Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-04-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post #932: A Week of Wonders, Fashion and...Pizza!

Ciao bella! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in Milano! Oh, Milan, you sassy, stylish siren!

As the saying goes, “There’s no place like Milan,” and this week certainly lived up to that reputation! The energy here is electric, buzzing with creativity and passion. It's a fashionista's dream, and a tutu-loving ballerina’s paradise!

Before I start with my fashion finds and fabulous performances, let's talk about tutu power. I am thrilled to report that Milan is taking to the pink tutu vibe! This week alone, I spotted no less than five pink-hued tutus. The first was a delightful young girl who literally skipped by me at a street café in a sunshine yellow sundress, with a bright pink tulle skirt cascading down her knees like a perfectly spun fairy tale.

She just radiated joy, and it made my heart sing. Think about it – who wouldn't feel happier twirling in a tutu?! Tutus aren't just for the stage!

And while we're talking about joy, let's rewind to how I got here. It's been a dream of mine to dance in Milan, and you know what? This week, that dream became a reality!

Last Sunday, I danced a waltz in the Teatro Dal Verme for a benefit performance – my trusty pink tutu naturally made an appearance, and the audience absolutely loved it! (See picture on Instagram!). It was a special feeling, being on that iconic stage, in the heart of the city, sharing the joy of ballet.

Of course, my visit to Milano wouldn't be complete without the Pink Tutu Experience that's becoming synonymous with my blog. It wouldn't be fair to tell you all about Milan and not bring you along for the ride! This time, the adventure involved a thrilling journey from Derby by train. It might seem like a simple enough commute, but believe me, when you're armed with a suitcase stuffed with tutus, a dance bag overflowing with dreams, and a pink polka-dot backpack filled with travel snacks (and a pink notepad!), the whole trip transforms into a vibrant spectacle of its own!

It also gave me ample opportunity to share my tutu love with my fellow travellers. Imagine this – me, happily bouncing down the train aisle, pink tutu swirling around my ankles, trying to squeeze past a very unamused, stoic man clutching a briefcase. His frown became a chuckle as he witnessed my playful exuberance – tutu power at its best!

Once I finally landed in the city, the adventure continued. I love the energy of Milan, the constant rhythm of the city. Even a simple journey on the tram became a fashion show of its own – so much to see! I mean, have you ever seen so much style in one place?! Milan is like the runway of the world!

Now, where were we? Ah yes, my adventures…

This week’s highlight, beyond dancing in a historic Milan theatre?

That would have to be the most exquisite, most ridiculously decadent gelato I have ever tasted. I found this magical little café tucked away in a tiny side street in the bustling Navigli district. Think of the best flavour you can possibly imagine, add a sprinkle of sunshine, and then mix it all up with some whipped cream and a little touch of magic - that's what this gelato was like. The kind of ice cream you dream about after a long day spent shopping and watching fabulous ballet!

Speaking of shopping – I’m definitely keeping my bank manager on a very strict diet! Oh, the fabulous fashion, darling! From vintage fashion finds at La Rinascente (don’t get me started on the glorious shoe collection – it’s practically an entire floor dedicated to tutus for your feet!) to discovering independent designers in hidden little shops off the beaten track – Milan is the place for a wardrobe makeover!

My trusty pink notebook is filled with so many wonderful discoveries that my fingers are practically aching to write it all down! But before I start gushing about Italian linen dresses and those gloriously glamorous heels, we need to talk about the heart of this city.

Let’s not forget, Milan is the city of the Opera. It's just not possible to be here without experiencing a live performance! The magic of opera is simply breathtaking! There’s nothing quite like seeing and hearing an entire symphony of sound coming alive on the stage – it's absolutely mesmerising!

You know I love ballet, and in a city with such a vibrant dance culture, it wouldn't be fair to just admire opera! The La Scala opera house was definitely on my itinerary – let's just say I'll never forget seeing my favourite Italian dancer, Clara, glide across the stage! It was poetry in motion!

But of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without indulging in some real Italian flavour! There’s a reason why Italian food is renowned globally. From that incredible plate of pasta al ragu that literally melted in my mouth at this little trattoria I found, to the most delectable pizza – cooked in a wood-fired oven – it was everything I'd hoped for and so much more! I'm seriously considering joining the Milanese queue to get one of those cannoli, with the crunchy shell, and a luscious ricotta filling! Maybe a glass of wine on the side, as well!

To be honest, you don’t even need fancy restaurants in this city! I savoured the taste of simple yet delicious dishes - freshly baked focaccia with rosemary, the most mouthwatering mozzarella, and vibrant seasonal salads with the finest tomatoes and olives. The smells, darling, they alone are worth the trip! It’s easy to see why Milan is considered one of the world’s culinary capitals! And honestly, you simply can’t travel here and not fall in love with the food!

But back to tutus – it seems they've caught on, darling! The streets were bustling with people, from families on afternoon outings, to stylish businessmen and women on their lunch breaks - all embracing the La Dolce Vita! Even with all that glamour and pizza, it felt so familiar.

Here, even amongst the sleek modern buildings and grand piazzas, it was the tiny cafes that tugged at my heart. Those little, vibrant squares that pulsate with life. The ones you discover tucked away between narrow streets - the aroma of freshly baked bread and warm cappuccinos filling the air - a true sense of community.

I could tell that despite the city’s global appeal, Milan, at its heart, still possesses a charming provincial essence – almost like Derbyshire! A hidden gem, just waiting to be discovered.

Of course, it's hard to leave any place like Milan. I'm definitely missing that magic now that I'm back home in Derby. But at least I can bring a little piece of Milano with me. A tutu-tastic memento! I bought a stunning vintage scarf – think a whirlwind of colors and silk – and it’s absolutely perfect! You'll have to wait until I style it to see how it all works with my new tutu ensemble…

So, my dear pink tutu readers, until next Monday!

Keep twirling and stay stylish,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-04-17 ballet blog from Milano Italia