Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-07-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #1101 – Bonjour from Bella Milano!

It’s Wednesday, 13th July 2016, and I'm here in Milan, darling! You just wouldn’t believe the adventures this Pink Tutu Princess has been having! Honestly, you won’t want to miss this week’s blog – I’ve got some major news to share about my next big performance and you're going to just love what I've found on the Milan fashion scene!

It all began back in Derbyshire, as always. This week's performance was in Buxton, at the Pavilion Arts Centre, a stunningly grand Victorian theatre – it reminded me a bit of a smaller, cosier Royal Albert Hall! This time, I performed “The Sugar Plum Fairy”, with the lovely "Derbyshire Dance Company", and we completely sold out! Honestly, I think it might just have been the most magical performance I’ve ever had. It really felt like we were all twinkling under a sky full of shimmering stars.

The week after, I took the train down to the city, the London Paddington station platform was so busy - everyone in London was heading off for their holidays. It felt very British! I boarded the train and grabbed the closest window seat, the bright London sky outside transformed into shades of green fields and the bright pink clouds. After a long and beautiful journey, the train pulled into London King's Cross. The place is iconic and amazing with all the old gothic style architecture. My London show at the Royal Opera House went fantastically - I've never been nervous in a performance, just pure excited anticipation, which I hope really translated to the audience.

Once the curtain fell on the performance, I headed off to a little pop up art and fashion market near Oxford Street and bought some new clothes! You see, darling, there's more to Pink Tutu Milan than just the city! For me, it's about bringing a touch of whimsy and colour wherever I go - even to a bustling London market!

Anyway, this week's blog is all about Milan. Oh, my darling! You're going to absolutely love what I've found here.

Stepping into La Moda

I'd always wanted to visit Milan. Everyone talks about its fashion, but, honestly, even the most seasoned fashionista would be overwhelmed by the streets of this city. They just drip in chic elegance! Think flowing silk, perfectly cut trousers, stylish shoes, handbags that could double as actual works of art… and that's just on the tram! (Yes, darling, even Milan’s transport system is fashion forward. They just don't mess around!)

The very minute I arrived, I headed straight to a street lined with stores full of exquisite shoes! Every shoe, darling, was more extravagant than the last – metallic heels, rainbow coloured wedges, even crystal-encrusted loafers, perfect for waltzing down the streets of Milan! And all this was just a tiny sliver of the fashion haven that this city is!

Speaking of dancing… this week, I finally did something I'd dreamed about for ages – I tried a dance class at this truly magnificent studio, tucked away in a hidden courtyard in the heart of the city. Imagine this: stone walls covered in vines, a grand glass ceiling, and a beautiful hardwood floor. You could feel the history in the air as soon as you stepped in! It felt a little like the kind of ballet studio you might find in one of those grand old Russian estates in the movies, but much more sparkly, of course! (Because I wouldn’t have it any other way!)

My Pink Tutu Italian Adventure!

The instructor, Elena, was just wonderful – all kind smiles and flowing black hair. She greeted everyone with such warm embraces that I instantly felt so at home, like I'd arrived in a ballet family I never knew I belonged to. For the lesson, we learned a short ballet routine, perfect for whirling about like fairies on a beautiful summer day!

During the warm-up, Elena asked me about my journey and my work, and I, of course, told her all about the “Pink Tutu” and my little Pink Tutu mission! Well, darling, she was absolutely thrilled. Elena even suggested some local performances for me to attend, and I promised her to keep her updated about my progress. She’s already inspired me with a fantastic idea: a street performance with a live orchestra! That would just be incredible, darling! Imagine, dancing under the Milanese sky, the music flowing all around us! Swoon!

While Elena gave everyone a final encouraging ciao, I thought about my week here in Milan, and I realised how far my Pink Tutu journey had already taken me! When I first started “Pink Tutu”, I was just a shy, little girl from Derbyshire with a big dream: to dance, to bring a little pink sparkle to the world. Now, here I am in Milan, sharing my passion with a truly lovely community, discovering the world through ballet and finding amazing inspiration. I even bought a new tutu here (oh, it's just so beautiful, darling – a blush pink, like the morning sky in spring. Just imagine it against this Italian light – absolute magic!

Just in Case You're Thinking About Pink Tutus...

Yes, darling, it is actually possible to be a dancer even if you don’t go to London for classes or have super posh teachers! Don't get me wrong, I love all my teachers in the London schools - so many famous faces. However, as I've found this week, magic exists everywhere, you just have to know where to look for it. And I know I’m not the only one with dreams of wearing a pink tutu!

Don't just stand on the sidelines! It's important to follow your dreams and let the little pink fairy inside you take the stage, no matter where you are. (This is a huge part of the Pink Tutu mission! Don't worry, darling – I have plenty of ideas for you, if you're ready for the challenge!)

