Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-09-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2011-09-28 - Post #851

Ciao from Milan! This is Post #851 on the Pink Tutu journey, direct from my heart to yours! It's Wednesday, the middle of the week, but I'm bubbling with excitement - today was the day I've been waiting for... a double-bill at the Teatro alla Scala, and guess what?! I scored tickets!

My love affair with the Scala

The Teatro alla Scala is truly magical, a legendary opera house steeped in history and tradition. Its red velvet seats and intricate decor seem to whisper tales of legendary performances and incredible voices. This is a place where you can feel the passion and artistry that's built up over centuries. Walking past the grand facade and into the building, I get a surge of pure exhilaration! Every time, I have this feeling of, 'this is it - this is why I do what I do - to be here, living the dream!' I truly believe everyone should experience this at least once in their life.

Milan - The City of Fashion & Style

This morning was all about fashion – Milan, of course, is the fashion capital of the world! I started my day with a browse around the Via Monte Napoleone – a haven of luxurious boutiques filled with designers I'd only ever dreamed of wearing. It was just about the best shopping experience I’ve ever had. I spent an age just gazing into the windows, I almost wished I had a hundred suitcases!

Later on, I caught a tram up to the Duomo, a magnificent Gothic cathedral with towering spires and intricate detail. I stood transfixed for a moment, mesmerized by the beauty of the architecture, before I succumbed to temptation and took a detour for another little shopping spree in the surrounding streets. It seems impossible to come here and not be tempted by a pair of gorgeous designer shoes. It’s a terrible affliction really - a need for shoes! It doesn’t make sense that the little black dress in my wardrobe in Derby is in serious danger of becoming a sad, unloved outfit until my new shoes arrive... but it's just one of life's many dilemmas!

Tutus and the Theatre - The magic of the Ballet

In the afternoon, the excitement of my first performance at the Teatro alla Scala began to build as I wandered through the charming back streets of Milan, heading for a ballet class in my tutu. I adore that twirling feeling, and as I gracefully glide through the moves with my classmates, I can’t help but feel truly at peace in the studio, all my anxieties seem to melt away.

As soon as I finished class, I raced straight back to the Teatro to meet with a lovely lady called Silvia. She is an incredible artist – not only an amazingly talented choreographer but also a gifted costume designer who helped me put together a truly unforgettable outfit for tonight’s performance.

We met just around the corner from the theater at a traditional trattoria that Sylvia suggested - it’s tucked away down a side street just near the Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio, the oldest church in Milan, a real piece of history! I chose a pasta dish with sausage, the perfect comfort food on a chilly September night!

An Evening at the Scala - A Double-Bill of Delights

After dinner, Sylvia and I entered the Teatro and I can’t describe the thrill of anticipation as I felt the weight of the incredible history of this theater settling upon me. I took a moment to appreciate the amazing fresco ceiling and the intricate gold detailing, then I joined Silvia to the front row (she’s a Scala Insider and managed to pull some strings! - she’s pretty amazing).

First on the program was ‘Giselle,’ a tragic ballet with incredible strength, love, and drama - it was such a moving, evocative experience. The sheer athleticism and talent of the dancers was utterly breathtaking. And I don't know about you, but there’s just something magical about a male dancer when he can make the simplest move seem breathtakingly graceful - It truly made me reflect on all those late nights spent perfecting my moves.

After the intermission, it was ‘La Bayadere,’ an oriental-themed ballet filled with vibrant colours, and rich, captivating costumes. Each performance was captivating, a spectacle of dance and drama. As a budding ballerina, it was just a total joy to watch and take in everything - it filled my heart and soul with pure magic.

Dancing through the city streets

Tonight, under the glittering Italian night sky, I found myself in front of Milan’s famous Castello Sforzesco, with Silvia by my side. It was just about the best possible end to the perfect day, and there was a magical energy to the city’s vibrant nighttime scene. Even though I didn’t have a date for tonight, the romance of the ancient castle’s stone walls, coupled with the sheer magic of the theatre and ballet, gave me the best of feelings!

Walking around, I had an idea...

"Silvia! What do you think of a bit of impromptu street dancing?," I suggested to my lovely, very generous hostess! Silvia's face broke into a huge smile! “We’re not here to let the music simply play in the background are we, dear?”

We chose our spot, Silvia suggested in front of the central archway. The soft light from the lamps above highlighted our tutus and as I held my pose and Sylvia slowly glided across the stone path the beautiful melody ‘O mio babbino caro’ filtered through the city night.

People gathered around us and just let themselves be carried away by the ballet performance, even if we hadn’t practiced together. The perfect end to a perfect night. As we said our goodbyes I felt a warm glow in my heart - not from the hot Italian nights, but the magical feeling that comes with a fulfilling day in a place filled with so much inspiration! I do hope I get to see her again - maybe next time she'll dance with me! And you know, it’s one of those times when you feel like you’ve made an incredible friend and a lasting memory.

Tomorrow’s To-Do list

I’ve been exploring Milan by tram and train, which gives the most amazing perspective on the architecture and atmosphere, a truly unique experience and, I love that this is the ultimate 'green' mode of travel for someone on a budget like me, especially in such a stylish city.

Tomorrow’s a big one as far as the Pink Tutu agenda goes. I am off to visit La Rinascente, one of Milan’s biggest and best department stores, with an abundance of exciting shops. A ballet performance usually means getting into my dance gear but this time, it’s a 'fashion day' - so expect to see a new tutu - (well a couple - one never has too many!) as well as a selection of stunning shoes. As long as the weather plays along I am going to enjoy Milan’s vibrant street cafe culture too - so follow my Instagram feed for more pics!

Ciao for now…

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-09-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia