Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-12-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1072: A Festive Feast of Fashion & Frolic

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu aficionado, back from a whirlwind of Christmas cheer in Milan. Oh, this city, it truly is magical during the holidays! The streets are awash with twinkling lights, the air hums with festive tunes, and the scent of cinnamon and pine needles lingers everywhere. As a girl who loves all things sparkling and sweet, I'm pretty much living the dream!

It's been a busy week, but such a joy! You see, dear readers, this is what I love about being a ballerina blogger: I get to chase my passion for pink tutus and all things dance-related around the globe, and then share it all with you. It's pretty much a dream job, honestly!

This week, I've been indulging my love for everything fashion. Milan is a treasure trove for the sartorialist in me, and it was bursting at the seams with glittery dresses and sparkling accessories for the festive season. I practically lived in the designer stores, oohing and ahhing over all the beautiful things! Of course, I did a spot of ballet shopping, too, finding a gloriously pink pair of pointe shoes with delicate floral embroidery – a little festive touch to make my toes twirl even brighter!

Ballet in the Big City

Milan's been dazzling me with an amazing selection of ballet performances. The other day, I found myself at the Teatro alla Scala for a truly breath-taking production of “The Nutcracker.” The grandeur of the theatre itself, the dazzling costumes, and the effortless artistry of the dancers … it truly was an unforgettable experience. The ballerina portraying Clara stole my heart! I was particularly entranced by the Sugarplum Fairy’s tutu – a cloud of shimmering tulle that would make any ballerina's heart skip a beat! The choreography was captivating and had me entranced – every leap and pirouette just filled me with such a beautiful kind of awe. It was a magical night that perfectly captured the spirit of Christmas.

Speaking of tutus, you'll be delighted to hear that I managed to slip a spot of ballet class into my schedule! I'm absolutely obsessed with a studio just off the Piazza del Duomo – it's a hidden gem tucked away on a cobbled street. The space is lovely, with warm, wooden floors that just hum with the sound of pirouettes and jetés. I even managed to meet a group of local dancers, so friendly and passionate! They're the kind of people who make you feel like you're a part of a close-knit community. It's an added bonus that my classmates were wearing all shades of pink tutus – such a delight to behold!

Travel Tales

And now, a little bit about how I navigate this fantastic city: my trusty travel companions are the Milan trams and trains! There’s something charmingly romantic about taking a vintage tram, chugging along through the cobbled streets. It makes me feel like I'm in a whimsical film, especially with all the twinkling lights in the festive season. Plus, it allows me to absorb the magic of Milan in slow motion.

Christmas Feast for the Senses

You can't spend Christmas in Milan without exploring the bustling markets! They're like little festivals of twinkling lights, delicious treats, and delightful crafts. The aroma of roasted chestnuts and freshly-baked panettone filled the air, and the sights and sounds of carol singers and festive crowds created a beautiful atmosphere. It was definitely a feast for the senses! I've even learned a little about the traditional Christmas cake – "Panettone", which is essentially a fluffy, fruit-filled bread that's quite decadent and divine.

The shops here are truly a visual delight – gorgeous windows dressed up with whimsical scenes and glittering displays. Every street is filled with colours, sparkles, and the thrill of discovering a unique treasure tucked away in a charming little alley.

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

One of my favourite parts of being here in Milan has been seeing the incredible variety of street performers. It truly is a street-performance hub! From talented dancers and musicians to captivating storytellers and actors, it feels like a living stage. It's like you never know what unexpected artistic delights will pop up on any given street corner!

I know you guys are wondering about how I manage to fund my ballet travels – it’s a lot of hard work and passion. You see, I make ends meet by performing as a freelance dancer at local theatres and venues around Derbyshire and the UK. It’s all about balancing my passion with practicalities. And trust me, it’s worth every bit of hard work and travel stress because being a Pink Tutu blogger has been an absolute joy!

A Little Pink-Tutu Inspiration for You

Right now, as I write this, the sky outside is beginning to blush with the promise of a magnificent Milanese sunset. I can almost smell the delicious scent of panettone and hear the tinkling bells of Christmas carollers. This city, this Christmas – it’s the perfect recipe for an utterly magical moment, one that's infused with the spirit of Pink Tutu.

And speaking of magic, let's share some pink-tutu cheer! If you are celebrating this magical time of the year, how about we spread the joy of tutus to our friends and family? Imagine, all of us twirling together under a blanket of stars and fairy lights, making our own little pink-tutu Christmas dreams come true. What a magical Christmas present, right? Think of it this way: every pink tutu we wear is a testament to our inner joy and love for all things sparkling and delightful!

And remember: We’re never too old for a pink tutu. It’s a celebration of our individuality, our inner sparkle, and our passion for life, one twirling step at a time!

Remember, dear readers, it’s our differences, our passions, our willingness to be brave and express ourselves through a dash of colour and a splash of fun, that makes us who we are. Let’s wear that individuality, and the joy it brings, like a beautiful pink tutu that lets our light shine brightly for the world to see!

Stay sparkly, and always twirl with joy,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2015-12-23 ballet blog from Milano Italia