Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-03-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1030: Ciao Bella from the City of Fashion!

Ciao bellas! It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, back from the vibrant streets of Milan with a whole suitcase full of adventures! Today, Wednesday, 4th March, 2015, feels like a dream come true, and trust me, this city is making me feel like a princess in a fairytale.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Emma, a girl from Derbyshire who has a little obsession with pink tutus (and I'm trying my best to get everyone else wearing them too!). I travel the world on a dance scholarship, performing and, most importantly, experiencing ballet in all its forms. This week, I've swapped my trusty Derbyshire countryside cobblestone streets for the chic boulevards of Milan, a place that absolutely embodies fashion and elegance.

This week's Pink Tutu blog comes to you live from my adorable little Milanese apartment, with its beautiful wrought iron balcony overlooking the bustling Piazza del Duomo. I arrived yesterday, after a romantic train journey from the Italian countryside, and it felt like I stepped straight out of a movie - imagine my delight! The city's energy is buzzing, the air is filled with the aroma of espresso and the constant chirp of Vespas zooming through the cobbled streets. My heart is literally doing a pirouette with excitement!

Before we get into the heart of my Milan adventures, let's chat about my week so far, which has been a whirlwind of ballet, fashion, and delicious Italian delights!

Tuesday: A Day of Ballet and Culture

The first thing I did after arriving was to explore my little slice of Milan. Trust me, I’ve already had my fill of adorable cafe culture, wandering around chic boutiques, and indulging in the most amazing paninis, filled with all kinds of Italian goodness. Honestly, every bite was a masterpiece. I’m pretty sure I've gained at least a kilo already!

However, my heart truly belongs to ballet. So, after an afternoon of shopping for a few cute pink-tutu accessories (and perhaps a new pink handbag!), I headed straight to the Teatro alla Scala. The Teatro alla Scala is known as one of the most iconic opera houses in the world, with a reputation for breathtaking performances and breathtaking interiors. It’s almost impossible to describe its magnificence, with its rich, ornate decorations and a sense of history that almost overwhelms you. It's a true architectural gem, a reminder of Italy’s cultural heritage, and, in my opinion, a fitting space for a ballet lover like myself!

This evening I was privileged enough to see "Giselle" performed by the acclaimed Teatro alla Scala Ballet company. It was truly an experience I will never forget. From the stunning sets to the exquisite costumes and captivating dancers, the performance transported me to another world, leaving me spellbound. There was a perfect blend of passion and grace in every single movement. Seeing “Giselle” live brought me to tears, it was truly the most wonderful ballet I’ve ever seen. You can probably find me still reminiscing about it for weeks to come!

Wednesday: A Day of Exploring and Discovery

And now, my lovely blog readers, it's Wednesday, and my little Italian escapade is about to get even more fabulous. Today, my aim is to discover more hidden corners of Milan. After a traditional Italian breakfast, a cappuccino in my favourite cafe near my little apartment (it has the best cannoli, ever!), I’m ready for the day’s exploration! I have a few things in mind:

The Tram to Beauty: The tram is such a quintessential Italian mode of transport, offering a beautiful window into the city's charm. I plan to jump on and ride it along Corso Buenos Aires, where I heard there are incredible independent boutiques selling unique clothes. They even have some fantastic vintage stores with elegant evening dresses from the golden age of Hollywood, perfect for a Pink Tutu ballerina’s night out. I'm hoping to unearth some fabulous treasures!

A Visit to the Fashion Museum: Fashion plays such a major part in Milan, and, naturally, my exploration has to include the Museo della Moda e del Costume. This museum tells the captivating story of Italian fashion throughout the centuries and showcases iconic pieces from the most prestigious designers, offering a glimpse into the creative genius and elegance of the industry. I'm so excited to see some of the extraordinary dresses and designs on display!

The Beauty of Street Ballet: The heart of Milan beats with its culture, and, as I said before, this includes incredible ballet! Tonight I’m lucky enough to see an inspiring ballet performance right on the street - in the heart of the city's most vibrant square, the Piazza della Repubblica!

It is set to be an evening of breathtaking artistic expressions in the heart of the city. I have the honour of dancing as part of this open-air performance. Think “street ballet,” but with an elegant and creative twist! I've been practicing with some wonderful dancers, and the performance is going to feature a contemporary, but fun take on classical ballet with an Italian flare. And you know what else? I am dancing with the most amazing dancers I've met here in Milan! We have formed the most beautiful friendship, sharing a love for the art form and an unwavering belief that everyone should wear a pink tutu! They were even encouraging me to teach them the moves I've been perfecting!

The Glamorous Dinner in the City of Fashion: And what's a trip to Milan without some fabulous Italian food? After my “street ballet” performance, I'm off for dinner with my dancing friends at one of the hottest restaurants in the city, with views over the sparkling cityscape and a beautiful ambience - a glamorous spot fitting for a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina!

I’m so excited to soak up all that this city has to offer! I just know I will discover a whole host of experiences, and perhaps even meet a few new dancing friends! I can't wait to share all these incredible stories with you next Monday when I return to my Pink Tutu blog with a heart full of inspiration and a closet overflowing with amazing treasures!

Stay tuned for the next chapter in my Milan adventure! Until then, I leave you with a final reminder - the power of the pink tutu, my lovely readers, is to bring joy, excitement, and beauty into everything! So don't forget to embrace your inner ballerina!

With love, from Milan (and a sprinkle of pink!),

Emma xx

PS: You can always follow my pink tutu travels by checking out the website.

Don't forget to post your #PinkTutuMilan pics with a little note about what you've been up to on Instagram!

I’m eager to hear your stories about how you are spreading your own pink-tutu joy! Until then, take care, darlings!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-03-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia