Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-03-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post Number 926: A Whirlwind Wednesday in Milan!

Ciao Bella! It's Wednesday 6th March 2013, and the Pink Tutu is whirling through Milan! The city of fashion, the city of culture, the city of... well, a rather lot of pink, too, if you ask me. It seems Milan's been rather inspired by my fabulous life! 😄

You see, this week, my lovelies, I've been indulging in my two favourite things: ballet and shopping! I kicked off the week by attending the most glorious ballet performance at the Teatro alla Scala - oh, the beauty of it! 🩰 Imagine swirling pirouettes, dramatic leaps, and those exquisite costumes - simply heavenly. I even had the chance to sneak backstage and meet a few of the dancers. So very exciting.

But don't think for a moment that I've been neglecting my tutu duties. Oh no, darling! I've been strutting around Milan in a fetching shade of blush pink, paired with a beautiful white lace top and, of course, the most fabulous high-heeled shoes you ever did see! The Milanese seem to be rather fond of my tutu - there have been so many approving glances and smiles, and I've even had a couple of lovely ladies stop to compliment me on my outfit! 💖

After my morning of bellezza at the ballet, I made my way to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. You see, darling, my suitcase was feeling quite neglected and desperately needed some new friends. And how could I refuse a little Milanese luxury? After all, I did a particularly wonderful pirouette at the gala last night - you know, the one where I landed perfectly on the pointe shoe? My inner self practically sang with delight! 🎼

This incredible city simply brims with the most divine boutiques and ateliers - imagine an entire gallery filled with beautifully curated clothing, bags, and shoes! A veritable sartorial dream come true! 👛 👠 I did manage to restrain myself, however. After all, a true Pink Tutu knows the importance of responsible spending! Just a few exquisitely crafted garments that perfectly capture the spirit of this breathtaking city. I can't wait to show you my purchases later!

Speaking of spending, I also indulged in one of my favourite Milanese pastimes: enjoying a steaming cappuccino with a decadent croissant. Honestly, darlings, the Italians know how to do sweet treats with a delightful sense of elegance and joie de vivre! The café culture here is simply irresistible. ☕️ 🥐

In the evening, my journey took me to the Teatro Regio di Torino. This incredible theater is steeped in history and tradition, and the performance of La Bohème was truly heart-wrenching, especially the beautiful portrayal of Mimì! I did shed a few tears, darling. Even Pink Tutu can get lost in the depths of emotion. 😭

Later, under a velvety star-studded sky, I boarded a train back to Milan, a whirlwind of emotions churning inside me. It was a perfect day - ballet, shopping, delicious treats, beautiful performances and the heartwarming magic of opera - a whirlwind Wednesday, my darlings!

As I snuggle under my pink quilt tonight, I find myself reflecting on my little corner of Milan. A little pink oasis in this whirlwind of a city! I just can't help but feel utterly joyful, empowered, and, dare I say, a little bit extraordinary!

Stay tuned next week, my lovelies, when I will take you on a glamorous adventure through Milan's most opulent hidden gems - shops, restaurants, museums and a ballet class that will have you spinning in your tutus! 💖

And, remember, there’s always a pink tutu for everyone - spread the love and spread the pink, my dears!

Yours in pink,


PS. Do visit each Monday for a new blog post from your favourite Pink Tutu blogger! 💖

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-03-06 ballet blog from Milano Italia