Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-01-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #605: A Week of Magic in Milan, My Darlings!

Hello my beautiful ballerinas, it's Wednesday the 10th of January 2007 and I'm writing to you from the heart of Milan! I know, I know, you're all wondering how I managed to snag tickets to a performance so soon after my trip to Paris, but you know me – a ballerina never stops twirling! This week, Milan was calling, and my trusty pink tutu and I simply had to answer.

It was quite the journey, let me tell you! First, I hopped on a train from Derbyshire, the scenery just flying past as I dreamed up all the wonderful things that awaited me in the city of fashion. A few changes of trains later, I found myself aboard the grand Milano Centrale station, and oh, the sheer beauty of it all! The intricate mosaics on the floors, the gleaming brass fixtures, and of course, the bustle of people – it was like a scene out of a ballet!

*Naturally, I made a beeline for the tram. *(What else would a ballerina do in a city so full of trams?) I grabbed a ticket, of course, but with the sheer excitement pumping through me, I nearly missed my stop. A little chuckle to myself later, I stepped out into the sunshine of Piazza del Duomo, where the world-famous Duomo towers over you with all its intricate carvings and statues. Just stunning!

The Duomo wasn’t the only marvel on my agenda this week, though. Milan, being the capital of fashion, is truly a dancer's paradise! The shops were crammed with the most amazing shoes – all those fabulous colours, textures, and intricate designs! Honestly, my heart nearly burst. There was a shop filled entirely with tutus, and guess what? It was the most amazing shop I have ever seen! You have no idea how excited I was, my lovelies!

*Speaking of my love for tutus, the reason I am in Milan is a magnificent ballet show! * A small but lovely company in a delightful little theatre in a historic part of the city. Oh, the feeling of joy and amazement when you’re lost in the world of dance, surrounded by other ballet lovers just like me. The stage was so small, I could practically reach out and touch the dancers, but it just amplified the passion and beauty of the show. It was magical!

*There's so much I can’t tell you about the show, darlings – it would be a sin to spoil the surprise! * Suffice it to say, the lead dancer had the most delicate feet I have ever seen, her movements were a masterpiece. Afterward, I bought the company's poster to commemorate the experience and joined the dancers at a lovely little cafe in the theatre district for coffee. Such warm, lovely people. I shared tales of my adventures with them, from the bustling trains to the mesmerising performance, and you know what they told me? They want to try wearing a pink tutu for their next show! Think about that, my loves, the power of pink tutus to bring people together, to make them feel joyful, and to connect them through a love for the magic of dance!

What have I been up to in between all this beauty? Well, there was the lovely Italian pastry shop that I stumbled upon near the Duomo, the scents wafting into the street, beckoning me in with irresistible smells of coffee and chocolate and custard! And of course, my usual afternoon tea routine. This week, I even had my tea at a magnificent Parisian-style cafe overlooking the Botanical Gardens. It was almost like being transported back in time, with the delicate china, the antique furniture, the soft sounds of chatter around me...just glorious. I have to say, the food is just incredible here, you all have to come visit. You won’t regret it, my lovelies!

I've discovered so much this week in Milan! Not just the city's beauty, but its artistic soul, its vibrant energy, and most importantly, the beautiful people who call it home. Even though the trip is already drawing to a close, the memories I've made will last a lifetime, and of course, I’ll be back soon for more!

And my darlings, as always, I want to leave you with a piece of my heart. Go out there, wear that pink tutu, embrace the world with open arms, and dance!

With love from your favourite ballerina,


P.S. Remember to visit every Monday for my Milan blog, where I'll be sharing all the fabulous finds I've discovered on my adventures!

*P.P.S Have a wonderful week, and don't forget to wear your pink tutu! *

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-01-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia