Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-11-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1015 - A Ballet-tastic Journey through Milan's Heart

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the vibrant and chic city of Milan, where the air buzzes with creativity, the pavements are adorned with fashionistas, and even the trams seem to be waltzing along their tracks. It's Wednesday, 19th November 2014, and this little pink tutu-clad ballerina is practically bursting with excitement!

This week's adventure began on a gloriously sunny Tuesday, with a morning of exploring the intricate network of Milanese tram lines. Yes, you heard that right! Tram travel is a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s such a fantastic way to see a city from ground level, soak up the atmosphere, and stumble upon hidden gems. It’s like a leisurely waltz, with the gentle sway of the carriage and the rhythmical click-clack of the wheels on the tracks.

Speaking of hidden gems, I found myself utterly smitten with a delightful little boutique nestled in a cobblestone street, just a hop and skip from the grand Teatro alla Scala. It was bursting with a rainbow of colours, and I practically gasped when I spotted a dazzling collection of tutus, every single one adorned with sequins, feathers, and swirls of delicate fabric. Imagine my delight! There were shimmering purple ones, graceful grey ones, and even a rather extravagant emerald green number. But my heart fluttered most for a fiery red one, adorned with a delicate cascade of ruby red feathers. I’m pretty sure I whispered, “Oh, darling! This is destiny!"

After all, there’s a reason I always say: a life without tutus is just a little… plain!

And, what better way to show off a new tutu than with a trip to the Teatro alla Scala itself? Oh my! Just walking into the lobby with its vaulted ceilings, marble floors, and glittering chandeliers, feels like stepping back in time. You can almost hear the ghosts of legendary opera singers, ballerinas, and conductors filling the air.

As always, the programme was absolutely top-notch. This week it was “La Bohème,” a truly romantic masterpiece of storytelling and music. The costumes were magnificent – exquisite swathes of satin, lace, and velvet, perfectly complimenting the expressive movements of the talented dancers.

But the highlight? Seeing a young, exceptionally graceful ballerina dancing the role of Mimi, capturing every nuance of that tragic and captivating love story. I felt tears welling in my eyes, her portrayal was so emotionally resonant, her steps a language of heartache and longing. It was simply sublime!

After the performance, I felt inspired, as always, and just had to celebrate my new red tutu with a well-deserved indulgence: a cup of decadent hot chocolate in the atmospheric and historic Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Imagine sipping the warm, velvety liquid amongst all those beautiful arches, watching the light play across the grand marble floor. It truly feels like being in a painting, wouldn’t you agree?

The rest of my week was a blur of beautiful sights, sounds, and sensations:

  • On Wednesday, I stumbled upon a delightful art exhibition dedicated to the legendary Degas. If you’re a fellow ballet aficionado, this is a must-see! There were so many captivating sketches and sculptures depicting dancers in their moment of balletic artistry. You can really feel the energy and the emotion of those movements, and it made me even more excited for my next ballet class!

  • Thursday morning found me on the train platform, hurtling toward Bergamo, a charming hilltop town that holds a special place in my heart. As the sun peeked through the misty countryside, I couldn't resist snapping a picture of a whimsical sight - a gaggle of giggling schoolchildren wearing fluffy pink tutus, bright red scarves, and shiny silver shoes. Now, that's what I call a dance party waiting to happen! I wish I’d had the courage to join them. Maybe next time, right?

  • The journey itself was a symphony of scenery, with a kaleidoscope of vibrant green fields, bustling town centres, and towering cathedrals flitting by my window. Each moment was an opportunity to admire the beauty of the Italian landscape, its heart pumping with life. I sat there mesmerised, tapping my fingers to a gentle rhythm as I listened to some of my favourite ballets, like "Giselle," a true ballet classic. I could picture it all so clearly, the swaying flowerbeds, the magical moonlit forest, the dramatic climax – it truly filled me with wonder.

  • That evening, I found myself back in Milan, strolling through the chic shops in Corso Buenos Aires. The shops were a dazzling display of fashion, colours, and styles, with mannequins posed in graceful poses, looking as though they were about to launch into a waltz. Oh, to have a wardrobe this grand! The thought alone sent a tingle down my spine. And you know what? There was even a shop window dedicated to all things pink, featuring clothes, shoes, accessories, and even a stunning tutu in the palest shade of rose. Perhaps I have a slight obsession…but hey, it’s all in the name of ballet and elegance, wouldn’t you say?

  • On Friday, I enjoyed the chance to indulge in one of my favourite pastimes: a truly magnificent ballet performance, showcasing the exquisite dancers of Teatro alla Scala. It was a contemporary ballet, full of sharp angles, energetic movements, and captivating choreography. My favourite part was the dramatic use of lighting, turning the stage into a wonderland of colours and shapes. The costumes were simply breathtaking - think sharp cuts of metallic fabrics, sparkling accents, and intricate detailing.

I must tell you, a visit to Teatro alla Scala is always a whirlwind of emotion. The sheer artistry and passion that radiate from the stage and the audience create an electrifying atmosphere, truly unforgettable!

And the best part? I was lucky enough to grab a few words with one of the principal dancers, a lovely woman who spoke about her passion for ballet, the joy of performing on stage, and how this beautiful art form has shaped her life. Her eyes sparkled with genuine happiness, and her words were like music to my ears. Her story truly inspired me to keep chasing my own ballet dreams, to never give up on the joy and magic of this captivating dance.

  • As the week drew to a close, I had to savour the enchanting scenery of Milan. One of my favourite places in the entire city? The quiet gardens tucked away from the city bustle, perfect for relaxing and enjoying the sweet symphony of nature. They’re filled with vibrant flowers and fragrant trees, a true oasis of calm in the heart of the city. It’s a magical place to clear my mind and allow the sounds of birdsong and gentle rustling leaves to transport me. A sense of peace and calm descended over me as I stretched out, breathing in the fresh air, and letting my imagination drift…

It wouldn't be a complete Milan escapade without a stop at my favourite bakery for some of the most divine gelato in the whole wide world. Strawberry, lemon, pistachio…I savoured each delicate scoop, savouring the symphony of flavours in my mouth. Ah, dolce vita! The simple pleasures!

This trip was simply magical, a perfect blend of culture, creativity, and inspiration, with every corner of this enchanting city bursting with a spirit of vibrant life and joy.

My ballet journey continues, dear readers! Each adventure, every experience, fuels my passion, ignites my creativity, and brings me closer to my ultimate goal - to spread the love of pink tutus and the enchanting power of ballet throughout the world.

And now, it's time to say, "arrivederci" for now! As the last rays of the setting sun kiss the cityscape of Milan, I am filled with a sense of contentment. But, don’t worry! I’ll be back next week with a new post from this beautiful city. Join me as I share more exciting stories of fashion, ballet, and adventures! Until then, darling, remember: a life without a pink tutu is simply a little bit dull!

Ciao! Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2014-11-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia