Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-06-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Week 835 - Dolce Vita and Ballet Dreams in the City of Fashion!

Buongiorno, my lovely tutus! This week, I've taken a little trip from Derbyshire to the dazzling city of Milan, the capital of Italian style, where, as you know, I just had to be for fashion week. Imagine, pink tutus in Milan! It just makes perfect sense. 😉

It feels like a dream, a beautiful pink tutu dream to be precise! The cobblestone streets are buzzing with activity, everyone seems to be stylish, and the air is alive with music and laughter. It’s a whirlwind of vibrant life and it makes me want to dance! I actually did a little pirouette on the piazza near the Duomo, and, to my surprise, a couple of local men even stopped to applaud.

This week, I’m bringing you a little taste of the delicious Dolce Vita I've been experiencing here in Milan, mixed with my own little sprinkle of ballet magic, because of course, I have been making the most of this beautiful city and fitting in as much ballet as I possibly could.

*Let's hop on a tram, shall we? *

First stop: Ballet at Teatro alla Scala

There’s nothing quite like the grandeur of the Teatro alla Scala. Imagine it, ladies - the ornate decor, the hushed anticipation in the air, the spotlight, and the ballet… It's truly captivating. I’ve always adored a good classical ballet performance, and I’m quite excited about attending Giselle tomorrow! This legendary ballet promises to be even more spectacular than my pink tutu. Can you believe it? They are almost the same, right?!

Second stop: The Heart of Italian Fashion - Via Montenapoleone

Let's get ready to shop, ladies! The streets around Via Montenapoleone are lined with fashion houses that have become synonymous with glamour: Valentino, Gucci, Prada… You name it, it's there! It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of browsing, and of course, it would be a sin to miss this shopping spree in the fashion capital. Who knows, perhaps I'll find a new pink tutu to match this breathtaking city! 😉

Third Stop: A Spot of Afternoon Tea and Gossip at "La Pasticceria Marchesi"

Milan is, without a doubt, the city of cakes. The pastries here are legendary! And after a delightful morning of shopping and being dazzled by all the high-fashion boutiques, I needed to indulge in a spot of afternoon tea.

My afternoon was made by having tea in the absolutely heavenly, elegant setting of “La Pasticceria Marchesi” in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. Their delectable cakes, with exquisite details and vibrant colours, inspired me for a whole new blog post on tutus and treats!

Fourth Stop: Discovering Milan's Quirky Corners

I found out that this stunning city has much more to offer than just fashion and haute cuisine! Just outside the main attractions, there are enchanting hidden streets that unveil local history and architectural wonders. Today, I was thrilled to discover the vibrant Porta Ticinese area! I’ll have to do a dedicated post for this exciting district, but imagine charming Italian markets with vintage finds, artisanal cafes, trendy boutiques, and an energy that feels wonderfully authentic.

Fifth Stop: The Magic of Tram Travel in Milan

I simply love hopping on trams and getting a feel for a city in a unique and exciting way. They are much more than mere transport - they're little portals to local life, allowing you to observe everything from families strolling through the park to teenagers laughing at funny memes. This week, the tram became my haven, giving me an intimate glimpse into the city's soul. Don't even get me started on the views I captured through the windows! They’re practically post-worthy!

Last stop: Reflecting on a week in Milan.

As my time in Milan draws to a close, I'm already planning my next trip back. The energy of the city, its fashion, its artistry, and its people just completely captured me. I’ll leave Milan with a sense of excitement and creativity that will certainly make my next post spectacular.

Speaking of the next post, I hope you’ve loved reading about my latest adventures! Make sure you check in with next Monday for more Milan moments!

Have a fabulous week, you lovely pink tutu-wearers! Until next time, ciao bella! 💕

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-06-08 ballet blog from Milano Italia