Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-11-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: #859 - November 23rd 2011 - "Milan, you've stolen my heart!"

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from Milan, Italy! I've got to tell you, this city is truly magical. I feel like I've stepped into a fairytale, where every street corner whispers stories of fashion, culture, and a whole lot of sparkle.

As always, it’s Monday, and as a devoted Pink Tutu blogger, I'm fulfilling my weekly commitment – bringing you the hottest updates straight from the fashion heart of Milan! But this time, there’s a difference, darling. There's a whole new level of excitement, because my dear readers, I’ve finally made it to Milan! And let me tell you, this place lives up to the hype. It's a city of style and sophistication, and of course, that's my kind of place.

Let me tell you all about my journey so far, my adventures, and oh my goodness, the shopping!

The Journey Here

Let's just say getting to Milan involved a whole lot of trains. My good friend Amelia, a fellow ballet enthusiast, and I decided to take the scenic route – we went through Germany and then down into Switzerland, just to see some beautiful scenery. My favourite part of the train journey was catching glimpses of rolling hills and charming little villages, and a little, “I’m here! See?” type of wave out the window.

My friend Amelia loves to talk, she's a real chatterbox, she even keeps talking in her sleep! I love her, really I do, but I'm definitely an introvert and an observer, and I felt more comfortable just sitting, observing, taking everything in. Sometimes I find myself lost in thought, my inner voice going off on one about things! It’s like being in my own personal theatre.

First Impressions

As I stepped out of the train station, I could feel the vibrant energy of the city pulsating around me. People are buzzing with a confidence and joie de vivre that I simply love. Milan, I must say, it's got style oozing out of every cobbled street and brick wall. It's so different from our quiet English village of Buxton in Derbyshire – a peaceful retreat. Of course, I love Buxton, I really do, but here in Milan it feels like every passer-by has just walked out of a glossy magazine! The first shop window I saw featured a man with a beautifully patterned silk scarf and matching pocket square - what could be more delightful? It instantly sent me into a spin!

I've been in Milan for just over a week now, and let me tell you, I'm already smitten! The air here is thick with passion, whether it's for art, food, fashion, or life itself! And who am I to say that's not contagious? My little tutu is practically doing pirouettes in this place!

Pink Tutus in Milan

Speaking of pirouettes, I knew Milan was going to be perfect for Pink Tutu adventures. The cobbled streets, the gorgeous architecture, the fashion – it's all a beautiful stage for some fantastic photoshoots. Oh, my little readers, you wouldn't believe some of the stunning shots I've taken already!

The other day I went to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. It’s like an old-fashioned department store from another century! And the architecture! With the marble and the stained glass – absolutely beautiful! You know I had to have a Pink Tutu moment, with the Galleria behind me, of course!

And then, there was the Duomo – you've probably all heard of this amazing Cathedral in the heart of the city! It’s beautiful, and it is SO impressive. And of course, I took some photographs! You know how it is, it's all about perspective!

From Pink to Beige to...Everything!

Milan is a shopper's paradise! It's heaven for every fashion lover! I am really enjoying the atmosphere of Milan's shops - it's got all of the Italian drama but none of the aggressive shop assistants that you often find. This week, my shopping has had a lot to do with basics, in fact it's actually very neutral in colour – beige. This might sound a little bit dull for some, but for a pink Tutu girl, I needed to bring something to match everything, or everything to match it – that's how it works in fashion!

Ballet in the Big City

Of course, being a ballerina, I've had to see some of the amazing ballet here. There are SO many amazing theatres here, from La Scala to smaller, more intimate stages! You should've seen my face the other night, walking up to Teatro alla Scala - that was truly an awe-inspiring experience, let me tell you. I felt like I had just walked into a stage set! But the best bit? The show was amazing, a captivating mix of graceful dance and captivating story. It truly was an inspiring night! I must add that a ballet dress always seems to feel a little bit more comfortable, especially after a train journey!

This evening, I'm off to see a beautiful performance at one of the city’s beautiful outdoor theatres. You’re looking at an outfit completely comprised of pale pinks – it really couldn’t be any more perfect for me, darling. I feel absolutely divine in it! Let me tell you, you are going to LOVE seeing some photos later this week - I mean, imagine that pink tulle, glistening against the backdrop of this city – it will be incredible!

Food, Glorious Food

Oh, darling! Don’t even get me started on the food! If you've ever been to Italy, then you'll already know just what I'm talking about. But honestly, I’ve never eaten so well, with fresh flavours, perfect presentation, and everything being done with such a touch of care. From the fresh pastries I had for breakfast, to the melt-in-your-mouth pizzas at dinner time, it’s all pure decadence! Of course, I also tried some amazing pastas in that rustic little bistro on a corner. I'm pretty sure I ate every piece of chocolate panna cotta I came across. You have no idea how much temptation this place is full of!

Milan – the City That Steals Your Heart

I’m absolutely in love with this city, my little readers! Milan is an experience for the senses. It's not just fashion, or food, or art - it's all of those things rolled up into one, presented with so much passion, creativity and flare, that you can’t help but fall in love with it. You could literally walk down a street, pick a building, any building and take photos, it's stunning! Even though I love pink, this city is making me go crazy for other colours - browns, greens, beiges... there is so much colour, darling! Milan is more than a place to see and be seen – it's a place that makes you want to live, explore, and create, all in a single, fabulous heartbeat!

See you back here next week, darlings,



#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2011-11-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia