Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-10-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #803 - A Day of Pink in the City of Fashion!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Wednesday again, and that means it's time for another Pink Tutu Milan update! This week, my suitcase was packed with enough pink tulle to fill a whole boutique and my heart was bursting with anticipation for the adventure that lay ahead. After all, I was in Milano!

This city just vibrates with style and sophistication. It's the epicenter of fashion and design, the place where every woman dreams of strutting down the cobbled streets in a designer dress, heels clicking on the pavement, with a perfectly tailored handbag nestled under their arm. It's a place that breathes creativity and elegance. And what better place to inspire a tutu-loving blogger like myself than this sartorial paradise?

This week, I’ve been indulging in all that Milan has to offer, from the chic boutiques on Via Montenapoleone to the enchanting La Scala opera house. This Italian city truly is a magical combination of haute couture and old world charm.

But let's rewind to Tuesday morning, because this is where the story truly begins. My trip was booked thanks to a performance I did at the Derbyshire Arts Centre in Matlock. It's not always easy funding these international trips but a ballet girl has to do what a ballet girl has to do, right? And a ballet performance with a little Pink Tutu twist (did you know I have my very own original choreography called "Pink Tutu Rhapsody"? Well now you do!) always goes down a treat! It's the magic of a Pink Tutu, baby!

Anyway, the train journey to Milano Centrale was quite possibly the most delightful one yet. I managed to score a seat next to the window - always my favourite - and enjoyed gazing out at the picturesque landscape of Northern Italy. Lush vineyards stretched out before me, their grape-laden vines heavy with the promise of another glorious vintage, while quaint, sun-drenched villages painted the hillsides with a warm and inviting charm. And did I mention the train? The sleek, modern train was so chic, complete with soft leather seats and excellent wifi, and I actually didn't have to switch trains from Derbyshire all the way to Milan! Now that's efficient travel, darlings!

Upon arriving at Milano Centrale, my heart did a little flutter of excitement. There was just something about the air, a certain vibrancy that spoke of a city in full bloom. And that, my friends, is exactly what it was. Milan was awash with the warmth of a bright autumnal afternoon. The crisp air carried a subtle hint of spice from the bustling street vendors selling local delicacies, and the light dappled across the streets, casting the buildings in a flattering, golden glow.

You know, I think everyone deserves to feel a little bit of that Milanese sunshine in their lives, don't you? The warmth of that Italian sun, that feeling of joy, of being completely alive and bursting with life. I hope you all have moments like that. Moments that make you want to spin and dance in your favourite pink tutu and shout "I'm alive, I'm free, and I love my life!"

But back to the city... Now, any savvy traveler will tell you that exploring a new city by foot can sometimes be a bit daunting, and especially with all the gorgeous designer shops to gawk at! (Which I did - don't judge!) But, darling, I had the most delightful little solution to that little problem! Milan boasts one of the best public transport systems in all of Europe. A fantastic tram system criss-crosses the entire city, and you know me! A ballet girl loves nothing better than a ride on a nice, modern tram!

The best bit? You get to witness all the sights while sitting in utter comfort and without worrying about navigating complicated city streets. You can simply soak in the views and soak in the feeling of that fabulous Milanese energy!

One of the places I visited was this incredible, sprawling art museum called The Museo di Capodimonte. You know I can’t visit a new city without a cultural visit! Even in my little pink tutu, I blend right in, which can sometimes be surprising because a pink tutu can be an unexpected, delightful shock in the right setting, darling! The museum itself was a symphony of grandeur. Marble staircases, intricately carved doorways, and elegant chandeliers draped in crystal adorned this breathtaking monument to art history. It felt like walking into a scene from a timeless Italian film. And what I love about art museums is that the people who work in art museums understand and appreciate art - art in its many, myriad forms! They are often happy to meet and converse with someone who wants to experience a piece of that world. It’s important to make time for conversation in your travels, to appreciate the magic of human interaction and connect with those around you.

So, on Wednesday, I hopped onto Tram line 2, a perfectly efficient mode of transport and enjoyed the views as I journeyed towards this stunning museum, where the exhibits housed an exquisite collection of classical works. My gaze lingered on paintings that brought Italian history to life, capturing stories of noble families and sweeping landscapes. I discovered that beauty could truly be found in the most unexpected corners of this magnificent building. It felt like taking a time-travelling voyage, witnessing the past come alive through each brushstroke, each masterpiece!

That evening, the spotlight shifted from museums to the world of haute couture, because nothing beats an afternoon of window shopping, right?! I decided to indulge my love of all things stylish and elegant in a spot that’s on every fashionista’s travel wish list: Via Montenapoleone. It’s a street overflowing with the most exclusive boutiques and designer names, each one a temple of high fashion. The street is beautifully paved, its immaculate shops shimmering with the dazzling glow of designer goods. And you’ve just gotta admire the fabulous window displays, they are a piece of art in their own right!

