Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-09-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - #1007 - Wednesday, 2014-09-24 - Bonjour, my darlings!

Oh my, Milan! You truly are a vision of elegance and beauty.

I’m back in Milan for the third time this year – and honestly, it never fails to amaze me. The cobbled streets, the towering Duomo, the fashion – oh, the fashion! – I’m practically floating through it all in my favourite pink tutu.

This trip, though, is extra special because I'm here for the premiere of a brand new ballet – a world premiere, darling! Imagine the excitement!

I travelled from my Derbyshire home to Italy with a mix of excitement and trepidation. This particular ballet is extra exciting as the choreographer is my idol – the genius, the maestro, Mr. Alessandro Di Luca! My heart is literally leaping!

Train Travel & Street Performances

The journey, of course, began at my local station in Derbyshire. This time, I even managed to get a seat by the window. You wouldn't believe the lovely chap I met there. We spent the whole journey talking about ballet, sharing stories about favourite performances and tutus – mine was a bit of a head turner, I must say!

My journey to Milan took me through quaint villages and bustling cities, each offering its own charm. But once I set foot in Milano Centrale station, it was all about the energy. That buzz of the big city. I practically felt a burst of inspiration in the air – I couldn't wait to explore the streets of Milan.

Before reaching my lovely hotel, a little further away from the main station, I decided to stroll around and enjoy the city atmosphere. I took the charmingly crowded, green tram to the quieter part of Milan. I simply had to see the Teatro alla Scala. The whole street around it is a delight of elegant buildings. The theatres, the shops, the museums… it was enough to leave me awestruck! I felt like a ballerina ready for the world, just strolling along in my pink tutu, soaking in the elegance of the neighbourhood.

Later, I stumbled upon a street performance, right near the famous Duomo – a group of young ballerinas in bright colours, showcasing their talent amidst the bustling city crowds. It reminded me of how beautiful and captivating the art of ballet can be. A spark of inspiration struck. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to get my own street performance organised for next week? I could try some ballet steps right there, on this Milanese square, where the energy of the city flows.

The Fashion Mecca

No trip to Milan can be complete without an exploration of its incredible fashion scene, and this time was no different. I simply HAD to spend an afternoon browsing the boutiques in the Quadrilatero d'Oro - what a glorious place it is! A wonderland of couture dresses, exquisite shoes and… pink! You would think that every designer in the world was trying to win me over!

I have to admit, I fell head over heels for this little boutique tucked away on a side street. They had a gorgeous pink chiffon dress – the most delicate fabric! And oh my goodness, the shoes – delicate, pointy and elegant! Oh, what a beautiful shop! I just had to purchase them! Now my suitcase was ready for a full tutu twirl back to England!

And, of course, no trip is complete without a little souvenir for myself. After all, how could I possibly leave Milan without a taste of the elegance and fashion that permeates every street corner? I found a delicate silk scarf, a blush pink of course, emblazoned with the iconic Duomo.

I know some might call me obsessed with pink, but that's simply not true! It's about embracing your inner beauty, about adding a touch of sparkle to your day, about showing the world that you dare to be different! Don’t you agree?

Opening Night and Dreams

My favourite time was the grand opening night of the new ballet – oh, I was giddy! The whole evening felt like a dream – the lights, the orchestra, the energy of the theatre! I made sure to arrive a bit early, just to soak up the pre-show atmosphere. The building is a breathtaking masterpiece! And inside the foyer, oh the elegance! I was in awe!

The opening was spectacular. From the first note of music to the final pose, I was swept away. Mr. Di Luca’s choreography was… exquisite! I was reminded that ballet isn’t just about steps – it’s about the emotion, the passion, the stories it tells without saying a word. And the finale? Tears, darling! Just pure tears. I knew I was seeing something special – something truly exceptional! The entire audience was mesmerized, giving a standing ovation – and for the first time I started to think about how lovely it would be to see my name on a poster, to be in my own performance…

Later, over a delicious meal in a romantic restaurant with breathtaking views over the Duomo, I couldn’t stop thinking about the show. Oh, Milan! You have a special place in my heart. This week has been truly incredible! I’ve seen so much beauty, experienced such wonderful energy, and made some truly amazing memories. I’m going back to my Derbyshire home filled with a renewed energy and with more confidence in my passion for dance. This is what it’s all about!

Remember to visit my website every Monday at – that’s! – to see more adventures! I’ll be sure to share the exciting news of the premiere ballet (I might even put a link on there) and also the progress of my very first Milan street performance! Until then, embrace your inner tutu, darling, and dance!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-09-24 ballet blog from Milano Italia