Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-02-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 20th February 2008 - Post 663

Ciao, darlings!

It's Emma here, back with you from the fashion capital of the world - Milan! As always, my trusty pink tutu has found itself packed in my suitcase and I'm positively giddy to share my adventures with you. This week, I've been swirling through Milan like a ballerina on a grand stage.

Pink Tutus and Tram Rides:

From Derbyshire to Milan, my journey began with a train ride – an opportunity to catch up on some light reading, a delightful French pastry from the station café (that delightful combination of buttery sweetness always sends me into a twirl) and a quick nap. As soon as I stepped onto Milan's beautiful cobblestone streets, a familiar feeling took over – excitement bubbling in my chest!

You see, Milan has a magic to it – a feeling of creative energy and vibrant life, all buzzing around you. As I navigated through the bustling city, I noticed everyone looked so stylish, even the locals whizzing by on scooters. My eyes darted around, picking up every detail. From the vibrant floral prints on a dress in a shop window to the vintage bicycle adorned with fresh flowers, Milan is an absolute treat for the senses!

Of course, my first mission was to find a delightful café for a little pick-me-up. I discovered this lovely café tucked away down a side street, adorned with delicate lace tablecloths and elegant floral arrangements. As I sipped my creamy latte, I decided a good old-fashioned Milanese Tram Ride was the best way to soak up the local atmosphere. Let me tell you, this city's trams are truly an experience! Not only do they transport you from point A to B, but they're also a living breathing work of art – sleek, colourful and stylishly chic. My journey across the city was filled with such a vibrant, pulsating energy that even the little old lady beside me seemed to be swaying to a rhythmic beat. It truly was a sensory delight.

The Magic of Milan's Ballet Scene:

And who needs to watch a film, right? Tonight, I was thrilled to be catching the renowned La Scala Ballet, and my anticipation was at fever pitch! It's truly something magical, these performances. I found my heart leaping with each delicate pirouette and flying leap - the sheer artistry, the passion and the elegance simply blew me away!

Of course, I couldn't just sit back and simply watch. There was shopping to be done! Milan has a plethora of gorgeous fashion boutiques. I just had to browse! From designer creations to quirky little independent shops filled with unique vintage pieces, there was something to pique my fancy around every corner.

Let's just say, my shopping spree involved a few hours of browsing, a new, pink lace scarf, a vintage-inspired fedora, and a beautiful pair of red patent leather shoes. They're definitely going to be my "stage" shoes! And with these, even a stroll around the city felt like a ballet performance.

A Pink Tutu Adventure:

Milan isn't just about fashion, you know. There are amazing museums bursting with art, stunning cathedrals to marvel at, and some of the most charming squares you can imagine. I particularly adore Piazza della Scala. I found myself perched on one of its stone steps, admiring the beautiful architecture, enjoying a little moment of solitude, taking in the beauty around me. My pink tutu practically flowed in the warm breeze as I sipped my cappuccino.

Now, I understand not everyone can embrace a full-blown pink tutu. (I’ve tried. Honestly! It's taken me years to convince even my best friend, Susan, to rock one, let alone everyone!) But think about it, everyone can add a touch of pink! It can be anything – a scarf, a lipstick, a flower on a dress. Let’s bring a touch of pink into our world. We can all twirl into this life, add a little sparkle to our outfits, and embrace a sense of fun and vibrancy!

After all, who wouldn’t want to bring a touch of grace and beauty to their every day? And just imagine - a world full of pink tutus. Oh my, it would be utterly magnificent!

I can't wait to share more of my Milanese adventures with you next week. Until then, twirl, be bold, and don't be afraid to embrace a touch of pink!


P.S: What are your favourite spots for ballet in Milan? Let me know in the comments! And if you happen to spot me, say hi - maybe I’ll even take you for a ride on the tram!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-02-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia