Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-08-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #949: A Whirlwind Wednesday in Milan

Ciao bellas! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, and it's a glorious Wednesday in Milan. The sun is shining, the birds are singing (well, they're probably squawking in Italian, which sounds almost the same), and I'm brimming with excitement!

This week in Milan is extra special, as Wednesday is Pink Tutu Day! (Okay, I might have made that up, but it should be a thing, right?) It’s a day dedicated to pink tutus, and the sheer joy of twirling.

Let me paint a picture of this delightful city. Think elegant cobblestone streets lined with charming cafes and quaint boutiques. Imagine fountains overflowing with laughter, and the air abuzz with the energy of locals and tourists alike. Add to that a sprinkling of iconic architecture, and you have Milan in a nutshell.

Speaking of sprinkles, you know what goes perfectly with Milan? That's right, shopping! And believe me, the shops here are an absolute delight. I can't resist the allure of a vintage Chanel suit or a perfectly fitted silk dress, and this city is a haven for fashion lovers like me. I'm aiming to find some sparkly earrings to compliment my pink tutus. It's an absolute necessity!

Now, let's get back to our Wednesday itinerary. Today, I plan to experience the city in all its glory. Starting with a delightful breakfast at my favourite café - Il Caffè della Rosa. It's the cutest little spot nestled in the heart of the city. Think dainty pastries, fresh-brewed espresso, and walls adorned with flowers. What could be better to start the day?

Once I’ve fuelled up, it's off to the Teatro alla Scala to soak in the magnificent history and beauty of one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world. Even if there isn't a performance, the grandeur of the theatre is an experience in itself. Think shimmering chandeliers, opulent red velvet seating, and enough gold detailing to make your head spin.

Ballet Ballet Baby!

Today is also a day for ballet! Later, I have tickets to see the Balletto di Milano performing "Swan Lake". It's a classic for a reason, and I simply cannot resist a good ballet. Especially in this city, where the passion for ballet shines through every step, every turn, and every delicate gesture.

However, no trip to Milan would be complete without a visit to the Museo del Novecento. It's an art museum showcasing some of the best works of 20th-century Italian art. Imagine colourful landscapes, dramatic sculptures, and paintings that ignite the imagination. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and at this museum, your eyes will be begging for more.

For dinner, I'm thinking a romantic evening at La Terrazza. It’s this amazing restaurant located in the heart of Milan, perched high above the bustling city. The view is spectacular, offering a breathtaking panorama of Milan. But let's be honest, it's the delicious food that truly steals the show.

Trams & Tunes

After dinner, I'm going to take a leisurely ride on the tram. I find there's a certain magic about hopping onto a tram in a foreign city. The constant chatter, the bustling streets blurring by outside, and the air filled with the melodies of street musicians. It's the perfect way to absorb the essence of Milan, soaking up the energy of the city and reflecting on a whirlwind day of fashion, art, and culture.

The music playing in my headphones? Anything to keep me in that fabulous ballerina mood. Maybe something classically romantic, like Chopin or Tchaikovsky. Or a lively piece by Vivaldi. Sometimes, a bit of Britney or Lady Gaga can do the trick, too. After all, ballet is a combination of grace, elegance, and power. A little pop goes a long way, wouldn't you say?

My journey doesn't end here! Tonight, I'm meeting some of my fellow ballet bloggers for a secret rendezvous. It's a chance to swap stories, discuss all things ballet, and inspire each other. I always find it's the best way to refuel my passion for ballet. A supportive community like ours is truly invaluable.

Tutu Tidbits: A Touch of Home

Before I sign off, I want to share a little tidbit from home, a slice of Derbyshire that makes my heart warm. It’s something simple, yet special: the gentle rolling hills that cradle the beautiful Peak District, the friendly smiles you find at the local market, and the familiar scent of warm, home-baked cakes in the air. These memories of Derbyshire always inspire me and remind me of the roots I carry wherever I travel.

Stay Chic & Twirl on

So there you have it! A glimpse into a Wednesday in the life of a pink tutu-wearing ballerina, journeying through the glamorous world of Milan. Don’t forget, a touch of pink makes the world a more delightful place. Why not join the Pink Tutu movement? Put on your favourite pink tutu, give it a twirl, and let's spread a little joy and sunshine together! Until next Monday, I'll be busy spreading my wings and taking in everything Milan has to offer.

Ciao, bellas! Remember to check out for more fabulous adventures and musings. Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram, too - you’ll find me @pinktutuemma.

Twirl your worries away, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-08-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia