Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-05-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #1093: A Ballet Bonanza in the City of Fashion!

Ciao bella!

It's Wednesday, the 18th of May 2016, and the sun is shining so brightly here in Milan, you'd think it was jealous of my pink tutu! I've finally arrived after a gloriously scenic train journey from Derbyshire. The green countryside whizzing by, the sunshine reflecting off the rivers and fields… a true feast for the eyes! But nothing could prepare me for the magic of Milan itself.

This bustling city is positively oozing with energy and glamour, and I'm absolutely giddy with excitement.

Let's be honest, I wouldn't be here without the love of ballet. You see, I fund these fabulous trips by performing in various shows, from intimate theatre performances to street ballets. My most recent performance was in a quaint little village just outside of Manchester, where I waltzed in a sea of smiling faces under the twinkle of fairy lights. I must say, a small, intimate show where you can really connect with the audience, has its own special charm! And let’s not forget, it helps pay for this incredible trip to Milan!

Fashion Fever

First stop, naturally, was a trip to Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. It's truly a dazzling sight, with stunning architecture and designer shops that are positively overflowing with the most breathtaking fashion creations. It's practically impossible to choose what to admire first! It was a challenge, but I somehow managed to resist the lure of Gucci and Prada, knowing I had other destinations in mind, and of course, I have to stick to my budget for this trip! But that doesn't mean I wasn't indulging in a little retail therapy.

Imagine my joy when I found this little boutique tucked away on Via Sant' Andrea, bursting with colour, adorned with a delightful window display. The sales assistant was a lovely, chatty lady who knew the meaning of customer service! After an enthralling fashion consultation, I emerged from the shop clutching a stunning scarlet clutch bag with delicate silver detailing – the perfect complement to my latest tutu acquisition!

Yes, I confess. I did finally succumb to the siren song of fashion and found myself in a little haven dedicated to tutus. A pink-hued paradise where dreams are made of tulle! This little shop was like a treasure chest full of vibrant colours, each tutu more exquisite than the last. And that’s how a beautiful, cloud-like pink tutu (complete with a delicate embroidered design), ended up nestling in my suitcase.

A Ballet Oasis

Now, it’s no secret that I have a bit of a weakness for tutus, but I’m even more passionate about seeing amazing ballet performances. Today, I’m making my way to Teatro alla Scala for a matinee performance of “Giselle.” Can you imagine a performance at the heart of Italian opera? It's going to be simply magical!

Imagine my delight when I spotted a gorgeous floral dress that was just screaming for a ballerina in pink! I felt a sudden urge to twirl… but decided against it in favour of keeping my skirt out of any street performers' sticky paws, who tend to flock to this part of the city. But hey, it's a delicate balance: my passion for ballet combined with my fashion cravings! It’s an ongoing struggle!

Walking through the streets of Milan is a vibrant sensory experience, like being transported to a world of art, fashion, and, most importantly, a love for performance! The charm of the cobbled streets, the delectable smells of freshly baked bread and gelato… Milan truly captivates the senses. And let’s not forget the incredible public transportation, which whisks you to destinations at the speed of a twirl, all with a charming old-world vibe.

My favorite, of course, is the tram. There's nothing more charming than getting a window seat, the sun on your face, and a little twirl on the tram - you can’t beat that!

Ballet on the Go

You see, I’m quite the wanderer when I'm on a trip. The spirit of adventure leads me everywhere, from cobbled streets to stunning piazzas. I love getting lost in the winding alleyways and exploring hidden cafes and street markets. Each corner presents a new delight - from charming boutiques to delectable gelaterias! It's all part of the beauty of travelling!

And of course, every good traveller needs to find a lovely spot to people watch! That's how I stumbled upon this absolutely breathtaking park, tucked away behind one of the famous Duomo's ornate doors.

The sunshine was pouring through the leaves, bathing the park in a dappled light, making everything seem magical! I grabbed a takeaway latte from a nearby cafe and spent the afternoon in this tranquil oasis, lost in a daydream of swirling tutus and soaring ballets. I even spotted a little girl practising her pirouettes, and I swear I heard a hushed gasp from the group of teenage boys watching her with admiring gazes!

Now, here’s a thought… Maybe they’ll all be sporting tutus by the end of the week. Maybe, just maybe, it is possible for everyone to embrace the beauty of the tutu… Even in Milan, where the fashion gods reign supreme!

### Ballet Bonanza: Milan!

The show at the Teatro alla Scala is in the morning and I am still beaming from last night’s show in Teatro Regio di Torino! I made the most of my day travelling between Milan and Torino, which by train took only an hour and a half - it was an impromptu but completely amazing, unexpected adventure! And as if my day couldn't get any more enchanting, I met the loveliest little girl backstage - she wants to be a ballerina!

Dancing my Way Back Home

This has been a truly remarkable week filled with beautiful ballet performances and endless Parisian charm. But the call of the stage awaits me, and so I must bid farewell to Milan, the city of fashion, for now. It is hard to leave this captivating city!

I can't wait to come back and experience it all again. Who knows what fabulous adventures await on my next pink tutu journey?

Ciao bella, and stay tuned for next week’s Pink Tutu Diary!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-05-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia