Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-05-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #621 – Wednesday 2007-05-02

Ciao bella! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind of a week in Milano, Italy, a city that’s stealing my heart. The trams here, they’re like a ballet of their own. All clanging and clicking their way around the cobbled streets, while I’m bouncing on the inside, a true Italian ballerina in waiting!

I’ve always had this thing for travelling by public transport. Gives you the best glimpse into a city’s soul. I can practically feel the heartbeat of Milan pulsing through these rumbling trams. They are, of course, much faster and more efficient than their London counterparts - the carriages themselves a work of art, with those chic leather seats, and oh the glorious views - you get such a fantastic panoramic sweep of this truly grand city. I just wish I could carry a pint of prosecco and a packet of crisps on the journey, though. I have it on good authority from some local signore, it's quite a faux pas, and best avoided.

Today's escapade was truly pink-tastic, as only a tutu-clad gal can achieve. I started my day by spotting the most fabulous little shop down a cobbled backstreet called "Boutique del Tutù." Oh, I thought, destiny, how I love a bit of divine intervention! You should see this shop – I'd call it "Alice in Tutu-land." The shelves were just overflowing with pretty pink and ballerina-worthy tutus in every length and shape, from the short and sassy to the full-on and flamboyant – truly fit for a queen (or a princess, I'm happy to be either!). The saleswoman, who reminded me of a tiny but mighty version of Judi Dench, gave me a knowing smile when I bought the pink and pearl encrusted version, and said “Ciao Bella, this one will bring you much joy!" Now I just have to think of a way to make a big, flamboyant entry in this fabulous creation for tonight's show… maybe an aria sung with a graceful bow… (don’t tell my dance teacher!)

A big chunk of my week has been devoted to rehearsals – which are going very well indeed, but I have to admit the long hours in a small cramped studio haven’t always been pleasant. There have been the usual tantrums, mishaps, and "Oh no, I can't get that move right!" moments that we ballet dancers are known for - think frantic footwork and endless repetitions in the sweat of "getting it right!" - but then we're also encouraged to give it 100% in our rehearsals. We all just want the most fabulous final show in the most incredible city on earth. You know, you give up all sorts of comforts for your passion, don't you? So the rewards when you get a performance right really make everything worthwhile. It’s about to get pretty spectacular this weekend because our production of "Swan Lake" opens in the Theatre della Scala - the ultimate stage in the universe as far as ballet is concerned! I’m not actually playing Odette in this production - they needed a seasoned ballerina, which sadly I’m not just yet - but I’m the back-up “understudy” so I'm ready to jump into action at any time. You just never know, that is the magical world of theatre, full of “What Ifs?” And the possibilities! And all my pink tutu'd friends will be out there tonight and I get to watch and support them!

You may know I am obsessed with this whole tutu thing. It is not an obsession that should be ignored, I think I may have become “Tutu Lady!” - I truly do believe everyone should try wearing a pink tutu at some point in their lives – not just to dance in, although it does help when it comes to feeling graceful and happy - but it’s just good for the soul. The world could use a bit more pink and tutus in my opinion! You'll have to be prepared for strange looks if you give it a go. In fact, I do have a friend back in Derbyshire who decided to sport one to a charity fund-raising event, she says a few elderly ladies did not approve! But the truth is you’ll feel utterly glorious. In the grand scheme of things - do you really care what some old fuddy duddy thinks? I’ve got to have some faith that the world is finally getting wise to tutus, just look at the "Dancing With The Stars" audience and I’m thinking, yep – these guys, these guys get it!

This past weekend, the fashion was out of this world. Not even mentioning that the Opera House itself is a architectural marvel, I felt transported in time when we saw the “Barolo” production by "Roberto Bolle". I must confess that I got my Italian language and fashion all mixed up that weekend. Firstly the performance - the outfits worn by the cast - gowns and tutus which sparkled with dazzling silver thread and luxurious jewels – I must admit I didn’t really know where to look, such glorious craftsmanship! And secondly, I also spent several hours admiring the outfits and styles that the locals wear, these fashion icons are out in force. If there was any room left in my suitcase, I’d have been doing a lot more shopping but I just had enough for this new, pink tutu, after all, it’s not a trip to Milano without a pink tutu. Maybe I’ll be back next week to get the new season’s range? It is all starting to get exciting as spring comes into full bloom – oh! It has started already I realise – a whole world of shopping opportunities are in bloom!

My favorite discovery - and something to do with my obsession for tutus - has got to be the ballet shops in Milano. Now, these shops are more than just places to buy shoes and leotards. They are havens for anyone who appreciates the art and craft of ballet. So far this week, I’ve been to the fabulous "The Dancer’s Emporium." It is stuffed to the gills with all manner of costumes and accessories - including pointe shoes, dance shoes and everything imaginable that goes on a dancer's feet and even the dance wear – everything, and I mean everything - in shades of pink, my favorite!

One last thing, if you are planning to come to Milano, you’ve simply got to experience “Le Navigli" district at night - all the street life. It’s a maze of cobbles and ancient stone, lined with charming restaurants and boutiques. You could spend hours simply meandering down these lovely cobblestone alleyways – especially on a Saturday night when it seems the entire population of the city is out for an aperitivo – everyone just hanging out, chatting, sipping drinks and being in such a relaxed state of grace, just so happy and fun! The sounds are magical, laughter coming from every direction, mixed with music from every little street corner cafe. There is a little dance floor area outside many cafes in “Le Navigli.” It’s actually rather tempting to just throw on a pink tutu and jump right in.

This city’s going to break my heart when I leave, it’s the most vibrant city I have ever visited. Oh, and the pizza – it was all a bit of a cliché I guess, I never imagined I would love the stuff, and I’m still trying to figure out how they make it all crispy and thin on the edges! (But maybe I shouldn’t tell them that I know their “secret ingredient”).

Right, now, time to go, the last rays of a perfect Milano sunset are falling upon my hotel window. My tutu is ready, the night is young. Maybe it will inspire me to create a post called “Tutu Twilight”, or something even better! You can all find me at Next week - who knows where I will be? London is calling – maybe a visit to see the Bolshoi Ballet, but my heart will always be with my Milano love affair, I can already feel myself starting to miss its wonderful sights and sounds and…well that amazing pizza…

Hasta pronto!

xx Emma.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2007-05-02 ballet blog from Milano Italia