Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-07-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Ciao Bella! Post #789 (2010-07-21)

Ciao Bellas!

Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, Pink Tutu Milan, where we're always embracing life in a swirl of pink tulle and dancing dreams! I'm so thrilled to be back with you today, my lovely readers, to share all the gorgeousness that Milan has been serving up this week.

Before I get swept away in a whirlwind of Milanese fashion and fabulousness, I'd like to say a huge thank you for all the love on last week's blog post. Your comments about my new pink ballet shoes were truly heartwarming – I think I just might have started a pink ballet shoe revolution! 😉

Anyway, let's dive right in, shall we? This week in Milan has been a real treat for my senses. My dancing feet have taken me all over the city, from the grand Teatro alla Scala to the cobbled streets of Brera, exploring everything in between.

Wednesday in Milan:

Today, I started the day with a steaming cup of cappuccino (the perfect way to start any day in Italy, in my humble opinion!) at a quaint little café near my hotel. It was then on to a morning ballet class at one of Milan's renowned dance studios. Oh, my dears, you wouldn't believe the level of talent in this class! It was truly inspiring to see so many passionate dancers, all striving for perfection. We worked on some beautiful variations and finished the session with a flurry of fouettés, my favourite exercise!

In the afternoon, I wandered through the picturesque streets of Brera, the artist's quarter. It was a delightful sensory overload, filled with charming boutiques and galleries showcasing beautiful artwork. My inner fashionista was in overdrive – I can’t resist a little retail therapy, especially in a city like Milan. And let me tell you, this city is definitely a shopping haven.

The Magnificent Teatro alla Scala:

In the evening, I was absolutely spoiled to be invited to attend a breathtaking performance at the iconic Teatro alla Scala, Milan's legendary opera house. It’s no wonder this theatre has such a prestigious reputation. I felt so honoured to witness the artistry of some of the world’s greatest ballet dancers. It was an evening that left me in awe, with the dancers effortlessly executing stunning choreography. It was the kind of performance that makes you feel like you've experienced a piece of pure magic.

Of course, no night at the opera is complete without an exquisite dinner. I treated myself to a delicious Italian feast at a local trattoria, relishing in the rich aromas and authentic flavors. And as I sat there, with a full stomach and a heart brimming with happiness, I realized that my life is truly a dream come true.

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love:

One of my greatest joys is sharing my passion for dance and pink tutus with others. It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned ballerina, a curious newcomer, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of a pink tulle masterpiece – I firmly believe that everyone can benefit from the joy and freedom of twirling.

It's always a thrill when I see people embracing the pink tutu spirit! Just the other day, I was riding the tram (my preferred mode of transportation in Milan) and a little girl, maybe six or seven, with big brown eyes and the most beautiful, bright smile, was wearing the most adorable pink tutu over her jeans. It was simply magical! She looked so confident and happy, and it was the sweetest sight I'd seen all week.

So, whether you’re feeling inspired to twirl in a pink tutu for a special occasion, or you're simply drawn to the vibrant, carefree spirit that it represents, please, don’t be afraid to let your inner ballerina shine! It’s time for all of us to embrace a little bit of magic and spread the love, one pink tutu at a time!

Coming up this week:

My fellow dance enthusiasts, mark your calendars! Next week, I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be attending the Milan Fashion Week - oh la la! The streets of Milan will be buzzing with the latest in high fashion and avant-garde style, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Stay tuned, my dears, as I'll be sharing all the glamorous details right here on my blog next week!

And on Saturday, I'll be performing in a charity event with a local dance troupe. We’ll be dancing to some absolutely gorgeous ballet pieces – a little bit of Swan Lake, some charming waltzes, and some fun modern dance pieces too! It’s going to be a very special performance and it’s my absolute pleasure to be dancing for a good cause.

A Piece of Derbyshire in Milan:

You might be wondering how a Derbyshire girl like me ended up in the fashion capital of Italy. It's a tale of two passions: a love for ballet and a dream to see the world. I always knew I was destined to perform, and I found my feet on the stage at a very young age. And then there’s the fact that I’ve always been a dreamer. Italy has always held a special place in my heart.

For me, dancing became more than just a passion; it became my way of travelling the world, of experiencing new cultures and fulfilling my wanderlust. It took me a while, a few years of dedication, hard work, and a little bit of luck, but I finally managed to make it to Italy, my heart's desire.

The Pink Tutu Project:

In my travels, I’ve realised something very special. We are all connected by this universal language of dance. In my journeys, I have met people from all over the world, people with different stories, backgrounds, and languages, but one thing always brought us together – the shared language of dance. It’s amazing to see how a simple twirl can break down barriers and create instant friendships.

And I believe it's this sense of universal connection that fuels my “Pink Tutu Project.” The project is my way of promoting inclusivity, joy, and empowerment through the transformative power of dance. I hope that one day everyone will find themselves twirling in a pink tutu – it’s a magical experience that brings out the inner child and allows us to express ourselves freely, embracing life with grace and happiness.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to join the Pink Tutu revolution? Don’t be shy! Put on your pink tutu, find your inner ballerina, and spread the joy!

Don't forget to check out for more updates! I love hearing from my lovely readers – feel free to leave a comment below and share your favourite moments in your pink tutu! Until next time, bella!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-07-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia