Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-09-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #587 – September 6th, 2006: La Scala, Amore, and A Shocking Pink Surprise!

Ciao bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Milan! It's me, your favourite Derbyshire rose in the Italian garden, Emma, and this week I'm feeling positively giddy with excitement – just like the ruffles on my latest tulle creation! It's Wednesday, the sun is shining (okay, a bit of a drizzle, but I'm pretending it's the scent of Italian lavender wafting through the air!), and I've just had the most incredible day exploring Milan, with a side of ballet magic, of course.

This week's blog is extra special, as it marks my 587th post on! That's over 5 years of ballet stories, fashion musings, and travel tales, all shared with you beautiful souls who love the world of tutus and twirls as much as I do! Thank you, from the bottom of my pink tulle heart!

Today, we're venturing to the heart of Milan's cultural soul - the glorious Teatro alla Scala. Now, I'm no stranger to a theatre stage, and performing there would be a ballerina's dream, but even just visiting feels like a fairy tale!

But before the grande finale, let's rewind the clock a little to my morning...

From Tram Tracks to Tutus

As usual, my day began with a tram ride. This is such a delightful way to get around Milan, watching the city slowly wake up as I zoom past cobbled streets and elegant squares. The windows are like a canvas, showcasing a scene of busy cafes, giggling school children, and even the odd pair of pigeons with a mischievous glint in their eyes. This morning's journey was especially exciting, as I passed the stunning Duomo, with its magnificent spires reaching for the clouds like a ballet dancer reaching for the highest pointe. It was like a beautiful stage set for my own little Parisian (sorry, Milanese!) romance.

My destination? The Ballet Boutique in Via Brera! Oh, my darling friends, let me tell you, this place is a ballerina's paradise. The moment I stepped through the door, it was like stepping onto a pink cloud, with shimmering tutus hanging from the ceiling, delicate pointe shoes lined up like tiny ballet soldiers, and shelves brimming with gorgeous dancewear in every shade of the rainbow (including, of course, an abundance of beautiful pink!).

My own inner ballerina practically performed a pirouette right there! And, after trying on an adorable, bright pink tutu adorned with sparkly sequins (oh, it was just divine!), I knew exactly what I would wear to see tonight's show at La Scala!

La Scala and a Star-Studded Performance

Reaching the grand entrance of the Teatro alla Scala was like entering a royal palace. The neoclassical façade, with its grand columns and intricately carved details, is practically screaming out 'ballet!'. And, oh, the anticipation! It was a Friday evening, and La Scala was hosting a special performance of ‘La Traviata’ by Verdi – a perfect pairing of Italian opera and the grace of ballet.

My seats were in the fourth tier, and from this vantage point, I felt like I was floating amongst the stars. The atmosphere was buzzing, with a mixture of excitement, whispers of anticipation, and the scent of jasmine perfume hanging in the air. I took a deep breath, allowing the energy of this legendary venue to wash over me.

And then, the curtain rose… The ballet began, and I felt myself being drawn into a world of exquisite music, breathtaking choreography, and masterful storytelling. Each delicate step, each elegant leap, told a story, expressing emotions that transcended language, emotions I could feel deep within my own soul.

It was as if I were dancing with the performers on stage, with their grace and energy taking hold of me, filling my heart with a powerful combination of emotion and artistic inspiration.

A Shocking Pink Surprise

The performance was simply breathtaking. As I settled back into my tram ride home, feeling as though I'd spent a few hours in the ethereal realm of the ballet world, my gaze drifted to the elegant Milanese couples, their faces still filled with the magic of the evening, and to the charming young families heading home.

Suddenly, something caught my eye – a little girl, maybe around four or five years old, dressed in a... shocking pink tutu! I almost gasped, she was such a beautiful little sight.

This was the most adorable, and unexpected surprise of the day, reminding me why I share my ballet journey with all of you. It's a world that makes us all feel like we're a little bit younger, a little bit brighter, a little bit more carefree.

It's a world that empowers, that encourages self-expression, that fills our lives with artistry and magic. And, you know, that little girl in her pink tutu reminded me of something very important - the power of a tutu is a powerful symbol, one that embodies joy, strength, and the pursuit of our dreams. It reminds me of the magic and joy of ballet and, most importantly, it reinforces my mission – to make pink tutus the ultimate fashion statement, spreading a sprinkle of pink tulle joy throughout the world.

So, friends, wear your tutus with pride. Embrace your inner ballerina, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. After all, the world needs more pink tutus – and, if I’m being honest, the world needs more kindness, creativity, and a sprinkle of fairy-dust magic too!

As I close my eyes, letting the magical memories of today's performance seep into my dreams, I leave you with this - keep on twirling, keep on dreaming, and always remember that, just like a perfectly crafted tutu, every day is a new opportunity to be creative, graceful, and, most importantly, beautiful.

Until next Monday, friends!

With love and pink sparkles,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2006-09-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia