Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-09-11 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2013-09-11 - Post #953

Ciao bellas!

It's Emma here, reporting live from the fashion capital of the world – Milan! I'm a bit giddy with excitement to be in this city, and it's only been a few days. This week I've been exploring Milan by tram and train, immersing myself in its vibrant culture, taking in some seriously spectacular ballet performances, and of course, indulging in some retail therapy – what else would you expect from a girl in a pink tutu?

For those of you just joining the Pink Tutu party, I'm Emma, a ballerina with a passion for pink, tutus, travelling, and inspiring everyone to embrace their inner ballerina, pink tutu optional, but highly recommended! I fund my globetrotting adventures by performing ballet across the globe. This week, I've been showcasing my talents at a prestigious theatre in Milan, and I have to say, the audiences here are just as enthusiastic as the ones back home in Derbyshire.

Speaking of Derbyshire, I must admit, Milan is a whole new world compared to my quaint English village! It’s a sensory overload, a whirlwind of colours, sounds and smells, all vying for your attention. It’s the perfect playground for a girl like me – and the pink tutus are definitely feeling the vibe.

Ballet Bonanza

My time in Milan has been a complete ballet bonanza! Last night, I saw the most incredible performance at the Teatro alla Scala. The dancers were incredible, their movements a beautiful blend of grace and power, and the stage design was utterly breathtaking. There's just something magical about watching a ballet performance in such a historic venue. It truly transports you to another time and place.

But Milan's ballet scene doesn't just offer grand, theatrical performances. I also managed to sneak in a ballet class this morning at a charming little studio in the heart of the city. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, with a delightful mix of locals and tourists all coming together to share their love for ballet.

Pink Paradise: Shopping Spree!

Let's face it, you can't come to Milan and not go shopping! From luxury boutiques to quirky vintage stores, the city is a shopaholic's dream. Today, I hit the streets in my favourite pink tutu (it just screams Milan, don't you think?) and ventured into the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. It's a magnificent glass-roofed arcade filled with designer brands, a real feast for the eyes! I spotted a beautiful pink scarf in one of the shops, and I simply had to have it! I mean, what’s a pink tutu without a pink scarf to match, right?

Later today, I'm planning to explore the quieter, less glamorous streets, looking for those hidden treasures - the little vintage shops tucked away in the backstreets. You know, the ones that hold those beautiful, unique items you simply won’t find anywhere else. My trusty pink tutu will be my guide - leading me to the best fashion finds!

The Food is Divine

And speaking of hidden treasures, I have to mention the food in Milan. My tastebuds are dancing a waltz with pure delight. The cafes, trattorias, and restaurants all offer such an amazing variety of culinary delights. Yesterday, I indulged in a delectable bowl of pasta with fresh pesto and local cheeses. Today, I'm on a quest to find the best gelato in Milan. Can you imagine? A pink tutu, delicious gelato, and sunshine – now that's a perfect day in Milan!

The Pink Tutu Travelogue

So, my darlings, that’s my life in Milan this week! My ballet shows have been a huge success, my wardrobe has undergone a significant expansion (thank you, Milan!), and my heart is full of love for this fabulous city. I’m heading back to England tomorrow but I know that Milan is a place that will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Until next week, remember to wear your pink tutu, live life to the fullest, and never forget that the world is a beautiful ballet, just waiting for you to dance your heart out!

A few things on today's schedule:

  • More shopping - I still have plenty of time to find more hidden gems in Milan's backstreets.
  • Catch up on emails - There are so many emails waiting to be answered when you’re travelling and performing. But that's okay, it’s the price you pay for following your passion!
  • Packing - Oh the joys of packing after a fabulous trip to a beautiful city, you can always expect to return with more clothes and less suitcase space!
  • Plan my next trip - Where will the Pink Tutu be dancing next? You’ll have to wait for the next blog to find out!

Ciao! Emma

P.S. Be sure to check out my blog next Monday at! And please do share your own adventures with me on Instagram and Twitter. You can find me on both at @pink_tutu. Let's spread the pink tutu love!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2013-09-11 ballet blog from Milano Italia