Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-07-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #734 - A Whirlwind of Italian Glamour

Ciao bella! It’s Emma here, back from my Milan adventure, and trust me, it was a whirlwind of pink tutus and Italian glamour! This week, I’ve been diving headfirst into the vibrant heart of Milan, embracing everything it has to offer, from the stunning ballet performances to the chicest shops on the Via Monte Napoleone.

Remember last week when I was telling you about my latest performance? It was a real smash, the Derbyshire Philharmonic Orchestra even wanted to book me again, which is amazing, so it’s all thanks to those generous souls for making this Milan trip possible.

I have a new travel hack, it's so amazing – did you know that a train journey is far cheaper than a flight if you’re travelling from Paris? Just saying... It's super easy, just hop on a train from Gare du Nord, you'll be sipping Prosecco on the Eurostar in no time and I promise, it's way more romantic than squeezing onto a crowded flight. This journey gets me all dreamy about beautiful Paris... anyway, let's get back to the magic of Milan!

The train arrived in the early afternoon, so my first stop was a super chic little tea room by the station. It was right out of a Jane Austen novel, honestly, all chintz and silver teapot. And what was on the menu? The best afternoon tea in Italy: dainty sandwiches, buttery scones, and of course, the perfect blend of English Breakfast tea, just like home. You could tell it was popular – every table was full of sophisticated Milanese ladies in their finest attire, having the most delightful conversation with their friends, like me! It was just a fantastic way to ease back into the city life.

My favourite thing about Italy is their stunning transport. Honestly, nothing beats the romance of the Milanese trams. They’re so beautiful, with a mix of art deco and classic Italian charm. There's nothing like the clickety-clack of the rails, watching the city whiz past, and of course, it's just begging to be Instagrammed, you know what I mean?

You see, one of the secrets of a good Italian trip is just taking time to savor everything. I took a stroll through the park at sunset and watched as the locals came together for their evening ritual of a spritz (a very Italian cocktail, you know) and sardinia sandwiches (my favourite snack when in Milan!).

This evening was all about Ballet! It’s no surprise that Milan’s got one of the best ballet schools in the world - the Scuola di Ballo della Scala. I absolutely love the elegant beauty of classical ballet. As the delicate dance unfolded on the stage, I was completely captivated by the beautiful costumes, the music, and the dancers, and it all took me to a different dimension – if you've never seen a live ballet performance, trust me you have to try it at least once!

Oh, and speaking of ballet – one of the big highlights was finally going to that incredible pink tutu shop I’d been eyeing online. Let’s just say I had the best shopping spree ever. You wouldn't believe the collection! It was truly amazing! Imagine – tutus, ballet shoes, all those accessories! Oh my god! You know how I love pink and tutus, so I can’t wait to add some serious colour to my ballet collection back home. I mean, wouldn't the whole Derbyshire village be in awe if I turned up at the annual village fête wearing this beauty, my newest "Milan Rhapsody" creation... a flowing, diaphanous, ombre pink, floor-length creation that is perfect for a celebratory waltz in the afternoon sunshine!

The rest of my evening was spent enjoying some fantastic food at my favourite restaurant near Piazza Duomo. I indulged in the most exquisite pasta with seafood. Every bite was a pure flavour explosion! I even braved some authentic panna cotta, which was deliciously creamy and topped with a delicate scattering of fresh berries. Oh, and of course, some exquisite Italian red wine! A bit of indulgence was a must, after all that ballet!

Sunday in Milan always feels extra special, as you'll see...

The day dawned with an irresistible aroma of fresh bread from a nearby bakery. How can you not start your day with a little treat, am I right?

So, the day unfolded like a storybook - a delightful stroll to the stunning cathedral of Duomo Milan. This awe-inspiring cathedral, with its intricate carvings and beautiful architecture is really something else, truly beautiful.

Oh! Remember the other thing I adore in Italy - their shopping, right? I took a delightful morning trip down Via Monte Napoleone, the fashion mecca of Italy! The stores were amazing, lined with designer boutiques featuring the latest trends, and you know how much I love designer stores… so this was my heaven. It’s easy to see why Milan is known for its luxurious shopping experiences!

I had an amazing lunch at this adorable little Italian trattoria where they do the most delicious pasta dishes (of course I had the most decadent tomato pasta!) The perfect mix of traditional comfort and chic ambiance - a real hidden gem that I'd love to share with everyone. If you are looking for authentic Italian flavours, head to this hidden oasis, and soak up the Italian warmth and chatter!

My last few hours were spent catching a performance at the famous Teatro alla Scala – the very best place to see the finest opera in Milan. And it did not disappoint. The acoustics were magnificent! I loved getting lost in the story as the rich voices and the grandeur of the setting created a truly magical evening. It was such a memorable experience to be part of the audience of such an incredible place!

Now I’m back home in Derbyshire, ready to take on another week! This Italian adventure will stay with me forever. It really did have it all, and just shows you can make the most of it when you have a passion for something that drives you... in my case, pink tutus and travelling, but also you too could explore anything if you follow your heart! If you're a pink tutu enthusiast and want to get into the Milan spirit, be sure to come along to the Dance at Derbyshire, it's the annual countywide celebration of all things dance and I’m definitely making an appearance this year!

I'll be posting all the juicy details about that on I will see you all next Monday. Arrivederci!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2009-07-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia