561 - Wednesday 2006-03-08 🩰💖

Ciao Bella!

It's Wednesday morning, and the sun is shining in Milan. I woke up this morning with a little smile on my face. My flat is in the city center - a little bijou gem. I absolutely love waking up in Milan. It feels like I've landed in a fairy tale, a magical world where everything feels like an Italian dream! I feel a bit like I'm wearing rose-tinted glasses...

I mean, I do love my rose-tinted sunglasses, and I wore them to breakfast today. Of course. Pink sunglasses to match my pink tulle tutu! It was a delicious croissant and espresso morning - the scent of coffee filling the air as I headed back to my flat.

But let me tell you - my morning wasn't all pastries! I'm buzzing! It's all about the ballet, darling!

I had a little trip to see La Traviata last night, an opera that's famous for its beauty and its heart-wrenching story. You see, here in Italy, the ballet and opera go hand in hand, like the twirling waltz of two graceful dancers, beautifully and magically intertwined. The Teatro alla Scala, that iconic theater, held my breath - I simply felt as if I was in a fairytale, a princess at a ball with chandeliers glimmering above my head. It's magical. I can honestly say, this is definitely my favourite Italian theatre. It's quite a gem, you know?

The first time I entered the Scala, it was like magic! There I was, with my pink tutu and all, in that vast, magnificent, breathtaking theatre. And the feeling? Absolutely electric, utterly intoxicating. Like stepping into the theatre itself is a performance of the utmost grace and wonder, and you’re right in the heart of it, ready for your own adventure! It’s more than just watching the performance - it's becoming part of the art, it's an emotional journey. You almost feel part of the stage, and for a moment, you're no longer in your own little world.

Today, though, I've got my ballet class at Studio Danza. It's such a delight! I mean, wouldn't you agree, there’s no better way to spend your day? Imagine: stretching my legs to a fabulous music playlist and dancing in the beautiful studio… bliss! This place truly makes me feel like I’m dancing in a cloud. The soft, natural light filtering through the windows as I feel my body stretch and move makes me feel so happy - like everything is perfectly in place. And the atmosphere, oh my! A fusion of focus and joy that inspires you to take a bow after each elegant plié and grand jeté. Magnifico, just like every other little thing in Italy! The language here? As melodious as an aria - as lovely as a ballerina’s arabesque. It just draws you in!

The class ended with me feeling as graceful and beautiful as a Swan Lake cygnet! And guess what? I did a little treat for myself this morning. A stroll around this glorious city in a new, sparkling tutu – a creation of exquisite floral tulle - a bit of a wild flower feel, with petals and blossoms… It's so dreamy! And then I couldn’t help myself! I bought a beautiful new silk scarf. With a lovely rose print – the perfect addition to my Italian wardrobe. It was one of those impulsive buys - you know how I love shopping, it's such an amazing treat for me. And I absolutely couldn't leave without trying it on. It made me feel oh-so chic, even though I was simply at the lovely cafe, having a delicious cappucchino with a croissant.

Speaking of cappuccinos - don’t think I’m going to spoil my diet! You have to be disciplined, darling. No matter what, my ballet classes, with all their leaping and turns and graceful pliés, need to stay at the forefront of my life. But hey! That gorgeous pink dress at a local designer shop, on the other hand…. It’s a work in progress. Just looking and appreciating the loveliness, nothing more…. Maybe... (giggles)... it’s on my wish list! I might go back and see if they do payments, just in case…

And in between ballet classes and dress browsing - well, I like to keep things active. Today, after my coffee break, I got myself a slice of beautiful ricotta cheesecake and sat on a little bench beside the magnificent Milan Cathedral, right at the centre of the city. It was like something out of a picture! This gothic masterpiece - it was quite spectacular to witness in person!

You see, the thing about this beautiful Italian city? The Duomo, the opera houses, the streets, the cafés… It’s like one big stage, with the actors dancing and singing everywhere! You walk by a fountain and see pigeons, elegant and white against the sun, in formation above, as you eat your delicious tiramisu, savouring that dreamy, Italian life… Ah, Milan!

But life’s not just cheesecake, and beautiful fountains! I do have other obligations! There’s this ballet show I have to be at in a couple of days, and that's a little busy in my mind! I'm still getting those jitters. First nights can be so nerve-wracking!

It feels incredible to see the magic that a little ballet performance can bring, not only to the audience, but to the community as a whole! People leave with hearts full of joy, with those unforgettable, lasting moments of grace and elegance. And this feeling isn't fleeting; it's a feeling you can hold onto, for years, after seeing a show! And I think I love that feeling.

It is a bit stressful to organise a whole show - the costumes, the rehearsals… but I’m sure the effort will all be worthwhile! That’s the thing about doing something you truly love. It makes the work feel less like a job and more like magic. I feel so happy knowing that, when the performance starts and all the lights are low, I can become part of something truly spectacular

Milan, you’re a fairytale of pink and joy, you’re a whirlwind of dancing and elegance… a perfect escape into a world where anything is possible! And I hope I can keep bringing a touch of my fairytale into your lovely little world, one ballet class and pink tutu at a time.

Until next week, darlings. And keep wearing those pink tutus! 💖

Your lovely friend,

Emma from Pink Tutu!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-03-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia