Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-08-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #843: Ciao Bella! Pinkalicious in Milan!

Well, hello there, darlings! It's Emma, your Pink Tutu princess, back from the fabulous fashion capital of Milan! I just knew I had to bring my pink tutu to Italy! My darling Mum and Dad have generously helped me out with a lovely little trip this time, after all my hard work in my ballet shows over the summer. I was thinking maybe I would wear a pink tutu in Milan? But let's be honest, it wouldn't be the most practical, now would it? Imagine trying to dodge all the scooters on those narrow streets while wearing a fluffy tulle creation! So I decided to stick with some beautiful, pink summery dresses. I'm sure the fabulous fashionistas in Milan are very used to all sorts of creative fashion, but this little Pink Tutu ballerina had to be practical, or so my Mum and Dad assured me! I do think that wearing a bright pink tutu on the train, while staring out of the window would have brought a bit of colour to the rather subdued passengers' day! I think maybe my Pink Tutu should get her own Instagram account. She would certainly get the likes and followers! She would certainly make a splash on social media, my Pink Tutu would. Anyway, I shall let you see a little of my lovely Milan diary.

This trip, to Milan, Italy, is definitely a 'Pink Tutu' highlight. Milan is absolutely brimming with colour, from the bright street art murals to the beautifully painted cafes, the stunning green squares filled with people having their lunch, all just a tram journey away from the iconic, Duomo. I absolutely adore a good tram ride and a little shopping in an afternoon! I love watching the bustling people outside the window of the tram - just thinking about them and how they would look if they were all wearing a pink tutu!

Ciao Bella - What to Wear In Milan

First stop was an obligatory afternoon shopping spree in a stylish shopping mall near the Duomo. Milan, darlings, is a shopping paradise! The shops were filled with amazing clothes and shoes and I spent ages deciding what to wear for all of the shows and events I had planned for my visit. There were beautiful blush pink tops, pink dresses and even pink accessories - how could I possibly leave the shop without some new goodies for my wardrobe? And how could I possibly miss this incredible vintage Chanel-inspired black coat! There is nothing quite like buying something beautiful and new to wear. I think I deserve it after all that travelling! I had a little look online, too. Oh, I found some incredible tutus on a website called! Now my wardrobe is ready for all those fabulous events I have planned! I'm hoping that all of these new outfits, along with my beautiful pink tutu, will get a few of the Milan locals feeling inspired and that some of them will, just maybe, be inspired to embrace their inner pink tutu wearer, for just a moment! That's what Pink Tutu is all about - inspiring everyone, everywhere!

Pink Tutu Tip: "The best way to find the perfect outfit for your special event is to look at what others are wearing at that kind of event. Just have a look online at photos of the shows that you might be going to! Don’t worry about getting the outfit perfectly right. Go for your own look and wear an outfit that will make you feel great! Oh and if you see someone wearing a great outfit, just ask them what it is or where they got it - people love sharing their fashion choices! "

### Ballet at the Teatro alla Scala

Of course, a trip to Milan couldn’t be complete without a visit to the famous Teatro alla Scala! It's just amazing; from the plush red velvet seating to the impressive chandelier that hangs high above the stage, every detail just oozes elegance and glamour. I managed to get some amazing photos on Instagram with my tutu bag - I didn’t bring the real thing, darlings! But it does look pretty fabulous! Just you wait until the next post - you will all be in awe!

As the lights dimmed and the music started, I was completely entranced by the talent and beauty on stage. They danced with such grace and precision. Oh, my goodness! What talent. It is so inspiring watching professional dancers and thinking "Oh I could never do that!" But then I think, "Well why not? Anything is possible!" But then I realize that it really takes a lot of practice to do what they do, they don’t just wake up and "Do That"! They dedicate so much of their life to being a ballerina! Well, they don't do it for the money, do they! My dancing life certainly pays a lot less than their performing salaries! Still, every now and then a beautiful dance, full of light and elegance just touches you on the heart! That’s why I love the theatre.

