Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-01-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 1076 - Wednesday, 20th January 2016

Buongiorno, darling! It's Emma here, reporting live from the heart of Milan!

Well, wouldn't you know it, another week has zipped by quicker than a pirouette and I'm back with my weekly Milan fix! The city's radiating charm, and this week, the magic is reaching new heights – quite literally, as I just witnessed a dazzling ballet performance at Teatro alla Scala. Yes, my dears, the Teatro alla Scala, the iconic opera house, just steps away from my beautiful hotel!

Just let me explain... My trip to Milan this time was triggered by a chance encounter – an advertisement I spotted for a weekend-long ballet festival. Naturally, I booked my tickets immediately. (Remember those lovely evening performances that I was telling you about – the ones that help me fund these fantastic adventures?) I knew instantly that I couldn't miss it!

You see, dear readers, you don't just travel to Milan for its incredible fashion – though that is certainly a huge part of the fun! The city, a symphony of history and style, has this incredible soul, a heartbeat that thrums with the magic of culture. The cobbled streets whisper stories, and the buildings themselves are grand tales waiting to be unravelled.

And as for the ballet! I mean, can you even imagine? The grandeur of the theatre, the elegant, hushed atmosphere... And then, the sheer talent of the dancers, pirouetteing and gliding, with an effortless grace that made me gasp in awe. It was pure perfection!

My trusty pink tutu? Oh, it was front and centre! After all, darling, no ballet journey is complete without it! It practically glittered under the theatre lights! The vibrant pink contrasted beautifully with the warm tones of the Italian theatre, and a few fellow spectators even stopped to compliment it!

Before I tell you about the spectacular ballet performance itself (which, by the way, was based on the timeless story of Romeo and Juliet, with stunning costumes and captivating choreography!), let me regale you with the magical journey I took just to get there.

See, you just can't appreciate the real soul of a city without embracing its public transport, its veins of movement! Now, my dears, let me tell you about the charm of a tram ride through Milan. Picture it – the warm sun glistening off the terracotta rooftops, the laughter of locals on their way home from work, the aroma of freshly baked pastries drifting through the open windows... That's the Milan I fell in love with, the everyday magic, the beauty in the ordinary!

And on this particular tram ride, my pink tutu was once again a catalyst for delight! A sweet elderly gentleman – oh, he must have been around 80, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a smile as warm as the Milan sunshine - pointed at my pink tutu with glee, then he, with the biggest flourish, whipped out a handkerchief from his pocket and, with a deep bow, offered it to me to 'clean' my tutu. I burst into laughter, I swear it!

We were both quite the picture – this elegant gentleman in his tweed jacket and beret, me in my whimsical tutu. His laughter was contagious, it was so spontaneous, so filled with pure joy! We exchanged smiles and, of course, a hearty 'Grazie mille!'. Such a small act of kindness, such a shared moment, made me realise just how incredibly powerful these small connections are. The magic of Italy, darling, is found not just in its grand monuments, but also in these small moments, these everyday miracles.

But I am digressing, dear reader! We must get back to the ballet. After the beautiful tram ride, I found myself strolling down Via Larga, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying the city buzz. And what was waiting for me at the corner, my darlings, but a street artist painting a gorgeous rendition of one of the dancers from the very ballet I was about to see! He was using all these incredible vibrant colours – I loved the way they echoed the dazzling costumes that would be gracing the stage. I had to, of course, have a quick chat with him. We spoke about the importance of beauty, the magic of art, and how it has the power to move our souls. Such a lovely encounter!

As the evening descended, and the cityscape lit up like a jewel box, I finally arrived at Teatro alla Scala. This theatre is, as they say, an architectural masterpiece! It stands proudly on Piazza della Scala, a real icon of the city. I took a moment to appreciate its beauty – the imposing facade, the delicate ornamentation, the aura of history that lingered in the air… and, of course, I couldn’t resist posing for a few pictures!

When the performance began, I felt like I was transported to another world – one where music and dance intertwine in a way that sends shivers down your spine. The choreography was fluid and powerful, the costumes were exquisite (especially the dress of Juliet – it was an explosion of colour and shimmer!), and the dancers’ movements… they were like liquid poetry!

The story unfolded beautifully. I felt the intensity of Romeo and Juliet’s love, the heartbreak of their tragic ending. There were moments that made me laugh out loud, others that brought tears to my eyes, but most importantly, there were moments that left me feeling deeply moved.

After the performance, I stood with other enthusiasts, chatting about our favourite parts and buzzing about the incredible talent we had witnessed. A beautiful young woman, radiant in a floral print dress, was mesmerised, completely in her own world – I knew instantly what it felt like! You see, dear reader, ballet has this magical effect of taking us away, of making us believe anything is possible.

So, darling, are you starting to get an idea of what this city holds for a girl like me? It’s vibrant, exhilarating, filled with passion. Milan breathes beauty, and as I twirled my way through its streets, I couldn't help but feel that the spirit of the city mirrored the essence of my pink tutu.

Now, let me tell you about the fabulous time I spent exploring Milan's fashion district after the ballet! We must talk about this, because darling, fashion, oh my goodness, is one of my greatest loves, right after my pink tutu and all things ballet, of course. And Milan is nothing short of a fashion paradise, darling. Think: rows upon rows of designer boutiques, with shimmering shop windows showcasing the latest trends! I mean, just strolling along these streets is a real fashion experience! And, oh, don't get me started on the shoe shops. The shoes, the shoes… It's practically a dream come true, an endless collection of beautiful stilettos, kitten heels, platforms, flats – you name it!

And wouldn’t you know it, right in the midst of all this fashionista fun, I discovered a cute little shop selling pink tutus! Not just any tutus, though, darling, but ones with this intricate, sparkly design – just perfect for a Milan fashion adventure!

Of course, I had to try one on! It felt as though I was literally stepping into a fairytale, as the light reflected off the delicate fabric and I twirled around the shop! (Don’t worry, I didn’t do a full-fledged performance. But I did imagine a little bit! ).

It fit perfectly, darling – so much that I couldn’t resist adding it to my collection! Imagine my joy, my dear readers – I have a new pink tutu in Milan!

However, it wasn't all shopping and ballet. I also squeezed in a little time to visit one of the most famous landmarks in Milan, the majestic Duomo, the sprawling cathedral that rises towards the sky! It's an awe-inspiring structure, a mix of architectural styles, all harmonizing together in this magnificent display of religious devotion. Just walking inside was a humbling experience – the sunlight pouring through stained-glass windows, the hush of reverence, the quiet prayers… a real sense of peace resonated through the cathedral. And yes, I did have to take a picture wearing my pink tutu with the Duomo in the background! Of course! That's my way of spreading the pink tutu magic, one beautiful place at a time!

The Duomo reminded me of the extraordinary stories, the immense talent, the incredible energy, and the unparalleled charm of this enchanting city. And as the clock strikes another memorable day, I know, dear reader, that I'll be dreaming of pink tutus, grand theaters, bustling tram rides, and the delicious taste of espresso - Milan truly does captivate the heart.

See you next week!

Ciao Bella!

Emma x

PS Don’t forget to visit my website and check out my Instagram for even more of my pink tutu adventures!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-01-20 ballet blog from Milano Italia