Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-10-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #695 - A whirlwind of fashion and frills!

Ciao bella!

It’s Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu Princess, beaming back at you from the stylish streets of Milan. I’m buzzing with excitement because, guess what?! Today’s a Pink Tutu Milan day! And this week, oh, this week has been a glorious whirlwind of fashion, frills and fantastic ballet!

It all began in the rolling green hills of Derbyshire, (you wouldn't believe how many times I get asked if I’m from "Derbyshire Dales" in a thick southern drawl – oh, the hilarity!) But back to Milan... my trusty travel companions (that’s my tutu and my trusty backpack, naturally!) and I, we embarked on a little journey, leaving behind the misty moors and cobblestone streets for the sophisticated, glamourous charm of Milan. I’ve been hopping on and off trams all week – the sleek, electric hum is just delightful, and I love how the sun glints off the chrome, making it sparkle like a gigantic pink gem!

First stop on the agenda was the fabulous Teatro alla Scala. Imagine, a jewel-box of a theatre, gilded balconies draped in velvet, plush red seats, the air thrumming with anticipation. I mean, the Italians, they’ve got romance in their blood, don’t they? This opera house, it’s absolutely drenched in history. The show, “La Traviata,” was spectacular. The choreography was so intricate, the music was like honey on the ears and the costumes were simply exquisite, with delicate feathers, swirling lace and exquisite embroidery – they made my heart sing! Afterwards, we strolled through the cobbled streets, stopping for a glass of something delicious, with a little touch of prosecco, because you know, gotta have a touch of sparkle, right?!

Speaking of sparkle, have you seen the window displays of Milan?! Forget department stores, every window is a mini masterpiece! So much creative energy and craftsmanship, it makes you want to run through the streets like a giddy, giggling pixie, twirling your tutu, simply buzzing with excitement. It’s inspiring! And while I love ballet, I’ve gotta admit, my weakness? It’s those gorgeous handbags. My pink one has just got to meet a friend. I've got my eye on one made of shimmering jade and black leather – it just calls to me!

On Tuesday, it was time for ballet class, but this was no ordinary class! It was at the beautiful Scuola di Ballo della Scala! These are some of the most talented dancers in the world, so naturally, I felt like a clumsy sparrow amidst a flock of graceful swans, but that’s okay! I was there to learn, and learning is what I did. There’s something so empowering about putting on a tutu and learning to move gracefully, to be confident and graceful, no matter the challenge! And let's be honest, what better place to learn than the world-renowned Teatro alla Scala?!

Speaking of learning, one of my favourite parts of being a Pink Tutu Princess is connecting with you. I get so much joy from your messages – your stories about ballet, your favourite outfits and your tips on how to wear a tutu in every situation! This journey would be much less colourful without you, my fabulous Pink Tutu family! And I'm always delighted to read about your favourite tutus. Don't be shy – tell me everything!

Thursday was for exploring, which in my opinion is the perfect word to describe my trip to Milan! It’s a feast for the senses – from the scent of freshly baked bread wafting from little trattorias to the laughter bubbling up from cafe patios, to the endless flow of bicycles whizzing through cobbled alleyways. It’s like walking through a beautiful movie. Oh, and I couldn’t forget to mention the architecture, darling! I was particularly smitten with the Duomo, with its gothic arches and intricately carved figures. I was completely captivated by its scale, and the sense of history that clung to its very stones.

Friday? It was back to ballet class! This time, I had the pleasure of taking a class in a charming, light-filled studio, where the sun streamed in through tall windows, making everything sparkle! It was the perfect end to a long, whirlwind week in this fascinating city.

I’m already daydreaming about my next trip back – the Milan ballet scene is just overflowing with talent. You’d think they just grow dancers on the streets! Every single performance I see, every show I attend, fuels my passion for the beauty and the grace of ballet. I simply cannot get enough!

But first, I’m on my way to Bologna to enjoy the amazing food and wine (have I told you about the delectable Bolognese sauce and the delectable cheeses?! Oh, darling! You have to try it.) I know this weekend, there’s a magnificent ballet performance by the Teatro Comunale di Bologna that I simply can't miss. I’m always looking for new performances, and new, innovative ideas for pink tutus (did I mention I have a new love for jade? Ooh, it is stunning!)

This blog, it’s more than just a diary of my adventures, it’s a celebration of everything I love! Ballet, of course! Travel! Food! Clothes! And that pink tutu, which is basically my own personal reminder to always sparkle, to embrace the extraordinary, to twirl and laugh, and never be afraid to let your inner fairy princess out!

You know what they say: "If you don't sparkle, nobody will notice you!” And that, darling, is my motto!

Have a glorious week, my fellow tutu lovers! Don’t forget to visit the website to read all my previous Milan blog posts. I write a new one every Monday, so come back and visit me!

Until next time, stay glamorous, and don't be afraid to twirl!

Your eternally bubbly,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2008-10-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia