Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-03-30 ballet blog from Milano Italia

#PinkTutuMilan: Ciao Bella from Milan! (Post 1086)

Buongiorno, darlings!

Emma here, writing to you live from the heart of Milan, Italy! It's Wednesday, the 30th of March, 2016, and I'm bubbling over with excitement, because, as you all know, Wednesday means one thing: Pink Tutu Milan!

For those of you who are new to my little corner of the internet (welcome, darlings! Make yourselves at home!), let me give you a quick introduction. Every week, on Monday, I upload a new blog post to my website, I'm an aspiring ballerina (with a penchant for the colour pink and a deep, abiding love for all things tutu!), and I'm on a mission to share my adventures, from the most magical ballet performances to the trendiest shopping streets and the cosiest train journeys.

My current mission? To conquer Milan in a swirl of pink tulle! And honestly, I think this fabulous city is absolutely loving it! I've just finished a series of gorgeous performances at Teatro alla Scala - let's just say the standing ovation after Swan Lake was absolutely breathtaking, darling! You'd have thought the whole audience was going to melt into a puddle of love and applause, the atmosphere was that electric.

Of course, I couldn't grace the stage in just any tutu, could I? My “Moonlight” tutu (with its gorgeous soft, powder-pink silk layers) perfectly matched my pointe shoes - I’m sporting the most darling pair with satin ribbons that sparkle like a million tiny stars under the theatre’s spotlight. After all, when you’re a ballerina on a mission, details matter.

And speaking of details… let me tell you about this amazing city. I know what you’re thinking - "Milan is all about fashion, darling! Not ballet!" Oh, but you're so very wrong, my sweet! Yes, Milan is fashion's playground (I mean, have you seen the boutiques?!) But Milan is also an absolute treasure trove for ballet! I'm so glad I heeded my mama’s advice from back in Derbyshire (we both knew it, honey, we just knew!)

This morning, I woke up feeling the sunshine on my face, the birds singing outside my little window - such a contrast to the misty hills of Derbyshire, even though the air here is still a little chilly. After a little breakfast of croissants and espresso, (delicious, darlings!), I ventured out into the city, hopping onto the most charming little tram with its yellow leather seats. (Isn’t there just something so elegant about these little vehicles?) The tram journey gave me a glimpse of Milan’s hidden beauty - pastel-colored houses, ancient churches, and the vibrant bustle of local life. And, of course, the locals are always stylish, but with a bit more of an effortless Parisian feel compared to London’s fashionistas.

My first stop? Well, darlings, naturally it had to be the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - you simply can't come to Milan without visiting this majestic building! It’s a glass-roofed paradise of shopping and indulgence! From exquisite leather goods to couture designs, there are so many temptations waiting to be explored. I even saw a shop selling gorgeous velvet and silk fabrics for making tutus – could I be more delighted? I almost had to resist grabbing every bolt and weaving myself a new creation on the spot! It’s like they've taken the world's best designers and cobbled them all together under one breathtaking roof!

However, today I was not here to succumb to fashion's seductive call! No, darlings! I was here to take in some art! Because tucked away between those opulent designer stores and sparkling jewellers, the Galleria hosts some magnificent works of art. You’ll find a whole slew of famous paintings and sculptures scattered throughout the building. There’s also a gorgeous sculpture by a famous Italian artist... what was his name? The one with the…gestures wildly to the side… you know!… The one who designed the cathedral! Anyway, beautiful! I swear, his sculptures made my tutu twirl in admiration!

Speaking of the cathedral… The Duomo! Wow! A breathtaking masterpiece, that’s all I can say. This isn't just any cathedral; it's Milan’s cathedral. Its imposing presence towers above the city like a dream made of marble and gold. The facade is so intricate it looks like a page from a storybook! I stood mesmerized for ages, just drinking in the grandeur of it all. You can almost feel the stories within its stone walls! And when the sun hit those little marble peaks and sculptures… darling, let’s just say you’d need a whole tutu set just to accommodate those sparkly, reflected reflections!

From there, I took a little walk through the bustling streets, weaving my way past beautiful cobblestone lanes and charming little shops. I discovered a hidden little corner where the most darling pastries were nestled in a display window, like jewels on a velvet cushion! I swear, every bakery and cafe in Milan looks absolutely delightful. (And oh, the aromas, honey! My tummy danced with anticipation. It felt a tad jealous that I was too full from my morning croissants to taste any more.)

And as the sun began its graceful descent, casting long, beautiful shadows across the city, I found myself at the Teatro alla Scala - a building perfectly suited to a Pink Tutu girl, darling! I know, it sounds presumptuous, but you can’t deny its beauty. This opera house, steeped in tradition, exudes a certain elegance and majesty. I couldn’t wait to see if it felt just as lovely in person as I'd dreamt. And oh, it most definitely did!

This place truly is an enchanting palace, and not just for ballet, darlings. But there are no other tutus quite like my tutu. It’s my favourite way to experience theatre. And when the curtain rose, the first note of music started playing - Oh, honey, I swore I felt it vibrate through the layers of tulle around me! It literally lifted my heart (along with my tutu!). There was a spark of magic that was just utterly intoxicating.

It's like the entire space just embraced me, whispered sweet secrets of forgotten romances and grand triumphs. I love the sense of history that you literally feel radiating from every inch of this theatre! It’s not just about watching a show; it's about being part of something bigger than yourself, and that, my darlings, is truly magical!

But I didn’t just visit the theatre today to catch a show. No, darling. I wanted to find my next ballet challenge, and I have. I am absolutely delighted to share that next week, I will be taking a ballet class! I just know I will be a giggling ball of excitement all week. It couldn’t have been a more fitting location either! (There’s a gorgeous pink ballerina doll figurine in the front window and everything.)

Speaking of ballet, one of my most loved moments in today's performance? A duet between a stunning ballerina and a handsome young dancer, that brought tears to my eyes. (It’s good practice, darling, when you need to twirl for the finale, as I was!) She moved with a grace that reminded me of the flow of a silken river, the water dancing around rocks with such effortlessness. As they embraced, a little gasp of air slipped from my lips. There is just something about ballet that makes even the simplest gestures a miracle.

After a delectable Italian meal (a steaming bowl of delicious pasta, if you’re asking, which, I think you are) , it’s time to call it a day, darling. As I type these final words from my hotel room (don't worry, I had time for a little more window shopping!), the twinkling lights of Milan dance outside. And that’s just what this fabulous city is all about.

I must dash now (that pink tutu isn’t going to twirl itself!) I have so many more ballet adventures to share with you. And don’t forget, if you’re looking for a little pink tutu inspiration this week, go ahead and check out my latest blog posts. I post every Monday on I can’t wait to see you next week.

Until then, Emma x x x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-03-30 ballet blog from Milano Italia