Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-12-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #810: A Dance Through December's Delights!

Buongiorno, darlings! Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in Milan, and my tutu is positively bursting with excitement to share it all with you.

As the air in Derbyshire began to nip at my toes, I knew it was time for a little sunshine – and what better destination than fashion-forward Milan? This magical city, pulsating with creativity and charm, was just begging for a splash of pink tutu magic.

This week has been a delightful mix of ballet bliss, shopping sprees, and savouring the exquisite sights and sounds of this Italian jewel. Let's delve into the details, shall we?

Monday: The Ballet Calls

My week began with a flurry of activity. I arrived at Milan's beautiful central station, feeling that familiar buzz of anticipation that only a city like Milan can conjure. Stepping out onto the platform, the air vibrated with energy – a perfect prelude to the ballet magic that awaited.

The Teatro alla Scala was, as always, a dream. This grand, majestic theatre, steeped in history and elegance, is truly a ballerina's paradise. I always feel a surge of exhilaration when I enter its doors, the anticipation for the evening's performance building with every step. Tonight, it was “Swan Lake,” and oh, my darlings, what a performance!

The graceful movements of the ballerinas, their swan-like elegance, left me speechless. Every plié, every arabesque, every turn was a masterpiece of artistry. It was an evening of pure balletic bliss, reminding me of why this art form continues to hold me in its thrall.

Tuesday: The Tramways and Treasures

With my tutu twirling with joy from the previous evening, I embraced the morning with an adventure on Milan’s trams. These little red beauties, buzzing through the city streets, are such a fun and convenient way to explore. My first stop was the Duomo, Milan’s magnificent cathedral. The intricately-carved facade is breathtaking, and the gothic architecture was awe-inspiring. I stood in awe, gazing upwards, picturing the craftsmanship that had gone into building such a marvel.

But no visit to Milan is complete without a little indulgence in fashion. My second stop? Via Montenapoleone, the city’s prestigious fashion hub. From Gucci to Armani, Dolce & Gabbana to Valentino – it's a shopper's dream! While I might not be able to afford a whole wardrobe of these luxurious creations (alas, my ballet performances only go so far), a little window-shopping never hurt anyone! My tutu even got to mingle with a few haute couture mannequins, making some very fashionable new friends.

Wednesday: A Stroll Through History

I had a real hankering for some history, so I decided to pay a visit to the Castello Sforzesco. This beautiful, centuries-old castle, once a residence for Milan’s nobility, is a fascinating glimpse into the city’s past. The beautiful courtyards, the towering walls, and the surrounding park create a truly idyllic atmosphere. I imagined knights and ladies of old strolling these grounds, their gowns swishing and their laughter echoing in the air – a very picturesque and romantic scene.

In the afternoon, I discovered a quaint little café called “Caffè Fernanda.” It’s a charming little spot tucked away on a cobblestoned street, with mismatched chairs, beautiful potted plants, and a fantastic selection of delectable Italian sweets. This was a perfect spot for a little break from the bustling city and to indulge in a delightful piece of traditional Torrone.

Thursday: An Evening of Culture

Milan's cultural scene is just as vibrant as its fashion one, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world! Tonight, it was the Teatro degli Arcimboldi for a truly unique performance by the acclaimed ballet company “Aterballetto.” The modern dance interpretation of “Giselle” was a powerful and emotional journey. Every move resonated with passion, leaving a lasting impression.

Afterwards, a quick dinner with my new ballet friends – fellow tutudancing aficionados. We reminisced about the performance, shared travel stories, and talked about the inspiring performances and shows that awaited us in the upcoming days. The company was warm, welcoming, and filled with laughter and joy. As the night wore on, I realized once again how wonderfully fulfilling the ballet community can be, a place where kindred spirits gather to share a love for this graceful art form.

Friday: Shopping and Splendour

Milan is a shopping paradise! After the cultural immersion of Thursday, it was time for a little retail therapy. I visited the Corso Buenos Aires, a shopper’s haven full of both high-street finds and chic boutiques. I confess, I had a little too much fun rummaging through racks and racks of dresses, skirts, shoes, and the like – after all, who can resist a sale?

But my real discovery was a beautiful little shop tucked away in a quieter corner, called “La Boutique del Tutu.” This charming little store, run by the sweetest woman named Caterina, offered a selection of tutus like you've never seen. It wasn’t just about classic ballerina tutus; it was a haven for all things pink and twirly, a celebration of the ultimate feminine garment. There were tutus in all shapes, sizes, and shades of pink – delicate chiffons, glitzy sparkles, even a couple of truly outrageous designs that wouldn't be out of place in a flamboyant theatrical production. Caterina, with her own bright pink hair and a twinkling smile, told me that she’d designed every single tutu herself. We spent a long time talking, discussing everything from ballet history to the sheer joy of wearing a tutu in everyday life. I felt a strong sense of kindred spirit, as Caterina clearly understood the importance of making a statement with pink and twirls.

Saturday: A Festive Stroll Through the City

Milan at Christmastime was nothing short of magical! The festive lights adorned the streets, creating a shimmering wonderland. It was enchanting.

The Navigli Canals, bustling with life, sparkled with fairy lights strung across the bridges. Their charming cafés and restaurants filled with the scent of delicious treats, the clinking of glasses, and joyful chatter – the epitome of the Milanese spirit.

This weekend, I discovered a real treat, the *“Mercato di Natale,” Milan’s Christmas market. * I drifted between wooden stalls overflowing with gifts and crafts – wool hats, hand-knitted scarves, artisanal soaps, beautiful hand-painted ceramics – I was charmed by their artistry and beauty. I ended up purchasing a charming pink reindeer figurine as a souvenir for my flat.

Sunday: Relaxing with a “Caffè Latte” and a Book

After a busy week exploring the city’s every corner, it was time for a quiet afternoon. I tucked myself away in a comfy chair at my hotel, sipping a steaming “caffè latte” and immersed myself in a classic Italian novel – “The Name of the Rose,” by Umberto Eco. I loved its medieval setting and its gripping mystery. A perfect way to round off my time in Milan.

The week has flown by in a delightful blur of fashion, ballet, and the city’s rich cultural tapestry. I return to Derbyshire, my heart full of inspiration and a few shopping bags bursting with goodies. Milan has stolen a piece of my heart, and I already yearn for a return visit. I know, my darlings, that I’ll be back to embrace its magic, and you can be sure my pink tutu will be there, ready to twirl its way through every experience, every performance, every delicious discovery.

Until next week, keep dancing, keep smiling, and remember: the world looks a lot brighter in a pink tutu!


Emma xx

P.S. Remember to check out for the latest ballet and fashion news, exclusive interviews, and all the behind-the-scenes details of my adventures around the world!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2010-12-15 ballet blog from Milano Italia