### Pink Tutu in the Piazza del Duomo

The main square was absolutely heaving. It was just packed with people on Wednesday, which I think is the main market day here. My goodness! Where did everyone come from?! The stalls were all stacked high with colourful clothes, accessories, handbags, shoes and every other kind of product imaginable. The air was buzzing with chatter and the smells of freshly cooked street food. I just loved the energy of this busy square. We strolled through the bustling square, gazing at the beautifully ornamented buildings, taking in the energy of this captivating city!

I felt a little envious of everyone who seemed to be having the most amazing time. Why weren’t they dancing in the square! How great would it be to just pull out a little pink tutu and just pirouette to your heart’s content! How I would love it if everyone were just a little bit more like me and went all out for the occasion - wearing something fabulously different! But that is how I see it - "Why not!"? Just have fun. Why does anyone have to be conventional, anyway? But, for a little while, I'm going to let them all have their own fun! And I am going to enjoy some gelato in a pink cone while the amazing street performers make everyone laugh and smile.

The History of the Teatro Alla Scala

The Teatro Alla Scala, in Milan, was built in 1778! The famous theatre is not just a performing space but has a whole history and it even has a museum on site! The theatre has become iconic and now they also do contemporary works too! Imagine watching something so incredibly diverse. Well, the tickets certainly make my Pink Tutu budget tremble!

Pink Tutu tip: "Look out for your next travel destination while you are travelling. Why not make it a tradition to have your next travel location in mind? Sometimes seeing the locals doing something just triggers your fancy!"

The Pink Tutu Tram Trip to the City Park

I love a trip by tram, so I suggested a tram trip out to the city park in the suburbs. My parents were surprised. Why travel by tram? "Take the taxi," they insisted. But a tram ride is much better! It gives me the opportunity to just let my thoughts fly, enjoy the people and scenery, watch and dream... and to just chill out and forget about it! As it is so warm and sunny at this time of year the tram roof is always open - just perfect for feeling the breeze in your hair, as you relax and gaze at all the incredible scenery that a city has to offer.

I love just looking out of the tram windows - the bustling street, the narrow side alleys that weave in and out, the shops - everything looks fabulous! I wish you could come on a trip with me! I have a little pink book where I jot down ideas, just for when I write my blog! And when you travel by tram, I do find there is plenty of inspiration around!

I love being inspired, it makes me so happy - it makes me want to get home and do some pink tutu creative workshops!

I know the park will be a great location to use as inspiration, with lots of lush greens and maybe a few flowers, it really does put a sparkle in my eyes!

### The Food Market

Milan was absolutely bustling with people enjoying themselves. Everywhere I looked I saw delicious things, like freshly baked pizza, luscious gelato, and so many brightly coloured fruits! My favourite stop in the market had to be the street vendors making fresh orange juice! The orange juice was a beautiful, bright orange and the aroma of freshly squeezed juice, with those tiny white pips at the bottom - yum yum yum! The colours, smells, sounds and excitement of the bustling street markets of Milan made me think: wouldn't Milan look simply amazing with pink tutus?

Milan has definitely got "Pink Tutu Inspiration" written all over it, with those gorgeous boutiques in the heart of the city centre.

I really hope that you can feel the inspiration coming out of me as you read these words.

The Pink Tutu in Milan

Milan was an incredibly exciting city and I just loved the fast-paced life in the metropolis. All the city dwellers look so sharp and chic - I've got a few pink tutu tricks to learn from them! And I’m sure that I will be coming back to this wonderful city again - if not to see all the stylish designers then to take inspiration from the wonderful city and perhaps, somehow, get the city to don a pink tutu. One day, everyone will be wearing a Pink Tutu. Why not start the journey with me.

This week on - don't forget to leave a comment! If you like the idea, let me know and give it a thumbs-up. We all have that special part inside us - waiting for the moment when we can all step out and feel the liberation and power that is Pink Tutu. And it really does begin with the choice - why not let it start now?

Have a fabulous day and stay Pinkalicious - Love, Emma

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-08-03 ballet blog from Milano Italia