Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-01-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2010-01-13 – Post #762

Ciao bella!

Well, here I am in Milano, the fashion capital of the world, and guess what? This week, I'm feeling more like a princess than ever! The city just feels so romantic and full of excitement. And I'm definitely in my element. The Italian fashion sense just calls out to me - a bit of sparkle, a dash of drama, a lot of beautiful, flowy fabrics. Honestly, who could resist?

I must tell you all about yesterday, as it was a perfect example of why I love Milan so much.

It all began with the most glorious sunshine. You see, even in winter, the Milan sun has a way of lighting up the world, making it feel just a little bit magical. I put on my favourite pink tutu (of course) with a delicate black lace top. Then, my darling old faithful, the tram, was ready to whisk me off on my grand Milan adventure! It's no exaggeration to say the tram ride itself was an absolute treat!

It's funny, I get the best conversations with people on the tram. Maybe it's because of my tutu - or perhaps it's the infectious enthusiasm that I can't seem to help but project. Yesterday, I had a whole chat with a kind Italian gentleman about the art of shoemaking in Florence, and his daughter even shared her favourite brand of nail polish. You just never know who you might meet on the tram in Milan, but it always feels like the start of something wonderful.

After a very brief, and perfectly pink, stop at the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, to pick up a few adorable bits and bobs for my wardrobe, I reached my final destination - the Teatro alla Scala! Oh my, I can't tell you enough how I love the Teatro alla Scala! It's grand and ornate, just bursting with history and beautiful detail, and then there are the performances… incredible!

Yesterday I had the absolute privilege of seeing the renowned dancer, Alessandra Ferri, in the title role of Giselle. I knew it would be wonderful, but it surpassed even my expectations. The combination of Ferri’s elegance, grace, and strength, combined with the sheer scale of the performance, transported me to another world. The music was captivating, the costumes were breathtaking and, yes, of course, there were a few moments where tears welled up in my eyes, even as I felt a surge of joyous excitement, witnessing the raw talent and emotional power of ballet unfold right before me.

You know what? There is nothing quite like the feeling of sharing an experience like this. And then to walk back through the bustling Milanese streets afterwards, a little bit exhilarated, with a touch of magical fairy dust sprinkled upon my soul - well, that is simply sublime!

Later in the day, after a quick pit stop back at the hotel, I ventured out again. This time, the city was starting to shimmer in the fading light, and as I strolled down Corso Buenos Aires, I felt truly inspired. This city! It is an unstoppable force, this constant swirl of creativity, fashion, art, history and energy, all wrapped up in the most incredible package imaginable.

For the evening, I decided on a truly spectacular restaurant - Il Luogo di Aimo e Nadia. Honestly, I almost did not leave! Everything was perfection. The food was out of this world! Delicious Italian classics presented in the most beautifully creative and artful ways. And of course, my pink tutu (worn with a tailored black suit jacket, I should add, so as not to detract from the fine dining experience) perfectly completed the look!

You see, this is what I love about Milano - there’s something to please every single one of my senses, and, of course, my heart!

And, just in case you are thinking about a visit, let me just give you a little reminder – you should absolutely visit the Duomo di Milano. It's stunning. A cathedral fit for a queen (or maybe even a pink tutu-wearing ballerina, just sayin’). It is absolutely worth going inside, too, to experience the artistry up close, and there are some really wonderful little hidden cafes in the courtyards, too. Of course, you don’t want to forget about exploring the city on a historic tram either, it’s simply a must-do for any discerning Milan tourist.

Now, you’re probably wondering what is planned for the rest of my stay in Milan.

I can't reveal everything (some things are better left as a surprise!), but let’s just say, the agenda includes some pretty amazing experiences! A few of the highlights:

  • Tuesday: Ballet class at Teatro alla Scala (yes, I’m so excited!) Followed by an afternoon in the Brera district, soaking up the artistic energy and hunting down some fashion inspiration, and a decadent dinner in a charming trattoria.
  • Wednesday: I’ve been looking forward to a special visit to Museo di Palazzo Reale for a long time. You’d think that after living on a diet of art for most of my life, I’d be tired of it, but that just isn’t true! They have a particularly incredible exhibition going on this month, and then, a lovely romantic stroll in the gardens followed by, oh, I don’t know, maybe an ice cream? Because, why not?
  • Thursday: You guessed it – the opera at La Scala. And if you thought seeing Giselle yesterday was spectacular, I’m hearing whispers of something even more grand! I’m hearing a little rumour that the director, Damiano Michieletto, will be introducing a dramatic new production with lighting and costumes like nothing I have seen before. It’s definitely an evening for glitter, glamour and a pink tutu.

Milan has really captured my heart with its vibrancy, culture and a sense of chic sophistication. You might even say it is the perfect backdrop for a ballerina…

The weather here is a touch nippy but don’t let that fool you, because I'm having an absolutely glorious time.

Right, that's all from me today, I'd better finish packing my ballet shoes and finding the perfect pink tutu to wear for tomorrow’s ballet class at La Scala. Talk to you all next Monday!

With lots of love,


*P.S. Did you see the wonderful article about ballet in the newspaper on Monday? I must admit, it was about *my ballet blog and how it’s inspiring other dancers to go out and take on the world. It’s a real compliment when people say I have inspired them to embrace the joy of ballet and follow their dreams, and my aim is to get everyone to wear a pink tutu, even if it’s just for a day! How else will we all become empowered princesses! **

P.P.S. If you've missed any of my previous Pink Tutu posts, you can always check them out on my website, I post new blogs every Monday.

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-01-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia