Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-10-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: A Ballet Bonanza! #1063

Ciao Bella!

It's Wednesday, 21st October, 2015, and I'm back in sunny (and surprisingly warm for late October!) Milan, my toes tingling with excitement! As always, my trusty pink tutu is spinning a tale of adventures - and trust me, there's a lot to tell!

This week, I'm brimming with the magic of Milan, a city that's as much a muse to fashion as it is to ballet. And let's be honest, isn't it all about fashion, darling? Whether you're swirling on stage in a shimmering tulle creation or strutting down Via Montenapoleone, Milan knows how to make you feel like a star!

This trip has been a whirl of pink tutus, cobbled streets, and the enchanting ballet performances that make my heart soar. From a divine Don Quixote at Teatro alla Scala to the stunning Giselle at Teatro Nuovo, I've been living and breathing the spirit of ballet. And to add to the joyous chaos, there's been a spot of vintage shopping, endless Italian coffee and gelato, and an absolutely charming tram ride or two!

The Scala Splendor

Okay, so you'll be expecting me to talk about the iconic Teatro alla Scala. It's like a ballet cathedral, a sanctuary of dance, and let me tell you, it’s everything you imagine and more! The sheer scale of it takes your breath away - gold, velvet, and crystal chandeliers dripping with magnificence. This place just breathes elegance!

My favourite part of the Don Quixote performance was definitely the “Queen of the Dryads” pas de deux. I gasped, I cried, I giggled, I did all the things. That one performance filled my soul with the beauty of it all! You truly have to see the sheer skill, the captivating grace, to know what I mean. It was so powerful, so vibrant.

A Dance Around Milan

It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Milan post without a dash of shopping and a smattering of cafe culture. Milan's streets are lined with boutique after boutique. I discovered the cutest vintage shop tucked away down a side street, and found some vintage ballerina flats in the most adorable pastel shades! I also scored a super cute fluffy pink cardigan to keep me snug on chilly evenings – a pink tutu can only take you so far when the weather turns nippy.

Of course, a trip to Milan isn’t complete without indulging in some authentic Italian coffee and delicious gelato. I stumbled upon a cafe, "La Rosa dei Venti" which had this dreamy little balcony overlooking the Piazza Duomo – a perfect spot for people-watching and soaking in the sun.

A Touch of Ballet Bliss

As the day begins to draw to a close, I find myself wandering the streets with the faint sound of street music drifting in the air. Milan truly has a different kind of magic at sunset. And with a hint of fatigue creeping in after a day of “ballet adventures,” there's nothing quite as magical as stepping onto a tram, letting the scenery drift by and daydreaming about what exciting ballets will greet me next.

Milan's ballet scene is an absolute whirlwind. Each show is like stepping into a whole new world. You find yourself wrapped up in a tale, in an emotion, a performance. It's more than just entertainment – it's a captivating experience.

Travel Like a Ballerina

Speaking of captivating experiences, this week I'm travelling in the most charming way! From London to Milan I opted for the Eurostar. I always enjoy a train ride, it gives me time to lose myself in a book, a podcast, or a new ballet score. On board the Eurostar I bumped into a group of young ballet students, all dressed in their ballet outfits and carrying their bags with beautiful hand-painted pointe shoes peeking out – they were all so excited, as you’d imagine, going on their big dance trip to Italy!

That experience got me thinking - what would the "ideal ballet travel wardrobe" look like? Maybe it's a bright pink tutu paired with a chic leather jacket, some stylish ballet flats that look fantastic with both jeans and dresses, a ballet-inspired crossbody bag... Maybe we can do a “Pink Tutu Travel Tips” blog post for next week!

Pinks and Tutus Everywhere!

I love seeing so many ladies embrace the pink tutu life! Everywhere I go I see a splash of pink or a glimpse of a ballerina skirt. And that’s the joy of the pink tutu – it’s so playful and fun, it adds a bit of whimsy and delight to everything.

Until Next Time…

That’s a wrap for this week! Until next Monday, when I’ll be back with another blog post brimming with my Milan ballet adventures! Remember, the magic is in the twirl and a dash of pink is always the right way to go!

Catch you soon, beautiful dancers!


P.S. Check out to join the movement, or to find some of my favourite places in Milan!


Emma's "Pink Tutu Milan" posts are works of fiction and do not depict actual events, though they are intended to represent a fun, relatable, and aspirational view of traveling, ballet, and fashion!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-10-21 ballet blog from Milano Italia