Every single shop was bursting with color, texture, and designs that sparkled like a ballet star under the bright stage lights. From Gucci to Dior, each step brought me closer to my ultimate dream - the coveted, glamorous world of fashion. And let’s not forget the little side streets of Via Montenapoleone. These enchanting alleys were a symphony of fashion history. Each one held its own secret, whether it was a hidden gem boutique, a vintage store, or a quaint cafe perfect for watching the world go by, with a fabulous capuccino and an even better Italian pastry (because let’s be honest, dessert is a very important part of the Milan experience).

And now, a moment to address the tutu question: a pink tutu may not seem like the ideal garment for exploring a city, but the Via Montenapoleone was surprisingly welcoming! It turned out the sophistication of Milanese style actually appreciates the unconventional! That's a little piece of wisdom I learned this week: embracing what sets you apart, makes your style truly stand out in the crowd!

On Thursday, I couldn’t leave Milano without experiencing the heart of the city, a beautiful square brimming with vibrant energy called the Piazza Duomo. Now, I’ve got to confess, I did do my signature pink tutu pirouette right in the center of it! But that’s a whole other blog post, and a whole different level of “what-did-they-say” fun! I swear I can’t be out for 10 minutes without meeting the most lovely, welcoming, and generous people who are just tickled pink to have a photo with a ballerina in a pink tutu. It’s the universal language of kindness and shared human connection, my darling!

The Duomo is this architectural masterpiece, a massive cathedral, that’s a mix of history, art and culture. Imagine marble so pure it glows, gothic arches that reach up towards the heavens, and intricate details carved into every single inch of the facade, a truly mesmerizing spectacle. And when the sun glinted off the spires, a kaleidoscope of light created a spectacle only Milan could produce. It was as though the very city itself was a magnificent piece of art.

But for me, the heart of the Duomo wasn’t just in its architecture, darling. It was in the energy that pulsated from this square. I took a seat on one of the many charming outdoor cafes and absorbed the bustling rhythm of this captivating Italian city. It was alive with laughter, music, and a sense of timeless wonder. And you know me, the sights and sounds of the city just beg to be put on stage!

The Duomo is definitely a sight to see if you're planning a trip to Milano. Be sure to spend at least one afternoon savoring its beauty, strolling among the crowds of Milanese residents and visitors, soaking up the vibrant energy, and admiring the beauty of a truly remarkable landmark.

You know, every day, I discover the unique beauty that defines each city I explore, the captivating sights and captivating moments that paint an unforgettable picture on my heart and mind. This, is what I love most about my Pink Tutu Adventures - the constant discoveries that make me say "Wow!" each day and the shared experiences with the kind and amazing people I encounter! Every moment spent discovering new places, new cultures and connecting with the wonderful people in every city gives me such an overwhelming sense of gratitude!

And if you think that this was the end of the pink tutu story for the week you’re wrong, because on Friday, a wonderful surprise awaited! The city was pulsating with the vibrant energy of a ballet performance! Now, this one wasn't in an extravagant theatre but it was even more spectacular - it was right in the heart of the city! You could tell it was going to be a show you didn’t want to miss just from the energy in the air. People were gathered on the steps, ready to experience a captivating spectacle!

The Ballet Street event - you know I love it, my darlings - was right around the corner at the Piazza del Duomo - it felt magical. It was a street performance that unfolded against the stunning backdrop of the Duomo - a magnificent mix of history and modern art! From acrobatic ballerinas to contemporary dance pieces to an incredible ballet recital!

That night, under a sky filled with bright, twinkling stars, the world transformed, the piazza became a stage. As the dancers gracefully twirled, leaped, and pirouetted, they weaved a tapestry of emotions that captivated everyone watching, and yes, darling, you guessed it, I wore a pink tutu - It was my little touch of magical femininity under the shimmering stars in the very heart of the City of Fashion.

A ballet performance in a city that oozes elegance and beauty was the perfect culmination of my Milan adventure.

You see, darlings, sometimes the greatest joys in life are found in the simplest things - like sharing a beautiful experience with other people! The magic of human connection is truly something special - the moments that touch our hearts, that stay with us forever and inspire us to embrace each and every one of our lives in all their messy glory.

This trip to Milan has been all about style, fashion, ballet, and the undeniable magic of finding yourself within a city full of artistic brilliance. It’s given me the opportunity to appreciate the beauty and diversity of our world - and yes, of course, to spread a little pink tutu love wherever I go!

Until next Monday, remember: Life is a stage and your style is your costume. So strut, twirl, and twirl with all your heart. And remember - everyone has their own version of a pink tutu! It’s about embracing the beauty that you uniquely have to offer.

Yours in pink, Emma


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-10-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia