Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-05-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #884: A Week in Rosa

Ciao from Milan, my darlings! It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means… it's time for another Pink Tutu Milan blog post! 💅✨

This week has been absolutely pink-tastic in the fashion capital of the world. My suitcase was bursting with tulle, my cheeks were flushed with excitement, and I’ve even managed to make a few local friends in my sparkly pink tutu (yes, it does draw attention).

Before I get carried away, I must admit, this week wasn't without its challenges. You see, as a passionate ballerina living my pinkest dreams in the most stylish of cities, you'd think I'd have it easy. But oh, my darlings, sometimes even the most sparkly tutu-clad dreamer gets a little lost!

Let me tell you all about it...

The Pink Tutu Journey

As a professional ballerina, funding my travels has always been a bit of a balancing act. But that’s where my love of ballet comes in, and it always does! This week, I performed a charming little piece called ‘A Spring Symphony’ for a delightful crowd at the Teatro del Verme in Milan. Not only did it boost my morale, but the lovely applause paid for a couple of glorious days in Milan.

Milan is such a captivating city. There's always something to see and something new to explore. This week, I ventured on a thrilling tram ride from my ‘charming little room’ (my kind-hearted Italian host calls it a ‘piccolo studio’ which is such a nice way to put it – charming and oh-so-French-chic) to the stunning Piazza del Duomo. The tram ride was magical. Imagine: sunlit streets, vibrant street performers, and an ever-so-slight breeze whispering through my tulle!

Duomo Days

Speaking of the Duomo, oh my, what a sight! That magnificent structure just fills you with a sense of history and awe. I’d spent weeks planning for this trip – making notes about its origins, marveling at the stained glass windows, and researching the legendary fashion district – and as soon as I arrived in Milan, my imagination exploded with the beauty of it all!

I admit I spent quite a bit of time exploring the stunning shops, where I discovered a breathtaking ‘emerald green’ silk scarf in a quaint boutique hidden down a narrow cobbled street. A tiny, adorable, boutique where the owner actually remembered me from my first visit (such charm!) – but we'll talk about shopping later, darlings. Let’s save the fashion-focused delights for a little later in my blog post. 😉

* Ballet Bliss in the Duomo's Shadow*

What truly enthralled me, however, was the sight of the Teatro alla Scala. Imagine, the renowned Teatro alla Scala! The very stage where the most famous ballerinas of the 20th century have graced! Oh, I couldn’t help but feel giddy. So I took a little ‘Pink Tutu Promenade’ to the Teatro and, after a little convincing from a kind Italian gentleman with twinkling blue eyes (who also told me all about the ‘La Scala’s rich history), he invited me into the beautiful hall!

Inside, I felt like I’d stepped into a ballet scene. Golden details, velvet curtains, intricate carvings - every detail was exquisite. There were even echoes of famous ballerinas in the whispers of the old theatre. I could imagine them dancing with such grace and precision, wearing dazzling costumes like those I had just performed in a few nights earlier!

Of course, after a couple of twirls on the floor (very discreetly, I promise!) and a quick peek into the performance room (oh my, it’s truly amazing! the detail!) I made my way to a café nearby.

A ‘Pink Tutu Promenade’ With Spaghettoni & Lemon Sorbet

For lunch, I enjoyed a delightful bowl of ‘spaghettoni alle vongole' with a dash of Parmesan cheese. This pasta dish, cooked in white wine and adorned with clams, is, let’s face it, a delicious testament to Italian culinary artistry. Followed by a dreamy lemon sorbet. A perfect pick-me-up after a morning of ballet enchantment and cultural exploration.

As the day melted into evening, I strolled around Milan’s cobbled streets. Milan is alive with history. And oh, the stories I heard… The elegant palazzi with their secrets whispers of bygone eras; the ancient church doors narrating tales of faith and devotion; and the bustling street vendors promising delicious bites of Italian life. It was a beautiful, colorful world, buzzing with life.

Pink Tutu Street Performer in Milan

That night, my darlings, I was inspired. In the shadow of the iconic Milan Duomo, with the city lights glittering in the evening sky, I couldn’t resist… So, under the twinkling glow of a vintage lamppost, I began to perform a tiny, impromptu ballet piece! (It was a whimsical, light-hearted routine that I’d always loved to perform as an ode to the joy of ballet, my favourite song is, ‘Dance Like Nobody's Watching’. So I put on a lighthearted, joyful dance, twirling under the moonlit sky. It felt magical).

A small crowd gathered, captivated by the graceful movements and the gentle music that flowed through the streets. One or two dropped a coin into my open pink ballet bag and a little boy clapped excitedly. For a fleeting moment, we all were enchanted by the beauty of ballet.

And, well, let's just say, this delightful street performance resulted in a few delightful conversations and even some gelato treats from an older gentleman – and then I decided to retreat to the privacy of my ‘piccolo studio’ for a quiet night with a warm bath. You see, darling, sometimes the very best kind of adventures start with a single, pink-tutu-clad step.