So, don't let anything stop you, even if your local ballet school is in a village hall! Remember what my motto says – “If you have the courage to wear a pink tutu, you can do anything.” I've got my pink tutu, I'm in Milan - and who knows, maybe next time it will be your turn!

### A Day in My Pink Tutu Life...

Speaking of dreams, how's your week going? Do tell! What did you achieve this week that makes you feel proud? I’m always up for listening and inspiring – you can write to me on my website, leave a comment here on the blog, or just follow me on Instagram!

I’m a bit of a chatterbox, I know! (Oh, but who doesn't love a bit of chat?) It's how I make friends all around the world, right?! Now, let's see… I think it's time I give you a peek into my day in La Moda Milan!

This is what happened:

7:00 am: Bonjour, beautiful sunshine, beautiful city
First things first, breakfast, darling! There's just something about the smell of freshly brewed coffee in Italy. This place really knows how to treat their caffeine fans! A croissant with apricot jam – perfect.

9:00 am: A little ballet boutique treasure I stumbled across this adorable little boutique on a back street and inside, amongst vintage hats, silk scarves, and pearl necklaces, was the most breathtaking collection of ballet shoes I've ever seen! They were hand-stitched with shimmering jewels and even came with matching dance bags. And oh, darling, the colours! I fell in love instantly. Of course, I treated myself to a brand new pair, and I just had to snag a matching pink tutu as well!

10:00 am: My Milan morning in a tram My first Italian tram ride – I was so excited, I almost forgot to wear my new pink tutu shoes! I picked a spot at the window to enjoy the views of this beautiful, elegant city. Honestly, darling, I don't think you could design a more glamorous bus stop if you tried. I couldn't stop looking out the windows. The sunlight was just glorious and made everything feel so vibrant and luxurious!

12:00 pm: A perfect Pink Tutu Lunch Break Italians take their food so seriously. I popped into a cosy, family-run bistro near my apartment and ordered a light lunch of risotto and grilled vegetables, followed by an incredible tiramisu (so light and airy, darling, almost melts on your tongue!), all topped with a delicious espresso! And because I'm such a girly-girl, I ended the lunch with a glass of sweet, chilled prosecco - I felt so glam!

2:00 pm: Discovering Milan's secrets on foot And off I went to explore! It felt amazing to be back out in the sunshine again, and the city just kept surprising me with beautiful little alleys, gardens hidden behind elegant facades, and quirky little cafes serving the most amazing fragrant Italian coffees. And all the fashion, darling – the vibrant prints, the chic styles, the extravagant shoes – all making me dream of whimsical Pink Tutu outfits, naturally!

4:00 pm: A surprise ballet experience You’ll never believe what happened next! As I was walking, a sound of music wafted through the air, like an enchanting song from a dream. It was the most beautiful melody, and it drew me to this incredible square, like a tiny ballet stage tucked away amongst the cafes. In the middle, this group of artists was performing street ballet – such vibrant colours, so much passion. I had to just stand there, enchanted, watching them dance like the whole world had disappeared around me. This truly was my pink tutu dream! I later learned it was a “Ballet in Piazza” – it really was just magic. And they weren’t afraid to wear pink, either!

6:00 pm: La delicious Milan Dinner Time! Well, I certainly couldn't pass up the opportunity to dine like a princess, darling! I savoured the most delicious plate of real pasta carbonara – you wouldn't believe the flavours! Oh, darling, you just must experience this kind of food when you get to Milan. It will leave you feeling so full of life.

8:00 pm: A truly magical performance I saw a fantastic performance of La Traviata tonight! Such passionate energy on stage, the incredible voices echoing around the stunning theatre – a place steeped in the history of Italian theatre. I absolutely loved the story of love, longing, and loss. I could hardly stay in my seat, darling – it was that magical!

10:00 pm: Returning home in Milan As I walked back to my apartment, my tutu twirling gently, I could almost hear the whispers of this incredible city echoing through the night. There’s so much magic in this city. I had a very full but perfect day – that's Milan!

My pink tutu Milan – my pink tutu home

You know what? I think this city has already stolen a little part of my heart. You can just feel the joy here. It's such a vibrant and beautiful place. As soon as I returned to my little pink haven in the city, I spent some time writing a blog, sketching my new tutu in my notebook, and daydreaming about the many possibilities the world holds.

For a while, it feels like I've found my happy place. My journey as a Pink Tutu princess continues! But now, darling, I need to pack. There's a little ballet show in Rome tomorrow – and of course, my Pink Tutu will be on the stage. Ciao!

Remember, my sweet lovelies – Pink Tutu, everywhere, every time! Let's bring a bit of colour and sunshine to the world!

Stay connected: and @pinktutublogger

With love, your Pink Tutu Princess

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2016-07-13 ballet blog from Milano Italia