Shopping Spree with My Italian Style Guru

Speaking of my ‘piccolo studio’, the owner of this ‘charming little room’ is an Italian gentleman named Luca (that’s an accent over the “u”). Luca is quite an individual – think art nouveau, vintage clothing and he knows everything about the local artists, singers and the history of fashion and theatre in Milan. In a word: delightful. He gave me the most fabulous tip: I just HAD to go and see a performance of ‘The Nutcracker’. I've already told you that the Teatro alla Scala was breathtaking - so, I booked a ticket. You know me - nothing can resist a good ballet show and even if it isn’t my speciality – this was going to be fabulous.

Anyway, that afternoon Luca told me I needed to do some serious ‘Shopping for an Evening’. “You should dress for the ‘Nutcracker’,” Luca said. “There’s a world of elegant clothes here in Milan for all occasions, from ‘occasioni speciali’ to ‘il quotidiano’." Luca has such charm and has an incredible eye for design and beauty, even more than me!

I followed his lead, spending a dreamy hour exploring a treasure trove of a little ‘vintage’ shop nestled in the Via Santa Cecilia. I ended up buying a dress - the most divine pink velvet gown with tiny sparkles! Luca laughed (he can always make me giggle, that Luca!), but I was thrilled! My Pink Tutu wouldn't be complete without a perfectly pink dress. What better place to wear it than at the Scala, after all!
Luca and I headed to a café near the shop for a ‘cafe crema’ and a delicious ‘panna cotta’.

A Ballerina’s Dream - At the Scala!

The theatre itself was incredible. So glamorous, and historic. There were people everywhere, looking so incredibly stylish! (I felt completely out of place, but not for long! - Milan is such an incredibly welcoming city, full of warm smiles.) I couldn’t stop smiling – even when I stumbled a bit while heading up the stairs – oops! Inside, the theatre was magical. The auditorium was spectacular, a grand, golden space with sweeping balconies and intricate carvings.

Then I met Maria, a ballet dancer (with the most amazing ‘pink ombre’ hair!). Maria introduced me to her family and gave me tips about which local ballet companies were putting on the most breathtaking performances. Maria and her family had amazing ideas about all the must-see places in Milan, they were a wonderful addition to my trip.

We then sat down with a glass of bubbly - my favourite - while the orchestra played its final notes, warming up for a breathtaking ballet spectacle - and we all prepared to be captivated.

A Night of Pure ‘Ballet Bliss’ at the Scala

From the first twirling ballerina to the grand finale, ‘The Nutcracker’ was magnificent. The costumes were so vibrant and beautifully detailed (think cascading tulles, dazzling crystals, and elegant satin fabrics) and the dancers, well, let’s just say, they were captivating! They moved with such grace and elegance! Their every movement seemed so natural and effortless – even with their shoes, what is it with ballet shoes!? Oh, my goodness, these shoes were fabulous!

Even though this performance had more story-telling elements than the ballets I’m used to (the classical ballet performances with just a tiny storyline – my personal preference – but oh so well-loved, darling!), I found it simply enthralling! This is what makes travel so amazing. Seeing another style of dancing with a story so richly intertwined, this type of experience makes it all worth the journey. Even if my personal style is for *‘Ballet as Pure Art’.

‘Pink Tutu’ Fashionista Finds

It was on that Wednesday night at the Teatro alla Scala that I found the ultimate fashion inspiration – and yes, it was indeed, a PINK tutu!

The beautiful woman sitting beside me – a fellow ballet fan and fashionista - she had an utterly enchanting ‘rose pink’ tulle tutu and oh my, darlings, it looked just heavenly against her figure. There was a soft floral print – all those lovely roses and lilies and little petals!

It looked incredible on her, as I told her - with such poise and style! Of course, a girl can't resist a fellow fan, so I began chatting with the delightful lady (who was a fashion designer who travelled around Europe visiting performances - wow!). She offered me such amazing advice - we got caught up in a very exciting conversation!

I asked her the best shops and ateliers in Milan to visit (my list is now so long!)

You see, darling, every ballet dancer and fashion enthusiast dreams of having a unique wardrobe for their personal performances, and my mind was swirling! We’ll have a lovely chat later this week when I head to her lovely studio – oh, it’s located in an amazing historic ‘palazzo’can’t wait to have a lovely afternoon together!. I'll fill you in on our next blog, with my darling friends and fabulous new clothes!

And as I make my way home (just down the street in my ‘piccolo studio’) from the Scala – I couldn’t help but notice – even my tram conductor smiled, he'd just seen me exiting the Teatro, with a radiant smile and an oh-so-fashionable pink-velvet dress! - a true night of pure ballet bliss.

As always, I’ll be posting next Monday to share all my newest ‘Pink Tutu’ stories with you, my darlings, and I'll be sure to bring all my new fashion finds, my travel stories and ballet adventures for you. Until then, wear a pink tutu, my darling, and let’s dance!

Much Love & Many Twirls!,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2012-05-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia